Music Education Salzburg

Tag der offenen Tür Musikpädagogik | © Christian Schneider

The Department of Music Education introduces students to their future work as teachers in different types of schools. Students are encouraged to be open and creative in dealing with diverse forms of musical expression, research, the development of new forms of medial communication. The department also enjoys cooperation with cultural institutions in the Salzburg area and the promotes international exchange.



  • 10.4.2025
    07:15 pm
    Kleines Studio
    Open Stage
    Instrumental - Vocal - Performance: Invitation to the Open Stage!
    · Free
  • 11.4.—12.4.2025
    Music theory workshop
    This workshop weekend offers an ideal supplement to your own preparation. In a group rotation principle, all important areas of the licensing exam are taken with a focus on ear training and tone setting.
  • 24.4.2025
    10:00 am
    Moz Art Zone
    ORIGO Volksmusikfestival
    Volksliedsingen mit Schulen im Rahmen der Moz-Art-Zone
    · Free
  • 24.4.2025
    04:00 pm
    Kleines Studio
    ORIGO Volksmusikfestival
    Round Table zum Thema „WANTED: Hackbrettbauer*innen“, Moderation: Wolfgang Brunner
    · Free
  • 24.4.2025
    07:00 pm
    ORIGO Volksmusikfestival
    Eröffnungskonzert, mit Studierenden der Universität Mozarteum


Media library


What will the building projects of the future and daily life (together) look like? What about modes of transport? And: How can arts and academia work together and inspire each other? These are the questions at the heart of the project Co-CreART.

cult. spot: A musical tour guide

The app "" leads young users to historical places where original works are presented in their authentic setting, opening up a special musical experience. Through gamification and storytelling, multi-layered learning opportunities are created for inquisitive minds.

Research projects

  • Co-CreART | © Cati Krüger

    Together with children and young people, the inter- and transdisciplinary CreART Lab is being developed in collaboration with partners from the fields of art & culture, science & technology, education & outreach, and in cooperation with regional companies and networks. A mobile experimental space that, in the spirit of the guiding principle "Co-Creating Change!", is intended to inspire, motivate and support children and young people to (co-)create change.

    Research project
  • Illustration eines Auges
    Sound Christmas trees and other gifts. "Silent Night" in the artistic-scientific field of tension 

    An autograph from the hand of Joseph Mohr, written around 1820, is the oldest surviving autograph of a carol which, starting in Oberndorf, quickly spread throughout the 'old' and 'new' world. Silent Night" is a song that - translated into many languages - has become an integral part of the Christmas message of peace. To what extent can a 100-year-old song appeal to young people today and become an impulse for creative work? Pupils of the BORG Oberndorf and the BORG-Gastein are invited to deal imaginatively with the topics opened up by the song and to reflect on and evaluate the products of their work together.

    Research project
  • Illustration eines Auges
    Individual ↔ Collectivum 

    Students of the 7A class of the BORG-Nonntal will create a music-theatrical performance of the improvisational-experimental score Individuum↔Collectivum (1979) by the composer Vinko Globokar. How can experimental-improvisational artistic interactions be described as aesthetic and social phenomena? Which methods prove to be particularly suitable for this purpose and what conclusions can be drawn in order to specifically promote aesthetic competences in music lessons?

    Research project


Michaela Schwarzbauer, Clemens Peck [Hg.]
LIT Verlag, Wien/Berlin 2024 | Einwürfe: Texte zu Musik - Kunst - Pädagogik : Band 13
Music Education


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Research Assistant / Second Vice-Chair of the Students’ Union

Martin Losert | © Elsa Okazaki
Martin Losert

Univ.-Prof. of Instrumental & Vocal Pedagogy / Coordinator of the Cooperation with the Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium GmbH

Department Head
Curriculum Committee
© Hermann Wakolbinger
Karen Schlimp

Lektorin for improvisation / Lecturer „Advanced Studies in Music and Dance Education – Orff-Schulwerk“



© Vanessa Friedl

Project staff Co-CreArT

Stefan David Hummel | © Elsa Okazaki
Stefan David Hummel

Head of Pre-College / Personal Assistant to the Rector / Coordinator of the International Mozart Competition / Lecturer for orchestra didactics & ensemble

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