Orchestras and ensembles

With its various ensembles, choirs and orchestras, the Mozarteum University offers a wide range of opportunities for students to gain valuable practical experience, to participate in major projects both inside and outside the university, and to work with renowned performers and conductors while they are still students.
Orchestra Office
+43 676 88122 354
Hubert-Sattler-Gasse 1
5020 Salzburg

Symphony Orchestra
In the symphony orchestra, orchestral musicians gain their first podium experience during their studies under the direction of renowned conductors and receive essential impulses for their artistic development. Personalities such as Bernhard Paumgartner, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Michael Gielen, Dennis Russell Davies, Peter Schneider, Gerd Albrecht, André Previn and Cornelius Meister have stood at the podium.
From 2013 to fall 2015, Hans Graf led the orchestra; from 2015-2018, Bruno Weil, Reinhard Goebel, and Johannes Kalitzke presided over the orchestra. With the beginning of the winter semester 2020/21, this position was filled by Ion Marin. The internationally acclaimed conductor is also responsible for the training of the conducting students. Concert invitations have already taken the orchestra to the Salzburg Mozart Week, the Salzburg Culture Days, the Salzburg Festival, the Wels Subscription Concerts, the Vienna Konzerthaus and several European music centers.

Academy Orchestra
The Academy Orchestra is a new orchestra of Mozarteum University that was founded in autumn 2022 and is a beacon for the orchestra sector. Its foundation was made possible by generous donations from Jovanka & Hans Porsche and Honorary Senator Sylvia Madsack. The world's most renowned music universities engage academy orchestras as partner ensembles for students in the solo field. Outstanding piano, string and wind students who have won prizes at international competitions around the world now have an orchestra to work with at university. The academy orchestra is made up of 25 students who qualify for the individual positions in a selection process. The members form a permanent instrumental ensemble for one year at a time, which works and performs with the best performers at the university under the direction of experienced and renowned conductors. Conducting students are also on the podium for individual concert projects. The orchestra also performs oratorio and opera under the direction of Jörn Andresen. In addition, the academy orchestra is a regular guest at the Salzburg Mozart Week under the direction of Ion Marin. The artistic direction of the Academy Orchestra is in the hands of Alexander Drčar.

Wind Philharmonic Orchestra Mozarteum
The Bläserphilharmonie stands for wind music at the highest level. It was founded in 2002 with the essential objective of positioning the orchestra on an equal footing with classical symphony orchestras by performing original compositions as well as special wind symphonic instrumentations.
Through regular concerts and CD recordings and the typical sound aesthetic developed by Hansjörg Angerer (chief conductor 2022-2022), the orchestra has established itself over the years as one of the leading international wind symphony orchestras. In various instrumentations, the Bläserphilharmonie plays compositions of today as well as works from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods and traditional Austrian music.
Artistic Director: Andreas Martin Hofmeir

Baroque Orchestra
In recent years, the Baroque Orchestra has strengthened its cooperation with local and international partners and also organizes regular concerts in the historic performance halls of the city of Salzburg (especially the Residenz).

Ensemble for contemporary music
The newly formed ensemble for contemporary music sees itself as a long-term platform for testing new ideas and at the same time aims to promote the public's understanding and appreciation of contemporary music. In future, the ensemble will develop new works together with musicians and composition students, organise concerts, accompany the final concerts of the composition students and interpret their world premieres. Central to the ensemble is the increased networking of composing and performing students at the Mozarteum University and trying out new things together.
Ensemble 2024/25:
Hyunyeong Jang, Kamile Kubiliūtė, Arieta Liatsi - violin
Maria Galkina, Jiliang Shi - viola
Ignacio Garcia Nunez - violoncello
Leona Rajakowitsch - flute
Maurycy Hartman, Minje Seo - clarinet
Jorge Villatoro - bassoon
Mario Gordon Sanjur - horn
Alba Llorach-Roca, Dasom Woo - piano
David Hödlmoser - percussion
Kai Röhrig - conductor
Magdalena Croll - Project Management/Development/PR

The Mozarteum vocalEnsemble was founded in 2019 by Jörn Hinnerk Andresen with the intention of performing key baroque and modern vocal works of high quality with selected students and alumni of the Mozarteum University. The founding concert with three Bach cantatas, with the participation of the Mozarteum University Baroque Orchestra, could finally take place in February 2021.
Since then, the Mozarteum vocalEnsemble has entered Austrian and German concert stages in regular succession. The ensemble maintains close cooperation with the Salzburg Bach Society, the Baroque Orchestra of the Mozarteum University, the Capella dell'Halla (Reichenhall) and the Regensburger Domspatzen.
Direction: Jörn Andresen

The Mozarteum UniChor is engaged in large-scale choral symphonies. In the winter semester, rehearsals take place weekly on Tuesdays between 5.30 pm and 7.30 pm. In the summer semester there is a rehearsal weekend and an intensive project phase directly before the semester concert. In principle, the choir is open to all students and staff of the Mozarteum. In the past, Paulus by Mendelssohn and the German Requiem by Brahms have been performed. In November of the academic year 22/23, there was an open Christmas carol singing in the Solitär.
In the summer semester of 2023, one of the most important English vocal works, the "Sea Symphony" by Vaughn-Williams, will be worked on in the Kollegienkirche Salzburg; a tour to Dresden will also take place with this programme in early July.
Choral conducting students (winter semester).
Jörn Andresen (summer semester)