Composition & Music Theory
The Department of Composition and Music Theory explores contemporary forms of instrumental and electroacoustic composition and explores scholarly, artistic, and pedagogical approaches to music and styles of all periods. Teaching and musical education at the highest level is offered to students of all majors.
Mirabellplatz 1
5020 Salzburg
The close relationship between composition and the performance practice of New Music is encouraged through close cooperation with the Institute for New Music and the international master's programme in New Music.
In the area of music theory, the department not only enables students of all degree programmes to professionalise themselves in music theory, but also offers the possibility of in-depth study and specialisation with full degree programmes in music theory at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Students completing degrees in Instrumental/Vocal Pedagogy can choose to complete the courses required for the supplementary teaching qualification in music theory and aural training for Austrian music schools.
18.12.202407:00 pmSolitärKlassenabend KompositionNeue Werke von KompositionsstudierendenConcert· Free
15.1.202507:30 pmWiener SaalWerkstattkonzert MusiktheaorieConcert· Free
16.1.202507:00 pmSolitärKonzert des Departments für KompositionWerke von Kompositionsstudierenden der Universität MozarteumConcert· Free