International Relations

Eine Gasse, darüber eine Schnur gespannt, mit vielen internationalen Fahnen | © Andrew Butler

The Department of International Affairs is responsible for organising and coordinating international activities at the Mozarteum University and the service point for all home students and teachers who are studying abroad or for incoming students and teachers planning a guest stay at our university. Here, international cooperations are organised and facilitated, foreign relations with organisations, institutions and personalities are cultivated and the doors for mobility are opened.

International Relations
+43 676 88122 418
+43 676 88122 336

Mirabellplatz 1
5020 Salzburg

Office: Schrannengasse 10a/ room 2012



OID: E10093810
PIC: 949452879




The University Mozarteum Salzburg maintains numerous cooperation agreements with various institutions worldwide, which run under the Erasmus+ scheme or operate as bilateral partnerships.

Erasmus+ is the most successful programme of the European Union in the field of education. The experience gained abroad is a valuable asset for both professional and personal development. The Mozarteum University Salzburg, after a successful application to the European Commission, was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for the full period of the programme (2021-2027). For this purpose, an → "Erasmus Declaration on Higher Education Policy" was drafted. The charter entitles the holder to participate in all activities under the EU Erasmus+ programme, as well as, for example, student and staff mobility in the form of a teaching stint or professional development activity.

Bilateral partnerships: The bilateral cooperation agreements that the Mozarteum University maintains with renowned institutions worldwide enable artistic exchanges in the form of cooperative projects or in the context of a study or teaching stay at a partner institution.

    Erasmus+ Inclusion Support

    It is important to us to open the doors to greater mobility for people regardless of their personal and social background. The Erasmus+ programme and the Mozarteum University want to promote inclusion, diversity and equal opportunities. People who wish to participate in the Erasmus+ program (students, teachers, training) can apply for an inclusion grant, which is strongly encouraged. The possibilities for an Erasmus+ application with inclusion support can be clarified in a consultation with the staff of the International Affairs Department.

    • The application form for Erasmus+ inclusion support can be found under downloads
    • Further information at Details on accessibility and other support measures at European universities:

    Erasmus+ Green Travel

    As part of the new Erasmus+ programme generation (2021-2027), ‘green’ travel will be supported accordingly. Participants who use ‘green’, i.e. lower-emission, means of transport (e.g. train, bus, carpooling) for more than 50% of the total distance (outward and return journey added together) are entitled to a one-off lump-sum travel allowance (Green Travel Top-Up).

    The parts of the trip completed by plane, motorbike or boat or travelling alone by car are considered ‘not green’.

    Travel Advice

    New Interrail Pass for Erasmus+

    There is now a new Interrail Pass especially for Erasmus participants, which is particularly attractive for semester stays as it includes 4 or 6 travel days within six months. For just over 200 euros you can use 4 travel days flexibly within six months, for 300 euros you can travel within the same period on six days.

    Helpful websites for international travel connections include The Train Line Night Trains, where you can find a map giving an overview of night train lines in Europe. The Erasmus by Train initiative also provides tips for your travel planning and campaigns for a free Erasmus+ ticket.

    Green Erasmus Portal

    The Green Erasmus Portal was developed by the Green Erasmus project to provide students with concrete information on how they can act sustainably before, during and after their Erasmus stay. While some measures are common knowledge, other aspects are often overlooked and/or students are not fully aware of how to make their Erasmus stay more environmentally friendly. The portal provides valuable tips and tricks for sustainable action as well as useful resources for further information and how to get involved!


    ‘Climate-friendly travelling’ from the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology contains information and suggestions with regard to mobility that can also be applied to your stay abroad.

    Further information and advice are available at:


    Academic Minor




    Salzburg is not only a city with a rich cultural tradition, but also an important university centre. With a total of 23,000 students and 3,700 employees, Salzburg's six universities make a significant contribution to the economic and social development of the region. 

    In order to promote the importance of this location, the International Offices of all six universities organised a joint welcome event for international students again this year. This took place on Wednesday, 25th September 2024, as part of the CIVIS Days of the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) in the Great Hall of the University of Salzburg. Over 200 international students took the opportunity to network and start the new semester together. 

    The event once again emphasised the international orientation and connections of Salzburg's universities, which are globally active and have a significant influence on the region.


    • Master Class Voice and Piano Accompaniment
    • Funding amount: Euro 2.200,-
    • Funding organisation: ASEA-UNINET
    • Prof. Katharina Rössner (voice), Mozarteum University in cooperation with István Bonyhádi (piano), University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

    The origins of this project go back many years. In 2005 em. Prof. Franz Lukasovsky (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) was invited to a Lied recital with one of his voice students to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Conservatory in Hanoi and, at the same time, the anniversary of King Bhumipon's reign. This led to more than 10 years of collaboration with his colleague István Bonyhádi in master classes for Lied and collaborative pianists, which have taken place annually at Mahidol University in Bangkok.

    Prof. Dr. Katharina Rössner, a former student of Franz Lukasovsky, is continuing the collaboration with her project: over five days, students at Mahidol University will be introduced to repertoire from Western culture and will have the opportunity to work on the pieces of music from a technical perspective in a singing lesson and from a musical perspective in an session with a Lied coach. The Master Class concludes with a concert in which the students demonstrate what they have learned and perform the Lieder they have worked on.


    • Flaggen von Europa und europäischen Staaten | © Pixabay
      ASEA Uninet Call 2025 

      The ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) was founded in 1994 and is currently made up of over 80 universities in around 20 countries. The aim of the university network is to promote research and teaching activities between the member universities in Europe and Southeast Asia (in Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam).

      Open Call
    • 17.4.2023
      Opera Out Of Opera 2 

      Continuation of Opera out of Opera: Don Giovanni in Rome, Così fan tutte in Porto, Le nozze di Figaro in Stockholm and La Bohème in Oslo and Salzburg. What began in 2018 under the project title Opera out of Opera will be continued across Europe from 2023 to 2025. Co-funded by the European Commission's Creative Europe program, Opera out of Opera II builds on the results of the first project period - with the aim of developing innovative opera formats for new target groups.

      Research project

    Fundings & Calls

    Stand 19.3.2025 

    • Stipendien für einen wissenschaftlichen Aufenthalt an taiwanesischen Hochschulen (Doktoratsstudierende, Lehrende, Wissenschafterinnen bzw. Wissenschafter)
      Um diese Forschungsstipendien können sich Doktoratsstudierende, Lehrende und Wissenschfterinnen bzw. Wissenschafter (mit österreichischer bzw. mit einer Staatsbürgerschaft eines EU-Mitgliedsstaates) österreichischer öffentlicher Hochschuleinrichtungen, Privatuniversitäten und Fachhochschulen: bewerben, die zum Einreichtermin mindestens erfolgreich ein Semester im Doktoratsstudium absolviert haben bzw. in Lehre oder Forschung aktiv sind. Bevorzugt werden Anträge, die zur Vorbereitung gemeinsamer Projekte zwischen österreichischen und taiwanesischen Bildungseinrichtungen dienen. Das Stipendium dient der Kontaktanbahnung für zukünftige wissenschaftliche Kooperationen in Forschung und Lehre.
      Einreichtermin: 1.4.2025
      Dauer: max. 1 Monat

    • EU Creative Europe Programme: Kooperationsprojekte
      Einreichtermin: 13. Mai 2025 (17:00 Uhr MEZ)
      Kooperationsprojekte fördern die europaweite Zusammenarbeit von im Kulturbereich tätigen Organisationen in Form von grenzüberschreitenden Projekten mit europäischem Mehrwert. Dies bedeutet, dass die Projektidee nur in Kooperation mit Partnern in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern sinnvoll umgesetzt werden kann. Der Antragsteller (Projektträger) und alle Partner leisten Beiträge zur Konzeption, Umsetzung und zur Finanzierung. Projekte sollen den Zielen und Prioritäten der Ausschreibung entsprechen, aktuelle Themen und Herausforderungen definieren und ansprechen und einen Beitrag zu deren Veränderung leisten. Gefördert wird kulturelles Programm, nicht aber Investitionen im Kulturbereich. Für die Kooperationsprojekte sind drei Kategorien vorgesehen:
      • Kleine Kooperationsprojekte:
        • mind. 3 Partner
        • EU-Zuschuss max. 200.000 Euro
        • EU-Förderquote max. 80%
      • Mittlere Kooperationsprojekte
        • mind. 5 Partner
        • EU-Zuschuss max. 1 Million Euro
        • EU-Förderquote max. 70%
      • Große Kooperationsprojekte
        • mind. 10 Partner
        • EU-Zuschuss max. 2 Millionen Euro
        • EU-Förderquote max. 60%
    • Austrian Fulbright students
      Das Austrian Fulbright Student Program bietet großzügige Stipendienunterstützung für österreichische Studierende, die ihren ersten Abschluss gemacht haben und sich für ein- oder mehrjährige Masterstudiengänge an führenden Universitäten in den Vereinigten Staaten interessieren.
      Application Period: 1 February 2025–1 May 2025
      Grant Length: One- and multi-year programs
      Starting Date: August/September 2026

    • Austrian Fulbright Scholar Program
      Das österreichische Fulbright-Stipendiatenprogramm dient sowohl aufstrebenden als auch etablierten Wissenschaftlern. Es fördert die Karriere von österreichischen Wissenschaftlern am Anfang und in der Mitte ihrer Laufbahn, indem es ihnen die Möglichkeit bietet, an entscheidenden Punkten ihrer Laufbahn an Einrichtungen in den USA zu lehren und zu forschen.
      Application Period: 15 February–30 October 2025
      Grant Length: 4 months
      Starting Date: 2026–27 academic year

    • Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) EU-Programm: CERV-2025-EQUAL,
      Aufruf zur Einreichung von Projektvorschlägen zum Thema Nicht-Diskiminierung
      Einreichzeitraum: 28.02.-18.06.2025

    • Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) EU-Programm: CERV-2025-CITIZENS-REM
      Aufruf zur Einreichung von Projektvorschlägen zum Thema Geschichtsbewusstsein
      Einreichzeitraum: 12.03.-17.06.2025

    • Kooperation mit Frankreich
      Der FWF bietet in Zusammenarbeit mit der French National Research Agency (ANR) die Möglichkeit zur Beantragung eng integrierter Projekte von Wissenschaftler*innen in Österreich und Frankreich.
      Einreichung: bis 28. März 2025 (14:00 Uhr MEZ)
      Fördergeber: FWF

    • SSHN Exzellenzstipendien
      Das Institut français d'Autriche und das französische Ministerium für Europa und Auswärtige Angelegenheiten schreiben Leistungsstipendien für kurze wissenschaftliche Forschungsaufenthalte (1-6 Monate) in Frankreich aus, die sich an Doktorand*innen, Postdocs und ambitionierte junge Forscher*innen richten.
      Einreichung: bis 1. April 2025

    • Stipendien der bilateralen Aktionen
      Die drei bilateralen Förderprogramme „Aktionen“ unterstützen Kooperationen und grenzüberschreitende Mobilität im tertiären Sektor zwischen Österreich und den drei Nachbarländern Slowakei, Tschechien und Ungarn. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses. Je nach Aktion und Förderprogramm gibt es bis zu vier Ausschreibungen für Einreichungen pro Jahr mit unterschiedlichen Deadlines. Die Stipendienprogramme werden vom OeAD gefördert.
      Einreichung: verschiedene Einreichfristen
    • Erwin-Schrödinger-Programm (Postdoc-Programm)
      Die Erweiterung des eigenen wissenschaftlichen Profils in einem neuen exzellenten Umfeld ist wesentlich für eine nachhaltige Karriereentwicklung. Ein Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist dabei die Mobilität: Das Erwin-Schrödinger-Programm ermöglicht hochqualifizierten Postdocs karrierefördernde Aufenthalte an international renommierten Forschungsstätten.
      Einreichung: laufend möglich
      Fördergeber: FWF

    • ESPRIT (Early-Stage Program: Research – Innovation – Training) (Postdoc-Programm)
      Das Programm ESPRIT (Early-Stage Program: Research – Innovation – Training) dient der Kompetenzentwicklung und Karriereförderung von Forschenden aller Fachdisziplinen am Beginn ihrer wissenschaftlichen Karriere mittels Durchführung eines eigenständigen Forschungsprojekts
      Einreichung: laufend möglich
      Fördergeber: FWF
      Österreichs größte Datenbank für Stipendien und Forschungsförderung für alle wissenschaftlichen Bereiche. Die Fördermöglichkeiten für Studierende, Graduierte und Forschende reichen von klassischen Stipendien über Zuschüsse und Preise bis hin zu umfassenden nationalen, europäischen und internationalen Forschungsförderungsprogrammen.

    Student mobility: Erasmus+ for undergraduate and graduate students

    With Erasmus+, students can spend up to twelve months per study cycle (BA, MA and PhD) at a partner institution in another European country. Courses taken abroad can be recognised for credits required by their degree programme at their home institution upon return.

    Outgoing students

    Objectives and benefits

    • Promotes the mobility of students, teachers and other university staff
    • Promotes foreign language acquisition and an intercultural European awareness
    • No tuition fees, neither at the host university nor at the home university
    • No need to extend studies
    • Crediting of study achievements abroad
    • Networking with universities and new friends throughout Europe

    General requirements

    • Applicants must be regular students of the Mozarteum University.
    • BA degree programme students must have completed at least two semesters at their home university at the time of starting the Erasmus+ student mobility.
    • The stay is only possible at a partner institution of the Mozarteum University. Up to three partner institutions can be specified in the application.
    • Knowledge of the language of instruction at the host university or good knowledge of English is required
    • Mobility can only be carried out to a country that is not the country of residence during the course of study (submission of current proof of address from the Central Register of Residents - "Meldezettel" - is required).
    • Mobility to the country of origin has the lowest priority.


    The mobility varies depending on the university. The minimum duration is two months, the maximum duration for one stay and per study cycle is 12 months. If the Erasmus+ stay is started in the summer semester, it is not possible to continue in the following winter semester.

    Study visit

    • Completion of courses abroad relevant to the degree programme in which the student is enrolled
    • A study visit is only possible at an Erasmus+ partner institution of the Mozarteum University. Up to three preferred institutions can be indicated in the application.
    • Applicants should inform themselves independently about the courses offered at the partner institutions and their compatibility with the current curriculum at the Mozarteum.

    Internship (1 semester or 2 months during the summer break)

    • Compulsory or voluntary internships relevant to the study programme or complementary to studies
    • Company to be chosen by the student; freely selectable within Erasmus+ program countries
    • NOT possible: EU institutions, EU agencies and EU facilities

    Graduate internship

    • up to a maximum of 12 months after graduation
    • counts towards the funding period of the previous study cycle
    • Application must be submitted 6 weeks before graduation at the latest
    • Commencement of internship only after graduation and exmatriculation

    Short-term mobility / Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)

    • A maximum of 5 short-term mobilities can be approved per department, depending on the available budget resources
    • Written approval from the head of department required
    • Application deadline for the winter semester: 30th June  
      Application deadline for the summer semester: 30th January
    • Combination of mobility (foreign stay) + virtual component
    • for students/interns who cannot complete long-term mobility
    • Virtual component mandatory
    • for PhD students and post-docs - virtual component recommended, not mandatory
    • Eligible: stay abroad lasting 5-7 days

    The Erasmus+ grant is based on living expenses in the respective host country. Current grant amounts can be found on the OeAD website.

    Inclusion grants are available for students with fewer opportunities. These top-ups are given to students who take their child/children with them on their stay abroad and to students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. In addition, there is a one-time top-up for sustainable travel (Green Travel).

    Students receiving study grants are also eligible for an additional grant for a scholarship abroad. More information can be found on the Scholarship page.

    Recommended benchmark of ECTS credits: 30 ECTS credits per semester

    Minimum number for the Erasmus+ grant:

    • Up to 5 months: at least 3 ECTS credits per month (6 semester hours)
    • 6 to 10 months: at least 3 ECTS credits per month (12 semester hours)
    • For students enrolled in the programme MA New Music: 12 months in Bern or Dresden: 60 ECTS credits

    Online Language Support (OLS) of the Erasmus+ programme supports participants in acquiring language skills. Students whose main language of instruction is available in OLS may choose to complete a free of charge online assessment.

    Students can apply for financial support for a language course at the International Office of the Mozarteum University. The language course can also be attended before the study trip begins, as part of your preparation.

    Applications must be submitted to the Department of International Affairs department at the Mozarteum University Salzburg and to the institution of your choice (a maximum of three applications to different partner universities is possible). Students who are interested in studying abroad should read the detailed checklist carefully to find out about the application process.

    Application deadlines
    The following application deadlines apply for a stay in the following academic year, winter and summer semester:

    • 15th January 2025: Switzerland
    • 1st February 2025: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Slovenia

    Application to the institutions of choice

    In addition to applying to the Department of International Affairs at the Mozarteum University, applicants must also apply to the institution(s) of their choice (maximum 3):

    • The desired institution(s) must be selected from the list of partner institutions of the Mozarteum University Salzburg
    • All necessary documents must be submitted in the respective application tool of the desired institution(s)

    Incoming students

    • Students who are interested in studying at the Mozarteum University Salzburg within the framework of Erasmus+ or within the framework of bilateral agreements, please contact the International Office of the respective home university.
    • The application is submitted via Mobility Online  

    Application deadline
    The following application deadline applies for a stay in the following academic year, winter and summer semester:

    • 15th February 2025

    Only applications from partner universities are accepted. The following documents are required for the application and must be uploaded in Mobility Online:

    • Letter of recommendation from the main subject teacher
    • Recording of 3-4 pieces from different periods as links (instrumental subjects and voice), video recording as links (acting, conducting and dance pedagogy) or a work portfolio (stage design, art and work pedagogy)
    • Curriculum vitae
    • Certificate of enrolment from home institution (German / English)
    • Proof of academic achievement / Transcript of Records (For studies at Master's level, a Bachelor's transcript is required)
    • Letter of motivation

    The Mozarteum University Salzburg supports engagement in international and intercultural areas and offers an academic minor programme in International Expertise, which is accredited with a certificate. The offer is open to all students enrolled at the Mozarteum University Salzburg and supports the development and consolidation of intercultural competences as well as general international exchange.

    The certificate at a glance:

    • Sensitivity to other cultures, language skills and networking with international students are the best prerequisites for a diverse everyday student life and provide key competencies for an international qualification.
    • The Certificate of International Expertise consists of various components that must be fulfilled - in any number of semesters from BA to MA or PhD. You can find the contents of the academic minor in International Expertise here.

    Student mobility within the framework of bilateral agreements

    The Mozarteum University maintains exchange agreements with a number of selected international institutions, which enable student mobility within as well as outside of Europe.

    Outgoing students

    General requirements

    • Applicants must be regular students of the Mozarteum University
    • At least two semesters must have been completed at the time of starting the student mobility
    • The stay is only possible at a bilateral partner institution of the Mozarteum University. Up to three preferred institutions can be specified in the application.
    • Knowledge of the language of instruction at the host university or good knowledge of English is required
    • A mobility can only be carried out in a country that is not the country of residence during the studies (submission of a current confirmation of address - "Meldezettel" is required)
    • Mobility to the country of origin has the lowest priority.
    • Applicants should inform themselves independently about the courses offered by the partner institutions and their compatibility with the current curriculum.


    The period of study at a bilateral partner institution can last from one semester to a maximum of one academic year.


    Financial support is provided in the form of a grant towards increased mobility costs. The OeAD's scholarship database provides information on scholarships in the form of an online database that can be queried according to various criteria.

    Applications must be submitted to the Department of International Affairs at the Mozarteum University Salzburg and to the institution of your choice (a maximum of three applications to different partner universities is possible). Students who are interested in studying abroad should read the detailed checklist carefully to find out about the application process.

    Application deadlines
    The following application deadlines apply for a stay in the following academic year, winter and summer semester:

    • 1st February 2025

    In general, the application deadline is the 1st February for the following academic year/winter or summer semester. However, in some cases this has to be brought forward, depending on the semester dates of the respective partner university. Many scholarships (e.g. Fulbright for the USA) have much earlier application deadlines.

    Application to the institutions of choice

    Applicants must also apply to the institution(s) of their choice (maximum 3):

    • Selection of the desired institution from the list of partner institutions of the Mozarteum University Salzburg
    • Submit all the necessary documents in the respective application tool of the desired institution(s)

    Incoming students

    • Students who are interested in a stay at the Mozarteum within the framework of Erasmus+ or within the framework of bilateral agreements should contact the International Office at their home university.
    • The application is submitted via Mobility Online 

    ​​​​​Application deadline
    The following application deadline applies for a stay in the following academic year, winter and summer semester:

    • 15th February 2025

    Only applications from partner universities are accepted. The following documents are required for the application and must be uploaded in Mobility Online:

    • Letter of recommendation from the main subject teacher
    • Recording of 3-4 pieces from different periods as links (instrumental subjects and voice), video recording as links (acting, conducting and dance pedagogy) or a work portfolio (stage design, art and craft pedagogy)
    • Curriculum vitae
    • Proof of academic achievement / Transcript of Records (for studies at Master's level, a Bachelor's transcript is required)
    • Letter of motivation

    The Mozarteum University Salzburg supports engagement in international and intercultural areas and offers an academic minor in International Expertise, which is accredited with a certificate. The offer is open to all students enrolled at the Mozarteum University Salzburg and supports the development and consolidation of intercultural competences as well as general international exchange.

    The certificate at a glance:

    • Sensitivity to other cultures, language skills and networking with international students are the best prerequisites for a diverse everyday student life and provide key competencies for an international qualification.
    • The Certificate of International Expertise consists of various components that must be fulfilled - in any number of semesters from BA to MA to PhD. You can find the contents of the academic minor in International Expertise here.

    Teacher & Staff Mobility

    In order to support the internationalisation strategy of the University Mozarteum Salzburg and to improve the quality of teaching, university lecturers can receive financial support through Erasmus+ for teaching stints or further training at partner institutions abroad. Further education and training of general university staff can also be funded. There are funding opportunities for teaching and/or training stints in programme countries as well as in partner countries worldwide.

    Insurance coverage: In the course of the application it is necessary to apply for a "Dienstreise AUSLAND" in the ASES as well as to enter the address of the destination, so that the corresponding insurance certificate for the mobility can be obtained on your behalf by the HR department.

    You are advised to take out a cancellation travel insurance policy.

    Before the mobility:

    • the mobility needs to be approved by the head of department in Atoss:
    • Business trip application (to be applied for in the Atoss online system → Logins)
    • Travel by car only in exceptional cases and with prior written authorisation from the Vice-Rector Mag.a Weinberger
    • Grant agreement
    • Mobility agreement (content and duration of mobility are defined here)
    • Mobility can only be carried out to a country that is not the country of residence (submission of a current address - "Meldezettel" from the Central Register of Residents is required).

    After the mobility:

    According to the travel fee regulation, Reisegebührenverordnung §36 (2), the right for reimbursement ceases 6 months after the last day of your mobilty.

    Mobility for teaching purposes (Teaching): The Erasmus+ Teacher Staff Mobility programme supports short-term teaching assignments at Erasmus+ partner universities and can take the form of a master class or seminar at a partner university. Teachers can also exchange professional experience with colleagues from abroad. They are thus offered professional and personal development. Further goals are to strengthen the relations between the partner institutions and to promote future cooperations. Through this action of the Erasmus+ programme, students who are not able to participate in an Erasmus+ mobility themselves can also benefit from the expertise of teachers from other European universities and acquire international and intercultural skills.

    Duration: minimum 2 to maximum 7 days stay (minimum eight hours of teaching)

    Mobility for further education and training purposes for university staff: The Erasmus+ Staff Training (STT) offers opportunities for ALL university staff to acquire knowledge and professional experience abroad. It is an integral part of the staff development measures of the Mozarteum University. In the spirit of "internationalisation at home", the Mozarteum University supports international networking and the associated exchange of experience.

    Duration: The Mozarteum University covers course fees of up to a maximum of €500,-, of which €350,- will be paid by the respective department. The International Office supports the training and provides the remaining financing, up to a maximum of €150,-.

    The online platform IMOTION provides information on training activities for general university staff and helps them to find the right training or job shadowing.

    Teachers can also exchange ideas with colleagues at a partner university outside Europe. In principle, it is possible to carry out joint cooperation projects with most partner institutions, provided that the project has been approved by the respective department management and the Vice Rectorate for Art. Exchange projects in which the participation of students is made possible are welcome. Usually, travel costs are covered by the sending institution and accommodation costs by the receiving institution.

    Partner institutions

    (as of August 2024)





    Czech Republic











    Republic of Korea













    General information

    In times when Europeanisation, internationalisation and globalisation are more than just buzzwords, and a common European educational area with a broad range of courses and teaching content is increasingly becoming a reality, educational institutions are tasked with supporting and further expanding cooperation at both national and international level. The geographical location of the city of Salzburg places it at the intersection of north to south, and trade routes - suggesting the cultivation of contacts througout Europe - can be traced back historically to the 8th century.

    The idea of connecting Europe has a centuries-old tradition in Salzburg. W.A. Mozart travelled from his home to cities such as London, Paris, Milan, Naples and Prague, thus giving Salzburg's musical life a European dimension, which was continued in the century after his death by music festivals held in loose succession and reached a new dimension with the founding of the Salzburg Festival in the 20th century. Salzburg has thus long been open to pan-European and international cultural exchange, a trend that has become every stronger over the decades and in recent years.

    Internationality has also always played a significant role in the history of the Mozarteum University. Gifted young musicians of many different nationalities take advantage of the opportunity to study an institution that counts renowned artistic personalities from all over the world among its faculty. They are keen to share their skills and art with their protégés and, through their own commitment and worldwide activities as artists, educators or jurors, contribute significantly to furthering contact and cultural exchange with European and international institutions, fulfilling the mission of cooperation both within and outside the Erasmus+ programme.

    Mobility is an inherent theme and characteristic within the world of music and art, the importance of which manifests itself in numerous fields of action of the university. The Mozarteum University Salzburg sees international mobility as a natural part of university life. Mobility experiences and studying abroad enable students, young researchers, teachers and non-academic staff to gain additional knowledge and competencies. 

    The University Mozarteum Salzburg is therefore very keen to consciously motivate students and teachers to participate in various mobility projects in order to make a stay abroad the norm. The Erasmus+ program enables our institution to cooperate with many European partners in the field of student and faculty mobility, which would not be possible to this extent without EU support. All students (regardless of social and economic background) should have access to quality education.

    The new Erasmus+ programme generation will help the Mozarteum University Salzburg to create new incentives for participation in Erasmus+ mobilities (e.g. also for disadvantaged people). With the introduction of "blended mobility" and short-term mobilities, students who work alongside their studies to supplement their income will also have the opportunity to gain experience abroad. This opens up student mobility to an even wider target group at the Mozarteum University Salzburg.

    Internationalisation strategy in relation to Erasmus+

    Internationalisation at the Mozarteum University Salzburg is already very well developed. The 2000 or so students currently enrolled at the university come from five continents and around 70 countries. The approximately 550 teaching staff also come from a wide range of international backgrounds, with 38 different nationalities and three continents represented. The Mozarteum University Salzburg has risen from 32nd to 11th place in the international subject-related "QS World University Ranking" in the performance agreement period 2019-2021 (in 2018 it was still in 52nd place). Through numerous measures, it strives to continuously improve its international standing. For example, the International Summer Academy of the Mozarteum University Salzburg has earned a globally visible international reputation in its more than 100-year history, which is reflected in the high number of highly talented foreign applicants every year. The International Mozart Competition, which takes place every two years and whose final concert is regularly streamed by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), is firmly established in the league of top-class international music competitions.

    In recent years, the Mozarteum University Salzburg has greatly increased its involvement in the relevant international networks and thus also assumes responsibility for the international shaping of the tertiary education sector in the field of the arts. Furthermore, the Development Plan 2022-2027 foresees the implementation of several international studies in order to further develop internationality in the field of teaching as well. The perspectives and strategic orientations of internationalisation are presented in detail in System Goal 6 of the GUEP 2022-2027, as well as in Chapter VI of the Development Plan 2022-2027 of the Mozarteum University Salzburg, 

    Closely intertwined with the development planning, the Mozarteum University Salzburg has formulated the following six objectives for its internationalisation strategy:

    • International visibility and profiling of the university as a whole
    • Further development of study formats
    • Perception, discourse and co-design of international quality standards in research, EEK and teaching
    • Mobility as a broadening of the horizon of experience for students and teachers
    • Dialogue of cultures
    • Internationalisation at home

    The ERASMUS+ programme contributes to the realisation of these objectives. The topic of mobility in particular, but also the initiatives "Dialogue of Cultures" and "Internationalisation at Home" have experienced an additional strengthening through the programme, since mobility - as a bilateral exchange with partner institutions - also promotes internationalisation on site. 

    The Mozarteum University Salzburg would like to participate in the Erasmus Key Action 1 (KA1) - Learning Mobility. Known forms of mobility are to be continued and intensified as usual (study visits, Erasmus+ teacher mobilities and staff mobilities). The procedures are to be further digitalized step by step through the introduction of the Online Learning Agreement and the European Student Card. Through the new Erasmus generation, the University Mozarteum Salzburg can also further expand its existing cooperation projects with worldwide partners and launch new projects. 

    The University Mozarteum Salzburg aims to implement the priorities of the new program by: 

    • promoting environmentally friendly methods in all programme activities
    • creating incentives for the participation of disadvantaged people
    • implementing the program's digitisation measures
    • promoting civic engagement before, during and after the stay

    Goals and objectives

    The University Mozarteum Salzburg has set the following mobility goals for the performance agreement period 2022-2024:

    • Increase the number of regular students with participation in an international mobility program (outgoing students) as well as
    • increase the number of regular students with participation in international mobility programs (incoming students)

    In addition, short student mobilities are to be supported through the introduction of the Blended Intensive Programs in order to increase student mobilities at the university and to enable students to gain the important learning experiences abroad also through short stays. Through regular evaluation of the mobilities (student as well as staff mobilities), the quality of the mobility will be reviewed. The partnerships of the University Mozarteum will also continue to be evaluated regularly. An example of a concretely planned project in the area of mobility in the performance agreement period 2022-2024 is a project on artistic work in "being on the road" with the incentive of a travel grant including network support and presentation at an international Bob Dylan Symposium, which was implemented for the first time in 2022.  To support and promote mobility, the International Affairs Department was strengthened and reorganized in 2021. The expansion of the regional mapping project to the area of international cooperation planned for the performance agreement period 2022-2024 is intended to support the servicing and orientation of mobility as well as the quality of international cooperation. 

    A project also supporting the area of mobility in the performance agreement period 2022-2024 is the planned relaunch of the website of the University Mozarteum Salzburg. This will be accompanied by a redesign of the "International Affairs" section, so that the information offered to students and teachers on mobility and exchange programs will be made more intuitively accessible.another objective in this performance agreement period is to promote the internationalization of teacher education and to increase the mobility of teacher educators.

    In addition, the development plan 2022-2027 formulates as a major concern the conception of structural measures to promote project-related student mobility beyond ERASMUS. Further topics mentioned in this context are the development of mobility windows, the structural anchoring of cooperations, the special case of Brexit in the context of university mobility, and the quality management of international activities. In relation to the objective of "internationalization at home", the following measures at the study location are also formulated in the Development Plan 2022-2027 and in the Performance Agreement 2022-2024:

    • Deepening the repertoire of a particular culture
    • Multilingualism in performances
    • Maintaining contact with consulates and embassies, arranging students for performances in order to realize joint cultural programs
    • Special teaching offers and access to research results, e.g. in the research field "Music and Migration"

    Mobility under Erasmus+ or under a Bilateral Agreement does not include automatic insurance coverage. Students are obliged to take care of their insurance coverage for the entire duration of their stay abroad. This includes accident, liability and health insurance. It should be noted that not all costs may be covered, therefore it is recommended to take out additional insurance for the duration of the stay abroad. We therefore advise students to take out the following insurances during their stay abroad (study or internship), if they do not have them anyway:

    • Health and accident insurance
    • Liability insurance
    • Travel and repatriation insurance

    The Mozarteum University Salzburg is not liable for the consequences of non-insurance or underinsurance.

    Health insurance in other European countries:

    With the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) - which can be found on the back of the e-card - you can prove that you are legally insured in Austria. The EHIC is valid in all 27 EU countries as well as a number of other European countries in hospitals and doctors' offices that have a contract with the local public health insurance. List of EHIC countries. In addition to the EHIC, it is advisable to take out private travel health insurance that also covers transport costs to Austria and leisure accidents. Check with your health insurance company in time before departure.

    Health insurance outside of Europe:

    If you are studying abroad in a country where the European Health Insurance Card is not valid, you must first pay for your own medical treatment on site. If you have a valid statutory health insurance in Austria, you can apply afterwards to the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK) for reimbursement of costs  for treatment abroad. Only a part of the costs will be reimbursed. Again, we recommend that you take out additional private travel health insurance, which also includes transport costs to Austria and leisure accidents.

    Accident and liability insurance:

    As an ÖH member, you are insured against accidents and liability for the entire semester by paying the ÖH fee. This insurance coverage also applies to accidents or damages that occur during your studies at the host campus or on the way there. It is therefore recommended that you take out additional insurance that is also valid outside working hours. Especially for stays abroad with a limited duration, we strongly recommend taking out your own (private) travel health insurance including return transport to Austria. Detailed information on accident and liability insurance for stays abroad can be found on the ÖH website under OeH Versicherung.

    Accident and liability insurance for study abroad and internships abroad in general:

    As an ÖH member, you are insured against accidents and liability for the entire semester by paying the ÖH fee, even during stays abroad. In principle, accidents that occur during your studies/internship are insured. Liability insurance covers damage caused by students to other persons during their studies/internship. Detailed information on accident and liability insurance for stays abroad can be found on the ÖH website under OeH Versicherung.

    The ÖH insurance does not include health insurance! There is no insurance coverage for liability claims in the USA, Australia and Canada!

    Information for Erasmus+ Internship:

    Regarding accident and liability insurance, you are obliged to clarify with the internship provider before starting your internship whether you will be covered by accident and/or liability insurance by the internship provider for the duration of your internship. Subsidiarily, students are insured against accidents and liability within the framework of the OeH Versicherung during the internship or on the way between the internship site and the place of residence, provided that the ÖH contribution has been paid in the respective semester.
    However, it is recommended to take out an additional insurance policy that is also valid outside working hours.

    Health insurance

    Exchange students must have health insurance during their stay in Salzburg, which is subject to a fee in Austria.

    • Students from EU/EEA countries or Switzerland bring their European Health Insurance Card EHIC with them. With this card they have access to all medically necessary public health care services in Austria (under the same conditions and at the same cost).
    • If students are third country nationals (i.e. not from the EU/EEA or Switzerland), they need a health insurance valid in Austria.

    In principle, travel health insurance  must be taken out in order to enter Austria with a visa (for the entire duration of the stay). Please note that this insurance must be valid in Austria and must provide sufficient coverage for various health issues (insurance coverage of well over 30,000 euros including a guarantee to cover any recovery and repatriation costs).



    Medical assistance

    Students in Salzburg who have special medical needs are advised to bring prescriptions or medical indications right from home. There is no special medical emergency service on the university campus. Students must independently arrange for a* suitable* doctor in the city in case of illness or for examinations.

    Accident and liability insurance

    The ÖH fee, which is obligatory for all students, includes liability and accident insurance. This insurance covers all activities related to your studies. For more information, please contact the ÖH.

    Any additional insurance coverage must be organized independently.

    For general information and what to do in the event of damage during a stay abroad, please contact OeH Versicherung.