Stay connected

Alumni network

A long-term connection to our graduates is a special concern for us. We therefore cordially invite all our graduates to benefit from our alumni network: Contact to fellow students and teachers, information about events and university life, further education and service offers - all these are the advantages of a membership in the alumni network.


  • Ongoing information and invitations
  • Use of the further education offers of the Institute for Coaching & Career*
  • Events of the Mozarteum University at reduced prices*
  • Personal Mozarteum e-mail address*
  • Young students are happy to receive your information and experiences in the context of a mentorship or a visit to the Institute of Coaching & Career
  • The network enables contact with former fellow students and offers the opportunity to share professional coordinates and successes with people interested in art
  • Sending of the annual reports of the Mozarteum University

*Offers for Premium Members are free of charge in the first year, thereafter 25 Euro/year.


  • © Philipp Gaiko

    The University of Salzburg and the Mozarteum University Salzburg invited their graduates and friends living in Berlin to a cultural evening at the Austrian Embassy in Berlin to mark the founding of the Alumni Chapter.

  • Marios Joannou Elia erhält Excellency Award and the Gold Medal of the Republic of Cyprus | © Press and Information Office, Ministry of Interior, Republic of Cyprus

    Marios Joannou Elia, a graduate of Adriana Hölszky's composition class in 2005, was honoured with the ‘Excellency Award and the Gold Medal of the Republic of Cyprus’.

    Awards & Successes
  • 11.10.2024
    Grand Art Prize of the State of Salzburg to Alexandra Karastoyanova-Hermentin 

    The Mozarteum University congratulates its alumna Alexandra Karastoyanova-Hermentin on receiving the Grand Art Prize of the State of Salzburg 2024! With this award, which is being presented to a female composer for the first time this year, the State of Salzburg is sending a strong signal in favour of the importance and creativity of women in music. The Grand Art Prize is endowed with 20,000 euros and is awarded annually alternately in the fields of visual arts, literature, music and performing arts.

    Awards & Successes
  • Austrian Culture Forum London

    On 10 October there will be another ‘Salzburg Alumni Meeting’ in London, organised by the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg with a warm invitation to all Mozarteum alumnae and alumni. In addition, we invite our alumnae and alumni to the big symphony concert at the Haus für Mozart on 23 October!

  • 26.6.2024

    Our loyal alumnus, passionate musician (oboist) and pedagogue Wolfgang Billeb passed away in June 2024. In his memory, we would like to publish his memories of his studies at the Mozarteum University once again. The interview was conducted with Ilse Tiebert in 2014 on the occasion of the celebration with his fellow students to mark the 60th anniversary of his graduation from the Mozarteum in June 1954 as part of the "Narrated History" programme of the Art Archive Room.

    In memoriam
  • Le nozze di Figaro | © Judith Buss

    The Mozarteum University once again cordially invites its alumnae and alumni as well as emeritus and emeriti to a drink followed by a performance of W. A. Mozart's "Le nozze di Figaro"! Rector Elisabeth Gutjahr will give you a warm welcome.

  • 14.5.2023
    Alumni & Emeriti Meeting at Elissa / Dido & Aeneas 

    The Mozarteum University once again cordially invites its alumni and emeriti to a drink followed by a visit to the opera! As usual, the meeting point is the foyer of the Mozarteum University in an artistic setting amidst the "allegria" exhibition by Gertrud Fischbacher and Marius Schebella. The opera programme includes a world premiere: "Elissa / Dido & Aeneas". Rector Elisabeth Gutjahr will warmly welcome you and provide insights into the production.

  • Elementare Musik- & Tanzpädagogik - Orff-Institut | © Fabian Schober
    Alumni Meeting at the Orff Institute 

    Over 100 former students and faculty from various cohorts will return to their alma mater on May 5 & 6. The reunion will take place at the ORFF Institute with live music and offers opportunities for info, experience and material exchange, singing and dancing together, open workshops and most importantly, seeing familiar faces again. Even those on short notice are welcome!

  • Gruppenfoto im Sommer in Innsbruck | © Franz Zaunschirm
    Alumni Meeting of School Musicians in Innsbruck 

    At the end of the 1970s, a group of so-called "school musicians" of the subjects A1, A2 and IGP left the Mozarteum University (at that time still a university) as graduates and have nevertheless always remained in contact - with each other but also with their alma mater. After the general "forced break" of the last two years, this year thirteen alumni and alumnae from different regions and professional fields met again in Innsbruck. May many more meetings follow!

  • Alumnitreffen im Foyer des Mozarteum, dahinter Buffet | © Stefan David Hummel
    Alumni & Emeriti Meeting with Exhibition and Monteverdi 

    Another piece of normality returned and the Mozarteum University hosted another alumni and emeriti gathering on June 30. We met amidst the exhibition "Achtung International - Salzburg and 100 Years of the International Society for New Music" in the foyer of the Mozarteum University for a drink. Matthew Werley gave a guided tour of the exhibition afterwards and the evening ended with a visit to Claudio Monteverdi's opera "L'incoronazione di Poppea".

 v.l.: Andrzej Pawel Kucharski, Florian Möseneder, Andreas Ziegelbäck, Jakob Gruchmann | © Franz Zaunschirm

Alumni-Treffen „Tonsatz“

Musiktheoretiker, Komponisten, Dirigenten und Instrumentalisten fanden im Juli 2024 in Salzburg zusammen und erinnerten sich an ihre Zeit im „Tonsatz-Unterricht“ gemeinsam mit ihrem Lehrer Em.Univ.-Prof. Franz Zaunschirm, der dieses Treffen initiierte und „seine ehemaligen Studierenden“ einlud.

Wir freuen uns auf die Wiederaufnahme im nächsten Sommer!

See familiar faces for 24 hours,

Meeting people and exchanging experiences!

And so it was: a huge, joyful and excited party with 150 participants who completely filled the Orff Institute. It was touching! Upon entering the old familiar institute, every single person had a smile on their face, some even paused for a moment before entering the "past". Sticking together, talking together, sharing together, eating together, all this was taken for granted and did not need to be "introduced". So the buffet was overflowing with delicacies contributed by the individuals.

After a brilliant welcome by Anna-Maria Kalcher, Iris Wagner, Doris Valtiner-Pühringer and Mirjam Leitner and joyful singing together under the direction of Anna Töller, the crowd was slow to move outside for photos, there was simply too much to tell, it had been too long since they had met. Afterwards - truly with the greatest enthusiasm - circle dances were danced together in familiar surroundings under the direction of Andrea Ostertag. Until late in the evening, when the band "Katz im Sack" (Cat in the Bag) accompanied and heated up the party, everyone said goodbye.

Many came back the next morning, new faces joined in to start the day building instruments with Mirjam Leitner, then listened to an extremely exciting impulse lecture by Anna Maria Kalcher, and in the afternoon eagerly exchanged ideas with practical materials.

In the end and right from the start, it was clear to everyone: this alumni meeting was long overdue and must definitely be repeated!

(Text by Doris Valtiner-Pühringer)

Alumni Stories

Careers and life paths are diverse, and alumnae & alumni share their experiences, personal stories and provide insights into their resumes.

  • © Musikum Grödig
    A passionate (folk) music educator - Rupert Pföß 

    Alumnus Rupert Pföß has been working as a music teacher at Musikum Salzburg since 1996 and has been head of the folk music and harmonica department since 2012. He is also an extended board member of the Salzburger Volksliedwerk. His busy seminar and jury activities at various music weeks and music competitions enrich his everyday life as a musician time and again. 

    Alumnae & Alumni Stories
  • © Sofiia Musina
    From Kiev to Salzburg - Sofiia Musina 

    The flutist and instrumental music teacher Sofiia Musina came to Salzburg to study at the Mozarteum University in April 2022. From 2017 to 2022, she studied at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University in Ukraine and obtained a Master's degree in ‘Master of Musical Art. Educational and Professional Programme: Musical Art’. She wrote her master's thesis on the Ukrainian composer Myroslav Skoryk.

    Alumnae & Alumni Stories
  • © Frank Veronsky
    Art will always be there, even in the most difficult times - Meral Guneyman 

    Meral Guneyman is a versatile classical musician, with numerous releases, who is comfortable in both pop and jazz music, has transcribed many original works and is also an enthusiastic arranger and improviser. Her ability to move between classical and jazz with lightning speed and conviction is a rarity. In 2021, her arrangements of classic David Bowie songs were presented for the first time on ‘Steinway-Spirio’ - a high-resolution self-playing system of the highest quality.

    Alumnae & Alumni Stories
  • © Ian Wallman
    Breaking down boundaries and barriers - Judith Valerie Engel 

    Judith Valerie Engel is an Austrian pianist, musicologist & feminist. After years of study in Salzburg, Helsinki and Vancouver, she is currently completing a PhD in Historical Musicology at Oxford University. She is a recipient of the Stone-Mallabar Doctoral Scholarship awarded by Oxford College Christ Church. She is also one of the ‘Public Scholars’ in the Public Scholars Initiative of the University of British Columbia. Both academically and artistically, her focus is on historical and contemporary women composers.

    Alumnae & Alumni Stories
  • © Niklas Vogt
    Who I will always be - Augustin Groz 

    The actor Augustin Groz, who has Austrian-French roots, studied acting at the Mozarteum University and then completed a Master of Fine Arts at The New School in New York. In 2023, he received the Max Ophüls Prize for best young actor in Özgür Anil's feature film "Wer wir einmal sein wollten", which can be seen in Austrian cinemas in May and June.

    Alumnae & Alumni Stories


Mentees are students in the final phase of their studies. Graduates of the Mozarteum University with several years of professional experience act as mentors. The first step is to apply as a mentee or mentor by sending an e-mail to . As soon as suitable mentoring tandems are found, we contact both partners. After a review by both sides, both partners decide whether the program should be started. This is followed by an initial mentoring meeting, a kick-off event, and an agreement between mentor and mentee on the goals, framework conditions, limits, and deadlines of the future collaboration.

Mentors are contact persons and make their knowledge and experience available. Should it become apparent that a mentoring relationship is not achieving its goals, it can be dissolved by both parties at any time. In this case, please let us know. There are no specifications regarding the duration of a mentoring program. However, four to eight months are recommended and one to two personal meetings per month are advantageous. Mentors and their mentees agree on the specific schedule and the time and place of their meetings. At the end of an agreed mentoring relationship, both reflect on the outcome in terms of results and goals achieved. A closing event takes place and we welcome feedback!

Possible topics of collaboration are: Ideas and plans for career entry, insights into concrete job profiles, career goals, opportunities in the job market, self-organization, marketing, stays abroad, self-presentation, possible additional qualifications, work-life balance, salary perspectives, etc.

The distinction: mentors do not take on the role of "job brokers," therapeutic life coaches or professional personality trainers. Nor do they offer ready-made solutions. Mentors help through their experience, they motivate and support.

Help: If questions, difficult situations, the desire for change, etc. arise during the mentoring program, we at the Mozarteum University are happy to provide the best possible support for mentees and mentors.

Benefit from the knowledge and experience of other graduates during the career orientation phase or at the start of your own career? Do you want to get to know people with experience in the industry who can make the start of your professional life easier and provide you with valuable information? Then the mentoring program of the Mozarteum University is just right for you! We are looking forward to receiving applications!

Participate as a mentee - Requirements:

  • Interested students are in the graduation phase or have recently completed their studies at the Mozarteum University.
  • There are currently no plans for further studies at the Mozarteum University and no academic career.
  • Please note that this program is not a "job placement", one-on-one artistic instruction, or instruction in various basic skills and techniques, but can very well point out paths and provide insight into professional life. It can build a network or expand and enrich existing networks.

What the mentoring program does not do:

Mentors do not replace professors and teachers. It is not the mentors' job to help students with their degrees. There will be no therapeutic "life coaching." Mentors cannot replace advanced training in the areas of application training, employment and tax law, camera training, self-marketing, dealing with social media and homepage, etc. Mentors are not professional personality trainers.

To participate in the mentoring program: Please send your application to

We will try to find a suitable mentor for interested students based on their personal data, study data and personal preferences, wishes and expectations. Please make your application as concrete and detailed as possible.

As soon as a suitable mentor has been found, we invite applicants to an initial interview. Together with the selected mentor, they decide whether they would like to start the mentoring program. This is followed by a kick-off event and the mentees and mentors getting to know each other, as well as an agreement with the mentor on the goals, framework conditions, and deadlines for your future collaboration. If it turns out that a mentoring relationship is not conducive to achieving its goals, it can be dissolved by both sides at any time. In this case, please let us know.

There are no guidelines regarding the duration of a mentoring program. However, four to eight months are recommended and one to two personal meetings per month are beneficial. Participants agree on the specific schedule, location and time of the meetings with their mentor. At the end of a mentoring program, a closing event takes place; beyond that, we welcome feedback.

Application form / profile form for mentees:

In order to initiate a successful mentoring relationship, we ask for some personal and study-specific information. These require a consent form from the participants.  


  1. With my application, I consent to the processing of my provided data for the purpose of participation in the mentoring program and membership in the alumni network. The University Mozarteum will not process any data beyond this purpose.
  2. Access to the disclosed personal data is granted to the respective persons of the Mozarteum University who are in charge of the processing of the application and the administration of the participation in the mentoring program. These are:
    a. Employees of the Career Center
    b. Employees of the Alumni Network

    The employees of the Alumni Network and Career Center will suggest potentially suitable mentors to you. If you agree to the respective mentoring relationship, we will forward your contact data and the data of your profile to the mentor as requested.
  3. The data will be processed until you revoke your consent, unless legal retention obligations require us to keep your data for a longer period of time.
  4. I acknowledge that there is no legal or contractual obligation to disclose the personal data mentioned under para. 1. The disclosure of my data for participation in the mentoring program is voluntary and without any coercion.
  5. The processed data is protected against unauthorized access by encrypted transmission, encrypted storage, a role authorization concept, a data backup concept and physical protection measures for the servers. The security measures are continuously revised in accordance with technological developments.
  6. I am aware that I can revoke this consent at any time at Should I revoke my consent, the lawfulness of the processing of my personal data prior to the revocation will not be affected. In case of revocation, the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 can no longer be fulfilled.
  7. Based on the DSG as well as the DSGVO, every person furthermore has the right to information according to Art 15 DSGVO, the right to rectification according to Art 16 DSGVO, the right to erasure according to Art 17 DSGVO, the right to restriction of processing according to Art 18 DSGVO as well as the right to data portability according to Art 20 DSGVO and the right to object according to Art 21 DSGVO. These data subject rights are to be asserted at the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg (controller pursuant to Art 4 Z 7 DSGVO), Mirabellplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg,


You studied at the Mozarteum University some time ago and have gained valuable professional experience in recent years? Knowledge transfer and the further development of the arts are important to you? Can you imagine using your experience to support young students and accompany them a bit on their way?

Would you like to give young people important support in their professional development? Benefit from self-reflection, from the feedback of your young protégés and further develop your consulting skills. You may also develop interesting professional connections.

Requirements for participation in the mentoring program as a mentor

  • Studies at the Mozarteum University or work in the field of art, music or culture
  • Several years of professional experience
  • Interest in voluntary mentoring activities, i.e. passing on professional knowledge and experience to young students or young graduates
  • A talent for listening and asking questions, for helping people to help themselves
  • Time capacities in the range of four to eight months for an initial interview, participation in the kick-off program, an introductory event where you will be prepared for the role of mentor, five to six personal meetings with your mentee, making individual arrangements.

We ask you to send us the application form with personal and job-specific data. Once a suitable mentee is found, we contact you and the potential mentee. After a review from both sides, both partners decide whether to start the program. This is followed by an initial mentoring meeting, a kick-off event, and the mentees and mentors getting to know each other, as well as an agreement between mentor and mentee on the goals, framework conditions, and deadlines for future collaboration. If it turns out that a mentoring relationship is not purposeful, it can be dissolved by both sides at any time. In this case, we ask to be notified.

There are no specifications regarding the duration of a mentoring program. However, four to eight months are recommended and one to two personal meetings per month are advantageous. Mentors and mentees agree on the specific schedule and the time and place of their meetings. At the end of a mentoring program, a closing event takes place. Beyond that, we welcome your feedback.

Application form/profile sheet for mentors

Thank you for taking the time to participate in a volunteer mentoring program! In order for us to initiate the most successful mentoring relationship possible, we are requesting some personal and professional information that requires a consent form from you.

  1. With my signature, I consent to the processing of my provided data for the purpose of participation in the mentoring program and membership in the alumni network. By participating in the mentoring program, you support young students/young graduates by sharing your artistic professional experience and receive a free premium membership in the alumni network for one year. The University Mozarteum Salzburg does not process any data beyond this purpose.
  2. Access to the personal data disclosed in the participation form is granted to the respective persons of the University Mozarteum Salzburg who are in charge of processing the registration and administration of the participation in the mentoring program. These are:
    - Employees of the Institute for Coaching & Career
    - Employees of the Alumni Network
  3. The staff members of the Alumni Network and the Career Center will suggest potentially suitable mentees to you. If you agree to the respective mentoring relationship, we will forward your master and contact data (points 1 & 2 ) as well as the data of your profile (point 3) to the mentee as requested.
  4. The data will be processed until your consent is revoked, provided that no legal retention obligations require a longer retention of your data.
  5. I acknowledge that there is no legal or contractual obligation to disclose the personal data mentioned in paragraph 1. The disclosure of my data for participation in the mentoring program is voluntary and without any coercion.
  6.  The processed data is protected against unauthorized access by encrypted transmission, encrypted storage, a role authorization concept, a data backup concept and physical protection measures for the servers. The security measures are continuously revised in accordance with technological developments.
  7. I am aware that I can revoke this consent at any time at Should I revoke my consent, the lawfulness of the processing of my personal data prior to the revocation will not be affected. In case of revocation, the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 can no longer be fulfilled.
  8. Based on the DSG as well as the DSGVO, every person furthermore has the right to information according to Art 15 DSGVO, the right to rectification according to Art 16 DSGVO, the right to erasure according to Art 17 DSGVO, the right to restriction of processing according to Art 18 DSGVO as well as the right to data portability according to Art 20 DSGVO and the right to object according to Art 21 DSGVO. These data subject rights are to be asserted at the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg (controller pursuant to Art. 4 Z 7 DSGVO), Mirabellplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg,

☐  I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the declaration of consent and expressly agree to it with my signature.

If the premium membership is not actively renewed after one year, it will change to a simple free membership. Membership in the alumni network can be terminated informally at any time by e-mail.