ÖH Mozarteum

Open Stage der ÖH Mozarteum | © Michael Klimt

The Hochschüler*innenschaft takes care that students are personally supported during their time at the Mozarteum University, but also represented in numerous committees. The ÖH Mozarteum thus plays a key role in the lives of students, who are automatically members from the moment of enrollment. Highlights of the ÖH calendar include the Welcome Day at the opening of the semester, the legendary Mozfest, but also a monthly Open Stage or a pub quiz.

ÖH Mozarteum
+43 676 881 22 385

Mirabellplatz 1
1. Floor via the stairs of the
5020 Salzburg





  • 27.3.—28.3.2025
    Foyer Haupthaus
    ÖH Mozarteum
    MOZ-Fest 2025
    There‘s no Party like MOZ-Party: Funk, Jazz, Pop, Rock, Techno, Brass und Party
    Festive event


Within the framework of tutorials, students from higher semesters support the start of their studies with their knowledge and know-how. Students can repeat and deepen the material of a course together with a tutor. Often, tutorials are also used to work on exercises together. The Mozarteum University and the ÖH Mozarteum also offer tutorials. An overview of the tutorials can be found here.


The numerous departments of the ÖH Mozarteum do their best every day to make the everyday life of students more varied and easier. Each department is responsible for a specific area. These areas range from public relations to social affairs to culture to events.

Contact persons
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Julia Vogel
Julia Vogel

Chair of the Students‘ Union / Second Vice-Chair of the Senate

ÖH Mozarteum
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  • 15.1.2025

  • Kunstpreisverleihung 2023 | © Debora Tchotchov

    In 2023, the Students' Union at the Mozarteum University awarded the Art Prize for the fifth time. The competition is open to all regular students of the Department of Fine Arts & Design.

    Awards & Successes
  • Ausstellung zum Designpreis 2022 | © Christian Schneider
    Winners* of the Design Award 2022 

    in 2022, the student body of the Mozarteum University awarded the Design Prize for the third time. The call for entries was addressed to all students of the Department of Fine Arts & Design, who could submit up to three works each from the last three years

    Awards & Successes

Calls & Scholarships

The province of Salzburg is once again awarding seven annual scholarships of € 12,000 each in the following categories:

  • visual arts, photography, music, performing arts, literature, media arts, film

The requirements and submission deadlines can be found in the call for applications!

Promoting creative cooperation, realizing unconventional ideas, gaining new perspectives - Out of the box! The new call of the city of Salzburg wants to promote cooperation between artists, cultural actors, scientists and entrepreneurs in the urban area of Salzburg. Thereby, local networks shall be strengthened and innovative and sustainable collaborations shall be made possible.  With the call "Out of the box" the city of Salzburg invites to develop projects at the interface of art, science and economy.

For this purpose, collaborations of at least two people who can show experience in at least two of the three areas should arise. The focus is on the districts of Riedenburg and Maxglan, where selected projects are to be implemented in the period from mid-September to the end of December 2023. Creativity, diversity and participation are particularly important. 

"Out of the box" should involve local residents and network local actors. The creative projects can take place both indoors and outdoors. Submissions can include, for example, installations, performances, interventions, discourse formats, district festivals, screenings or audio walks. The maximum funding amount per project is EUR 5,000. The deadline for submissions is April 11, 2023.  More information and details about the call for submissions can be found in the link below.
We are looking forward to many exciting project ideas! 

Stock exchanges

Saxophonist*in wanted! (Status: 1.2.2023)

I am looking for a saxophonist (m/f/d) for my birthday party on (probably) 15.07.2023 for 2-3 h, who can take over the musical background with half-playback from about 16:30. Please post on the ÖH job board as follows:

WHAT: a saxophonist with half-playback

WHEN: Sat 15.07.2023, 16:30-19:30 (alternatively 22.07.2023)

WHERE: City of Salzburg

MUSIC STYLE: Well-known Sax-stücke, 

GAGE: by arrangement


If interested, please contact us at  julianeschmich@yahoo.de

Small two-room apartment near train station (as of 2/1/2023)

We rent a small two-room apartment in Salzburg (my student apartment), which we have now renovated and freshly furnished after a long-term tenant moved out.

The apartment is on the 5th floor of a block just behind the train station and is quiet. It is less suitable for regular practice with loud instruments, but otherwise for singing or quiet work and study. We could also put an electric piano in there for practicing with headphones if desired.

We will be in Salzburg between January 27 and 31 and would be happy to show you the apartment if you wish.

Dr. phil. Barbara Müller
Hauptstrasse 92
CH 8272 Ermatingen

+41 79 742 85 83