Registration for the 14th Sustainability Challenge

Students from all majors can apply for the 14th Sustainability Challenge by September 25th. The Sustainability Challenge is an interdisciplinary elective course with a focus on sustainability, SDGs & climate protection. Students at the Mozarteum University Salzburg can choose from two projects that are carried out with external partner organizations.
Become part of the Sustainability Challenge - the following projects are available:
Klima, Kunst und Wissenschaft – gemeinsam aktiv
in cooperation with the Climate Change Center Austria
In this project we want to explore together the question of whether and how a collaboration between artists and scientists could take us one step further. The topic should be discussed, analyzed and tried out in an activity freely chosen by the student group (panel discussion, artistic work, development of a game, podcast, or something completely different). We are happy to establish contacts with experts and activities from the CCCA network and UniNEtZ. Documenting the experiences and learnings enables us to build on these experiences.
Aktiv & engagiert – Demokratie und Menschenrechte durch innovative Formate stärken
in cooperation with the Salzburg cultural department
Which innovative formats at the interface between science and art can strengthen democracy and human rights education? Ideally, the project should involve people from the city of Salzburg in both the conception and implementation. Possible partner institutions are municipal compulsory schools (VS, MS) and kindergartens, adult education institutions, extracurricular child and youth work institutions, NGOs (e.g. peace office) or other knowledge and cultural institutions (e.g. city library, city archives, museums, universities, etc.).
What is the Sustainability Challenge?
Your chance to get involved, recognize your talents and develop yourself further! The Sustainability Challenge is the right format for you if you
- would like to get out of your community and into an exchange with students from a wide range of disciplines and universities.
- want to work in an interdisciplinary team on a project related to sustainability.
- find the exchange, input and support of teachers from different departments at the 7 universities exciting.
Who can participate? When does it start?
- Master's students and advanced diploma and bachelor's students from all disciplines.
- Start: October 2023, 8 ECTS points, duration: 2 semesters