Coaching and support program of trans- and interdisciplinary projects of art students on the topics of art, sustainability & socio-ecological transformation
The transformation process towards a sustainable society is essentially supported by the creative power of art, culture and research. As part of our membership in the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria, we are, on the one hand, engaged in cross-university activities in order to contribute to a sustainable society. On the other hand, we are actively working at our campuses to fully implement sustainability both structurally and in terms of content.
Sustainability Officer
Maria Kalleitner-Huber
+43 676 88122 457
Staff Project Development
Robert Holzner
+43 676 88122 321
What we do
Surveys and analyses in the area of internal resource and energy use form the basis for successively reducing the resource consumption of university operations over the course of the next few years, sustainable mobility behavior on the part of students and employees is promoted through targeted campaigns, and cooperation in the UniNEtZ project ensures the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In addition, sustainability aspects are increasingly promoted in the area of teaching and organization, for example through lecturers at Scientists for Future, networking activities of the working group for inclusion and diversity or with a certification as a family-friendly university.
Activities & Cooperation in the context of sustainable development
- Active teaching staff at Scientists for Future
- Continuation of cooperation in the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria
- Cooperation in the UniNEtZ II project for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Successive improvement of the environmental performance of university operations
- Networking work of the Working Group on Inclusion and Diversity
- Family Service Center, "family-friendly university" certificate
Sustainability in teaching
The special responsibility of art universities lies in the fact that the graduates or their teachers, educated in the sense of the holistic universitas, move in their professional environment on an international stage and are thus predestined to postulate a change in values and thus take on a prominent role in the initiation and implementation of ideas of sustainable developments. Therefore, and as a member of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria, the strategic anchoring of sustainability remains an important goal. The University Mozarteum therefore also fully endorses the uniko Manifesto for Sustainability.
The working group "Education for Sustainable Development" of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria has started the initiative BuNE-Z, in the course of which a sustainability training program for university teachers is to be developed and implemented. At the Mozarteum University, work is underway on a program to support the integration of sustainability aspects in its sphere of activity. The understanding of sustainable development and a common thrust are central to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Further education opportunities in the area of teaching are to support this process.