School of Music & Art Education

Blick in den Mirabellgarten von der Dachterrasse des Mozarteums | © Elsa Okazaki

The School of Music & Arts Education is a cross-departmental platform for high-quality, research-based education of music, art, dance and theater educators and the promotion of young talent based on this. The central task is to identify synergies between the individual institutions and to make them available to students through targeted research and teaching.

School of Music & Arts Education (SOMA)
+43 676 88122 453

Mirabellplatz 1
5020 Salzburg


In 2018, SOMA was anchored in the organisational plan of the Mozarteum University as a "special institution for art, teaching and research". Its central field of activity is, in addition to the high-quality education of music, art, dance and theatre teachers, interdisciplinary research. A special concern of SOMA is the networking of artistic-pedagogical studies with internal and external fields of practice and research, as well as the connection of teaching to subject-relevant research, especially subject-didactic research. Here they encounter the artists, whose art they will later introduce to others, without barriers and as a matter of course. Thus, the high demand for artistic perfection and the equally high demand for the best possible introduction to art through their pedagogies / subject didactics meet in all facets.

The University Mozarteum sees the training of music, art, dance and theatre teachers as a core area of its educational mission. Excellent teachers are important as multipliers, especially in music and art education, in order to awaken enthusiasm in young people and to enable them to gain fundamental experience in building up and actively using an enriching cultural life in society. This requires educators who are capable of implementing and reflecting on art and music in a self-determined way. The Mozarteum University offers the appropriate framework and resources for this.

The research focuses on teaching, learning and mediation aspects in the fields of music, art, dance and theatre education in both institutional and open contexts and applied arts. The aim is the joint discussion and processing of research questions as well as the establishment and expansion of research networks and cooperations.

Pedagogical-artistic director: Anna Maria Kalcher

Substitute: Elisabeth Freiss

SOMA Board: professors of education from the participating departments:



  • 29.11.2024
    02:00 pm
    Culturally Sensitive Appropriation
    The self in the other - the other in the self: How can we meet current challenges of intercultural and transcultural learning in a sensitive and differentiated way in the field of tension between the foreign and the familiar? The SOMA conference negotiates ways of culturally sensitive appropriation.
    · Free
  • 30.11.2024
    09:30 am
    Culturally Sensitive Appropriation
    The self in the other - the other in the self: How can we meet current challenges of intercultural and transcultural learning in a sensitive and differentiated way in the field of tension between the foreign and the familiar? The SOMA conference negotiates ways of culturally sensitive appropriation.
    · Free


Michaela Schwarzbauer, Clemens Peck [Hg.]
LIT Verlag, Wien/Berlin 2024 | Einwürfe: Texte zu Musik - Kunst - Pädagogik : Band 13
Music Education
Ulrike Hatzer, Monika Oebelsberger, Frank Max Müller, Helmut Schaumberger [Hg.]
Apply arts
LIT Verlag, Münster 2023
Music & Dance Education
Music Education
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Martin Losert | © Elsa Okazaki
Martin Losert

Univ.-Prof. of Instrumental & Vocal Pedagogy / Coordinator of the Cooperation with the Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium GmbH

Department Head
Curriculum Committee
Julia Wieneke | ©  Elisabeth de Roo
Julia Wieneke

Professor of Music Education / Deputy Chair of the Curriculum Commission for Teacher Training & Academic Doctorate

Curriculum Committee
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Past events

  • 10.11.—11.11.2023
    Kleines Studio, Foyer Haupthaus
    Cringe or worthy? Art and Music Pedagogical Reflections on Popular Youth Cultures
    · Free
  • 1.12.—4.12.2022
    Solitär, Orff-Institut, Kleines Studio, Galerie DAS ZIMMER, Studierendenlounge, KunstWerk
    International Days - Sharing
    New event format for meetings and networking of all pedagogical fields of study
    · Free