Julia Wieneke | ©  Elisabeth de Roo
Curriculum Committee

Mag.a art. Dr.in phil. Dipl.-Mus.-Päd.in

Julia Wieneke

Julia Wieneke worked as a music teacher at a comprehensive school, as a freelance music mediator and as a violin teacher. Her dissertation on music mediation projects with a focus on contemporary music was published by Olms. Before accepting the call to the Mozarteum University, she worked at the University of Art in Graz, where she solicited an FWF research project on the topic of cooperation among music teachers. 

After completing her teacher training at the University of Music and Theater in Hanover, she went to the University of Music and Dance in Cologne for an IGP degree with a major in violin. After completing her master’s degree in musicology and music education in Hanover, she worked as a research assistant at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg and did her doctorate with Freia Hoffmann. Her path led her to work as a music teacher at a comprehensive school, where she initiated and implemented projects and collaborations. In 2017 she continued her scientific work and went to Graz, where she cooperated with colleagues from various institutes in teacher training. Julia Wieneke publishes about the opportunities and limits of creative projects, about the characteristics of successful teacher training, teamwork and university didactics.