Our events
All chargeable events at the Mozarteum University can now be attended free of charge by all users of a valid Aktiv:Karte, Aktiv:KartePLUS or Aktiv:KarteKiDS. There is a limited contingent for Aktiv:Karte holders, so please make a reservation by e-mail, telephone or online (ticket category ‘Free ticket with Aktiv:Karte’).
Details about the Aktiv:Karte can be found HERE.
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General ticket pre-sales online at shop.eventjet.at/mozarteum, at +43 676 88122 326 (Mo–Fr from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.) or at karten@moz.ac.at. Depending on availability, tickets are also available at the daytime or evening box office.
March 2025
19.3.—28.3.2025Galerie im KunstWerkDISPOSITION AKTWerke von Studierenden des Wahlfachs Zeichnen und Reflektieren: DISPOSITION AKT (früher: "Aktzeichnen") unter der Leitung von Agnes Scherer mit Team Ingrid Schreyer und Matthias ZeintlExhibition· Free
26.3.202504:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
26.3.202505:00 pmSolitärJuliane Sophie RITZMANN, Klavierbei Jacques ROUVIERGraduate Concert· Free
26.3.202507:30 pmSolitärCancelledAbsolvent*innenkonzert Klavier: Wan Chen HSIEH (Tünde KURUCZ)bei Tünde Kurucz und Donald SulzenGraduate Concert· Free -
26.3.202508:00 pmSolitärCancelledMisaki SONE, Klavierbei Ya-Fei CHUANGGraduate Concert· Free -
Artistic Research & Wissenschaft an der MusikhochschuleEin Labor für das Musikleben der Zukunft: Am Beispiel des vom Arts and Humanities Research Council geförderten Projektes ‘Music, Migration and Mobility’ (2019-2023) am Royal College of Music spricht Norbert Meyn im Seminar über Chancen und Herausforderungen.Lecture· Free entry (Opens in new tab)
27.3.202506:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
27.3.202507:00 pmSolitärElisa Maria SCHOENLEIN JAURENA, Kontrabassbei Christine HoockGraduate Concert· Free
MOZ-Fest 2025There‘s no Party like MOZ-Party: Funk, Jazz, Pop, Rock, Techno, Brass und PartyFestive event
27.3.202508:00 pmSolitärVicente Andres SALAS RAMIREZ, Kontrabassbei Christine HoockGraduate Concert
28.3.202503:00 pmVorlesungssaal - Haus der Musik InnsbruckTag des KlaviersKonzept: Isabel GabbeConcert· Free
28.3.202504:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
29.3.202504:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
30.3.202509:00 amFaistauer-FoyerTEST BUCHUNGAction day
30.3.202502:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free