Our events
All chargeable events at the Mozarteum University can now be attended free of charge by all users of a valid Aktiv:Karte, Aktiv:KartePLUS or Aktiv:KarteKiDS. There is a limited contingent for Aktiv:Karte holders, so please make a reservation by e-mail, telephone or online (ticket category ‘Free ticket with Aktiv:Karte’).
Details about the Aktiv:Karte can be found HERE.
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General ticket pre-sales online at shop.eventjet.at/mozarteum, at +43 676 88122 326 (Mo–Fr from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) or at karten@moz.ac.at. Depending on availability, tickets are also available at the daytime or evening box office.
January 2025
8.1.—18.1.2025Galerie im KunstWerkCarina Huber: Verborgene Visionen„Verborgene Visionen“ zeigt surreale Traumlandschaften, die tiefere Einblicke in das Unbewusste und verborgene innere Themen gewähren. Die Werke laden die Besucher*innen ein, die symbolischen Botschaften der Träume zu enschlüsseln.Exhibition· Free
Vanessa Friedl: NETZE.verbindenIn der Ausstellung NETZE.verbinden geht Vanessa Friedl Fragen der Vernetzung nach. Die Unterscheidung zwischen Netzen und Netzwerken ist nicht eindeutig, denn in beiden verbinden sich Knotenpunkte und bilden eine Ordnung.Exhibition· Free
18.1.202511:00 am2049
Studieninformation: Chordirigieren The information days are aimed at anyone interested in studying choral conducting at the Mozarteum University. Professors and teachers will give an introduction and overview of the programme content, curricula, examinations etc. and offer trial lessons and mock examinations in the central subjects.Info event· Free -
18.1.202505:00 pmBösendorfersaalEinbildungskraft - Ein GesprächskonzertConcert· Free
Pre-College In ConcertSolistische und kammermusikalische Darbietungen der Studierenden des Pre-College SalzburgConcert· Free entry (Opens in new tab)
19.1.202510:00 am2049
Studieninformation: Chordirigieren The information days are aimed at anyone interested in studying choral conducting at the Mozarteum University. Professors and teachers will give an introduction and overview of the programme content, curricula, examinations etc. and offer trial lessons and mock examinations in the central subjects.Info event· Free -
19.1.202511:00 amSolitärKammermusikkonzerteIn den Kammermusikkonzerten präsentieren die Studierenden aus allen Klassen quer durch die Departments ein vielseitiges Programm in unterschiedlichen Besetzungen.Concert· Free
19.1.202502:30 pmCancelledStudy concertsStudy concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
20.1.202501:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
20.1.202504:00 pmWiener SaalKammermusikkonzerteIn den Kammermusikkonzerten präsentieren die Studierenden aus allen Klassen quer durch die Departments ein vielseitiges Programm in unterschiedlichen Besetzungen.Concert· Free
TheaterLabor X TheaterLabor X sees itself as a space for all theatre enthusiasts. The X marks the multiple intersections that arise when people meet under the sign of a common interest. Choreography is practised and tried out, as are writing, speaking, role-playing, games and thematic settings. Preferences are takDrama· Free -
21.1.202501:00 pmKonzertsaal FrohnburgJelisaveta PESIC, Barockoboebei Alfredo BernardiniGraduate Concert· Free
21.1.202503:00 pmKonzertsaal FrohnburgSakurai HANAMI, Barockoboebei Alfredo BernardiniGraduate Concert· Free
21.1.202503:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
21.1.202506:00 pmGalerie im KunstWerkMelanie Ematinger: PREMIUM-UNIFORMDas „work in progress“ Ausstellungsformat PREMIUM-UNIFORM wird sich stetig verändern und weiterentwickeln. Durch das Vernähen der vorhandenen Alttextilien, entstehen laufend: neue fancy Kreationen einzigartige Objekte, praktische Arbeitskleidung und experimentelle Arbeiten.Vernissage· Free