Our events
All chargeable events at the Mozarteum University can now be attended free of charge by all users of a valid Aktiv:Karte, Aktiv:KartePLUS or Aktiv:KarteKiDS. There is a limited contingent for Aktiv:Karte holders, so please make a reservation by e-mail, telephone or online (ticket category ‘Free ticket with Aktiv:Karte’).
Details about the Aktiv:Karte can be found HERE.
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General ticket pre-sales online at shop.eventjet.at/mozarteum, at +43 676 88122 326 (Mo–Fr from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.) or at karten@moz.ac.at. Depending on availability, tickets are also available at the daytime or evening box office.
April 2025
9.4.—10.4.2025Theater im KunstQuartier, TheatrumFreiräume 2025Experimental theatre works: In the summer semester 2025, students from the 2nd and 3rd year of drama and the theatre directing course at the Thomas Bernhard Institute will present their jointly developed Freiraum projects. These projects are characterised by collective artistic processes and the testing of experimental working methods.Drama· Free
9.4.202504:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
10.4.202506:00 pmOnlineGENDER | DIVERSITY | ARTSIn 9 units, the online lecture series is dedicated to various aspects of Gender & Queer Studies, Diversity Studies and Advanced Feminism, with particular attention to the arts.Lecture series· Free
10.4.202501:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
10.4.202507:15 pmKleines StudioOpen StageInstrumental - Vocal - Performance: Invitation to the Open Stage!Concert· Free
11.4.—12.4.2025Music theory workshopThis workshop weekend offers an ideal supplement to your own preparation. In a group rotation principle, all important areas of the licensing exam are taken with a focus on ear training and tone setting.Workshop· Free entry (Opens in new tab)
11.4.202506:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
12.4.202505:00 pmSolitärPre-College In ConcertPre-College Studierende spielen solistische und kammermusikalische WerkeConcert· Free
13.4.202505:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
14.4.202504:30 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
15.4.202508:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
16.4.202508:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
17.4.202501:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
23.4.202505:00 pm
Study concerts Study concerts (or "class evenings") are concerts in which students of the Mozarteum University perform on stage. They are organised either as part of courses or by the respective departments - and are free to attend.Study concert· Free -
ORIGO VolksmusikfestivalVolksliedsingen mit Schulen im Rahmen der Moz-Art-ZoneConcert· Free