
© Christian Schneider

The Mozarteum University is characterized by a leading art and music research that stands the test of time. It is rooted in creative and innovative practice in collaboration with partners in business and industry, in a focus on addressing today's global challenges, and in collaboration between different disciplines.

Research Management

The Research Management at Mozarteum University supports academics in their research activities and networks the diverse agendas of academic and artistic research both internally and externally. Here, processes and procedures are coordinated and optimised and the visibility of internal university research is increased.

Research Management organises regular events, talks and mailings to provide information on calls for proposals, current developments and discourse in the national, European and international research funding landscape.


Innovation & inclusivity

6 years of the Mozarteum Research Competition: Since 2019, the Mozarteum University's research management has awarded an annual prize for artistic, scientific and scholarly research projects. Director Eugen Banauch takes stock.
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Research projects

  • 13.10.2024
    FWF funding for ‘Joint Aesthetic Judgments’ 

    Great success for the Mozarteum University: The FWF (Austrian Science Fund) is funding the project ‘Aesthetic judgement in community’ by Iris Laner with 485,430 euros. The individual project is dedicated to the role of the community in art education theory, school practice and education policy and is being carried out in collaboration with partners from the universities in Cologne, Siegen, London and Pretoria.

    Research project
  • Illustration eines Auges

    Transforming climate-social futures: How do young people in Salzburg imagine the future? How do their knowledge about climate-social change, their interests and established ways of acting relate to their visions of the future? And how can art-based approaches help to create spaces for young people with different stories and concerns to come together, enabling them to design shared climate-social futures?

    Research project
  • Co-CreART | © Cati Krüger

    Together with children and young people, the inter- and transdisciplinary CreART Lab is being developed in collaboration with partners from the fields of art & culture, science & technology, education & outreach, and in cooperation with regional companies and networks. A mobile experimental space that, in the spirit of the guiding principle "Co-Creating Change!", is intended to inspire, motivate and support children and young people to (co-)create change.

    Research project
  • Illustration eines Auges

    Unqualified specialists for science, technology and art: There is a particularly large shortage of teachers in STEAM subjects. The qualification of unqualified and lateral entrants is a good way to close this gap in a timely manner. ProQ-STEAM investigates how early entry or transition into the teaching profession in science subjects, technology & design and art & design succeeds and how professional identity is formed.

    Research project

Fundings & Cals

The Research Management provides advice and support in the development and submission of applications for artistic-scientific projects, funding awards and research grants, acts as an interface to funding organisations and offers regular information on topics relevant to research and research funding.

University funding opportunities

Since 2019, the Research Management of the Mozarteum University has awarded an annual prize for artistic-scientific and scientific research projects. The target group is academically and artistically active persons at the Mozarteum University (teachers, researchers, alumnae & alumni, students) who are planning to implement a research project.

As part of the Mozarteum Research Competition, the best three applications will be awarded financial support for further development, and all suitable projects (after revision) will be proposed for submission to suitable funding bodies. The applicants will receive oral and written feedback from an international panel of experts as well as tips and suggestions for improvement for their third-party funding submission.

The maximum funding amount per project is EUR 1,500. Persons with a valid employment contract at the Mozarteum University are eligible to apply.

An application consists of:

  • Written description of the project and the research reference.
  • A description of why the project cannot be financed or cannot be financed in full from other funds (e.g. via the departmental budget).
  • Precise justification of the costs requested via the RFM (excluding material, third-party and travel costs).


It can be submitted on an ongoing basis by e-mail (addressed to The funds are currently renewed annually; once the funds for a calendar year have been used up, applications can only be submitted again in the following year.

A maximum of two RFM applications per person per year are possible. Selection is made by Research Management and requires the approval of the Vice-Rectorate. This applies in particular to projects for which funding commitments from other internal funds of the Mozarteum University already exist.


  • 27.3.2025
    05:00 pm
    Faistauer Saal
    Artistic Research & Wissenschaft an der Musikhochschule
    Ein Labor für das Musikleben der Zukunft: Am Beispiel des vom Arts and Humanities Research Council geförderten Projektes ‘Music, Migration and Mobility’ (2019-2023) am Royal College of Music spricht Norbert Meyn im Seminar über Chancen und Herausforderungen.