Institute for Coaching & Career

The Institute for Coaching & Career provides students with practical support, services and information as they prepare for entry into professional life. It provides a platform for exchange and discussion, offers prevention measures and useful contacts for health concerns, is dedicated to topics such as individual success and making an impact in society, and promotes a holistic approach to a long-term career. A wide range of courses and workshops is offered.
Institute for Coaching & Career
+43 676 88122 380
Mirabellplatz 1
5020 Salzburg
The Institute for Coaching & Career offers a range of teaching, workshops, courses and coaching that support students in their physical and mental health, teach them basics of self-management and support them in their transition from university education to the working world. Those taking advantage of the courses on offer will learn how to successfully and healthily assert themselves in their profession, but also discover the different paths that can be taken and the doors that are open to them upon completing their degree.
In addition to the teaching provided within the curriculum, a range of lectures, workshops and courses is offered every semester. Experts from the cultural sector, business world and health care professions will provide insight into topics that help students successfully pursue their artistic careers.
Individual projects, personal goals and students' own interests can also be supported within the framework of coaching offers.
All employees and alumni of the university are welcome to take advantage of the offers in the areas of "Self Marketing", "Body and Soul" and "Artist as Entrepreneur". Some courses can fulfil the requirements of "free electives" within the curriculum and be credited accordingly.
With external experts from the cultural sector, business world and health care professions, the Career Centre, as part of the Institute for Coaching & Career, offers a new selection of lectures, workshops and courses every semester that students can attend to complement the curriculum of their degree programme. The focus is on the three areas of "Self-Management - Marketing Yourself", "Artist as Entrepreneur" and "Body & Soul - Health at Work".
In order to be able to actively participate in the offers of the Career Center, a written registration must be sent to Only after written confirmation is a place in the workshop, lecture or course guaranteed.
Occupational fields/ Contextual practice analysis
Compulsory subject BA Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy
(Course of the Orff Institute)
Professional self-management
Compulsory subject MA Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy
(Course offered by the Orff Institute)
Stage and media law 1 & 2
Compulsory subject Acting and Stage Direction
(Course offered by the Thomas Bernhard Institute)
Cultural Management: Organisation of Work Processes
Compulsory subject Stage Direction
(Course offered by the Thomas Bernhard Institute)
Music School and Project Management 1 & 2
Elective option within the MA Instrumental / Vocal Pedagogy curriculum
(Course offered by the Department of Music Education Salzburg)
Music School Management
Elective subject
(Course run by the Department of Music Education Salzburg)
Legal basics: Music school and music management 1 & 2
Elective option within the MA Instrumental / Vocal Pedagogy curriculum
(Course run by the Department of Music Education Salzburg)
Self-management (lecture series)
Compulsory subject BA Performance / Elective subject for students in other degree programmes
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Compulsory subject MA Performance / Elective subject for students in other degree programmes
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Speaking Technique and Rhetoric (Salzburg) and (Innsbruck)
Compulsory subject BA Instrumental / Vocal Pedagogy
(Course run by the Department of Music Education Innsbruck)
Speaking Technique and Rhetoric (Innsbruck)
Compulsory subject for Music Education teacher training, Innsbruck
(Course run by the Department of Music Education Innsbruck)
Breathing, movement and meditation (Salzburg) & (Innsbruck)
Elective subjects
(Career Centre course)
Performance, audition and competition coaching 1 & 2
Compulsory subject in all BA Performance programmes
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Performance, audition and competition coaching 1 & 2
Compulsory subjects in all MA Performance programmes
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Performance training 1 & 2
Compulsory subject MA Vocal Studies
(Course run by the Department of Vocal Studies)
Movement theory 1, 2, 3 & 4
Compulsory subject for Acting programmes
(Course at the Thomas Bernhard Institute)
Feldenkrais for musicians
Elective subject
(Career Centre course)
Holistic-somatic methods (Innsbruck)
Compulsory subject BA Teacher Training in Music Education
Compulsory subject BA Teacher Training in Instrumental Education
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Gymnastics/Stamina 1 & 2
Compulsory subject BA Vocal Studies
(Course at the Thomas Bernhard Institute)
Physical Education 1, 2, 3 & 4
Compulsory subjects BA Vocal Studies
(Course run by the Department of Vocal Studies)
Physical Workouts 1, 2, 3 & 4
Compulsory subject MA Opera / Elective subject MA Vocal Studies
(Course run by the Department of Vocal Studies)
Body awareness 1, 2, 3 & 4
Compulsory subject for Acting programme
(Course at the Thomas Bernhard Institute)
Music and medicine
Compulsory subject BA Instrumental / Vocal pedagogy
Elective subject for other degree programmes
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Music physiology
Compulsory subject BA Teacher Training in Music Education
Compulsory subject BA Teacher Training in Instrumental Education
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Physical and psychological coaching 1 & 2
Compulsory subject BA Performance
Compulsory subject BA Instrumental / Vocal Pedagogy
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Dealing with demanding situations 1 & 2
Compulsory subject BA Performance
Elective subject for other degree programmes
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Dealing with demanding situations 1 & 2
Compulsory subject MA Performance
Elective subject for other degree programmes
(Organisation: Institute for Coaching & Career)
Supplementary study

Musicians' health at the Mozarteum University
For most professional musicians, playing or singing is not just a job, but a vocation, and peak physical and mental performance is required constantly. Tension, pain, postural problems, but also mental stress such as stage fright and performance anxiety often arise and make playing and performing a challenge.
With various offers, most of which are anchored in the curriculum, the Mozarteum University also supports a long-term physically and mentally healthy career for students.
With experts from the fields of medicine, psychology, bodywork and physiotherapy, the main focus is on prevention. Students are educated about prevention possibilities, informed about ergonomics, physiological and anatomical basics and can also use appropriate exercises to work on dealing with mental challenges such as stage fright.
The focus is always on maintaining health and well-being in order to counteract and sustainably prevent typical musicians' illnesses.
Counselling services
When: Appointments take place in the form of one-to-one meetings and can be arranged individually as required during the semester
Where: online or in person (Salzburg) as required
Who: Katrin Meraner
Language: German, English
Registration at:
As a singer, instrumentalist or ensemble member, sooner or later you will be faced with the question of what to do after completing your studies. What career options are there? Where can I gain a foothold? How do I make the leap onto the market and, above all, where do I start?
Katrin Meraner - singer, cultural manager and cultural agent - will show you perspectives, provide you with strategies and help you to pursue your professional and artistic goals with determination and consistency. This counselling service focuses on you and your wishes and needs. The counselling sessions cover topics such as
- Building a network
- Job opportunities in permanent employment and freelance work
- Concert bookings
- Communication with event organisers
- Agency work
- Funding opportunities and subsidies
In personalised one-to-one meetings, you will work together to develop concrete strategies for achieving your goals and define packages of measures that will motivate you to implement them immediately.
In addition to the curricular courses in the area of sickness prevention, one-to-one coaching sessions can be booked through the Institute. In these sessions, individual solutions to mental and physical issues, stress management and stage presence can be developed and put into practice. This counselling can cover personal advice on preparing for concerts, stress, pain while making music, practice techniques and relaxation techniques, as well as everything you need to know for a healthy, professional life as an artist.
This offer is open to all students; however, since resources are limited, a maximum of two individual coaching hours (2 x 60min) is possible.
To arrange individual coaching, please contact the teacher directly at the email address listed under each link. The following teachers are available with their expertise:
When: Appointments take place in the form of one-to-one meetings and can be arranged individually during the semester as required.
Where: online or in person (Salzburg), as desired
Who: Franziska Wallner
In our private and professional lives, we encounter situations almost daily that present us with challenges: studies, application processes, job, drastic life events, dealing with new situations and experiences... Many things can knock us off balance and affect our psychological well-being.
This counselling service provides an opportunity for you to deal with your individual problems or goals in one-to-one conversations. Topics can be discussed such as
- Dealing with stress and excessive demands
- Coping with anxiety
- Dealing with conflicts
- Support with career orientation
- Other challenges you want or need to face in your life.
In these one-to-one sessions, arranged on an individual basis, you will be supported in finding solutions to the desired issues, offered new perspectives and encouraged to tap into your own resources.
When: The appointments take place in the form of one-to-one meetings and can be arranged individually during the semester as required.
Where: online or in person (Salzburg)
Who: Irmgard Reiner, Anna Gerstendorfer
Registration at:
Applying for a job is not a walk in the park for anyone. But if you add to this the fact that you are not only responsible for yourself, but also for children or other family members with care needs, the pressure becomes even greater and combining work and caring duties presents those concerned with a great challenge. For this reason, the Mozarteum University's Family Service, in cooperation with the Department for Family Affairs at the Mozarteum Students' Union (ÖH), offers individual counselling sessions especially for students with caring responsibilities, in order to advise, strengthen and support them in their performance at job interviews.
Individual questions can be discussed, such as how to manage the double responsibilities of work and caring, interaction with employers, and strengthening one's position and self-presentation. In addition to gathering ideas for possible jobs, the counselling sessions can also include role plays for job interview situations, support tips for drawing up a budget, or advice on designing a CV.
When: Appointments take place in the form of individual meetings and are arranged with the mentor.
Where: online or in person, as desired
Registration at:
The mentoring programme for career entry, organised by the Alumni Network of the Mozarteum University, is aimed at both students in the final phase of their studies and graduates.
Within the framework of the mentoring programme, students (mentees) have the opportunity to ask the mentors questions in individual meetings on the topics of career entry, self-organisation and marketing, studying abroad, concrete job descriptions, opportunities on the labour market, information on professional practice, stress management and much more. It is a learning process in which an experienced person passes on their informal, professional knowledge to a person at the beginning of their career, points out paths, answers questions, advises on specific topics and gives feedback.
The mentors themselves have successfully completed their studies at the Mozarteum University, can look back on several years of professional experience and are happy to pass on their experience to students and graduates. However, they are not "job fixers" or personality coaches and do not offer ready-made solutions; the idea is to work out paths and perspectives together. The placement of mentors is subject to availability of suitable pairings; a match in terms of both personality and degree programme is desirable. The length of the collaboration is agreed mutually between the mentor and mentee. Cooperation over several weeks and months is recommended.
The Alumni Network of the University Mozarteum Salzburg
When: Appointments take place in the form of individual meetings and can be arranged individually during the semester as needed.
Where: Online or in person (Innsbruck)
Who: Isabel Gabbe
Registration at:
In this consultation hour you will have the opportunity to discuss your individual concerns on the following topics:
- Preventive measures
- Physical and mental stress
- Instrument-specific complaints

Helpful links
- Advocacy Group for Freelance Artists in Austria (in German)
- Advocacy Group for Freelance Musicians
- Advocacy Group for Visual Artists (mostly in German)
- Sample Contracts for Musicians (English & German)
- Fair Pay - Recommendations for minimum fees for musicians
- Templates for preparing your tax return (in German)
- Austrian Society for Musicians' Medicine
- German Society for Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine (in German)
- Swiss Society for Musicians' Medicine