Start-up & foundation service
The Startup & Foundation Service is the first point of contact for students, teaching staff, employees and alumni of the Mozarteum University for questions about self-employment and founding startups. Here you can get an overview of different types of companies and which one might suit you best. There are, for example, the new self-employment, GmbH, AG and many others.
The Startup and Foundation Service at the Mozarteum University is your companion for questions about self-employment and on the path from your first idea for a product or service to its accompanied realisation. We advise you individually, network you with like-minded people and support you in cooperation with Startup Salzburg with workshops, mentoring programmes and coaching. We are there for students, teaching staff, employees and alumni alike and form the link between the Mozarteum University and the world of the creative industries and entrepreneurship communities.
Whether you have a vague idea or already have concrete plans - we help you to discover the potential and turn your visions into reality.
Book your first IdeaCHECK (online or on site / duration: 45 min)
Our IdeaCHECK gives you the opportunity to present your innovative business idea to us. We will go through your project with you and you will receive feedback at eye level.
Simply book an appointment!
You can make this appointment on site or online.
28 March, 9:00 - 17:15:
Founder and entrepreneur training. Register for basic knowledge for the self-employed
Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg: In spring we are starting our free start-up and entrepreneur training programme again.
Especially for the initial phase, but also for those who have already been self-employed for some time, we offer a lot of interesting information. Of course, there will also be plenty of opportunities for networking.
Programme & topics:
Opening by the start-up service and presentation of i2b
Network turbo - the young economy Salzburg
BeMERKENsWERT - The 1 x 1 for a confident appearance
Key aspects of contract, labour, data protection and unfair competition law
Tax information and to-do's for a successful start to self-employment!
10 April, 17:30 - 19:00 Online workshop:
Entrepreneurship ABC | Register market potential & market research
To the registration
How do I get an initial feeling (based on data) as to whether my idea has potential and how big the potential is?
What market research methods and tools are available? Which sources of data can be used?
Which companies are your competitors? How do you gain a competitive advantage through market research?
Goals & Mission
Ambassadors for entrepreneurial spirit
We arouse curiosity and enthusiasm for entrepreneurship: We use creative methods and discussions to help you develop ideas and check whether and how they can be realised. -
Sparring partners for new start-ups
We support you with your first steps: In the ‘Entrepreneurship ABC’ workshops (basics of starting a business), you will learn everything you need to know - from developing your business model to property rights. -
Bridge builders and network partners
We bring people together: With our contacts and individual support, we connect you with experts and other founders to help you on your way.
The Startup- & Gründungsservice Mozarteum is a service point of the initiative Startup Salzburg.
Questions I wouldn´t dare to ask
First of all: There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers! At the startup and foundation service, you can ask any question about self-employment, founding, startups and entrepreneurship (wtf*** is entrepreneurship?), no matter how stupid it seems to you.
Your ‘Question I wouldn`t dare to ask’ is not included? Write an e-mail to the contact address and you will get an answer!
The term ‘startup’ is generally used to describe newly founded companies that are in the early stages of development and have high growth potential[1]. There are many different answers to the question of what a startup actually is. The most common definitions often include these four core elements:
- the company is no more than 5 years old (sometimes extended to up to 10 years)
- the founders work with limited financial and human resources
- the company pursues an innovative approach
- the business idea is scalable
Entrepreneurship in the broader sense means ‘entrepreneurship’, i.e. the entire spectrum of business management with the additional component of ‘entrepreneurial spirit’[1]: How do I find worthwhile business ideas and opportunities? How do I set goals and achieve them? How do I organise and develop the company? How do I lead teams? How do I enable growth? While most of the points are normal management topics, the entrepreneurial spirit factor stands out in particular: entrepreneurship means believing in your own ideas, accepting uncertainty, taking risks, inspiring investors, teams and customers and making bold decisions.
[1] Source:
New self-employed persons are persons who generate income from self-employment for tax purposes as a result of a business activity (e.g. playing concerts)[1]. New self-employed persons do not need a trade licence, but still generate business income on a contract for work and services basis. They essentially use their own resources, such as their own computer or their own musical instrument.
All beginnings are difficult - this also applies to the first steps in your career. If you have finished your studies and don't immediately have a contract for a job in your hands, you first have to earn money by booking concerts, events, weddings etc. or teaching a few students privately. There are a few things you have to do for the first time: submit your first tax return, take out your own health insurance and, depending on your income, you may also have pension insurance. All of this is complicated and expensive (after all, it doesn't feel nice when you have to hand over your newly earned money straight away), but there are a whole range of people and programmes that will help you to get everything on a legal and steady footing and show you that you can also access various support measures (e.g. the KSVF) as an artist/musician. No programme will contact you by itself, so take the opportunity to get free advice, which will save you an incredible amount of time, nerves and money.
Yes, that's why counselling is still very useful. On the one hand, because you will probably appear in Austria more often and will then need to know how to ‘sort things out with tax’ - there are a few things to bear in mind here too. Secondly, because you may have already earned something in Austria and should report this to the tax office. And then it's also always very good to know what differences there are between the countries in terms of insurance (i.e. the overall healthcare offer), tax rates and support programmes.