Supplementary study - Physio/Mental Coaching
In the academic minor in Physio & Mental Coaching, students have the opportunity to engage intensively with their own physical and mental strengths. This enables them to safeguard their long-term physical and mental health, harness their technical and musical skills and optimise the way they tap into their own abilities.
Institute for Coaching & Career
+43 676 88122 380
Basic module
Advanced module
General Information
Mindfulness, a conscious approach to your own physical and mental strength, is essential if you want to maximise your own potential and pursue a healthy and successful career in the long term. With basic theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, the Physio & Mental Coaching programme aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the topics of body, mind, health and mental resilience. It serves to expand students’ personal skills and knowledge, allowing them to improve their performance and enabling them to practise their profession in a healthy and stable way for many years to come.
For most people, practising an artistic activity is not just a profession but a vocation, and this requires a constant high level of physical and mental performance. Tension, pain, postural damage and mental stress such as stage fright often arise and make playing and performing a challenge.
While theoretical principles form an important part of the content in this academic minor, the focus is on learning practical exercises, bodywork and mental training methods. Students are informed about preventative measures, ergonomics, physiological and anatomical principles and are supported in dealing with mental challenges they face in their own performance practice under appropriate guidance. They are given tools to deal with excessive perfectionism or a lack of self-confidence. They are encouraged to tap into their inner resources so that they can utilise their own potential in an optimal way in performance situations. The focus is on self-care, perception and reflection as well as performance coaching, learning relaxation methods, self-regulation and expanding one's own competences in artistic practice. Students also have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the latest research findings and research methods.
Basic module
In the basic module, students are given an overview of theoretical principles, practical exercises, bodywork and mental training methods; they can also focus on in-depth topics.
The following introductory courses from the compulsory area must be completed:
- VO Artists' Health (2h per week/2 ECTS points)
- KG Physio- and Mental Coaching BA 1 (1h per week/1 ECTS points)
- ODERVU Movement Analysis BA (1h per week/2 ECTS points) (only at the Salzburg campus)
- Electives: In addition, recommended courses in the basic module must be selected from the courses offered by Mozarteum University Salzburg at the respective campus, Salzburg or Innsbruck (9 ECTS points).
Advanced module
The advanced module builds upon the skills, abilities and knowledge acquired in the basic module. In some cases, depending on the courses offered by the relevant departments, it is possible to set an individual focus. The courses of the advanced module are to be chosen from the recommended programme offered by the Mozarteum University Salzburg at the respective campus, Salzburg or Innsbruck (12 ECTS).
The academic minor is aimed at students of the Mozarteum University Salzburg (at both the Salzburg and Innsbruck campuses) and can be taken by all students of the BA, MA, diploma and PhD programmes within the scope of the free electives required by their curriculum.
Students of other degree programmes can take part in the respective academic minor within the scope of their programme's free elective requirements, subject to available capacities. Students from other universities can be admitted as part of co-enrolment, subject to available capacity (for further information, please contact the Department of Studies and Examinations at the Mozarteum University Salzburg).
Participation in courses from the academic minor is possible within the scope of the free elective course that students are required to complete for their degree programme. If a student does not complete the number of credits required to be awarded the full academic minor, the certificates from the individual courses can be used as credits for free electives.
The following subjects can be credited towards the basic module of the Physio/Mental Coaching programme supplement:
- Lecture: Artists' health
- Physio-Mental Coaching BA 1
- or Movement Analysis BA
Free to choose from:
- Breath, movement, meditation 1 and 2
- Qi Gong 1 and 2
- Breathing and body training 1 and 2
- Holistic somatic methods
- Performance, audition and competition coaching BA
- Performance, audition and competition coaching MA
- Feldenkrais 1 and 2
- Physio and mental coaching 2
- Music and medicine
- Dealing with challenging situations BA
- Dealing with challenging situations MA
- Music physiology
- Music and Medicine/ Music and Health (Arts & Academia)
- Mental and physical health of artists in the focus of current research 1
- Corresponding offers of the Career Centre from the category "Health at work"
The following subjects can be freely selected for the advanced module of the academic minor in Physio/Mental Coaching, provided that they have not already been credited for the basic module:
- Breath, movement, meditation 1 and 2
- Qi Gong 1 and 2
- Breathing and body training 1 and 2
- Holistic somatic methods
- Performance, audition and competition coaching BA
- Performance, audition and competition coaching MA
- Feldenkrais 1 and 2
- Physio and mental coaching 2
- Music and medicine
- Dealing with challenging situations BA
- Dealing with challenging situations MA
- Music physiology
- Music and Medicine/ Music and Health (Arts & Academia)
- Physio/mental coaching - intensification programme
- Mental and physical health of artists in the focus of current research 2 (project)
- Corresponding offers of the Career Centre from the category "Health at work"
NOTE: In addition, two free electives are designed each semester, which deal with topics such as stress management, correct practice, functional bodywork, anatomy and neuronal connections. These subjects can be found under the list of free electives and are offered alternately by the following teachers: Elisabeth Grain, Bernhard Hagspiel, Simone Irmer, Hanna Keßeler, Karoline Renner & Barbara Rosanelli-Graif
Students have the opportunity to obtain a certificate for the basic module (12 ECTS points) as well as for the advanced module (12 ECTS points). The following certificates can be applied for after successful completion of the courses for the academic minor:
- A certificate for the basic module of an academic minor will be issued after positive completion of courses with different content (including the two compulsory courses) amounting to at least 12 ECTS points.
- A certificate for the advanced module of an academic minor will be issued after successful completion of further courses of different content amounting to at least 12 ECTS points.
The examination certificates for the courses must be submitted in the specified digital form (individual certificates in PDF format as well as a list of courses) to the head of the respective academic minor programme so that the necessary verification checks can be carried out. The certificates are then issued by the Department of Studies & Examinations at the Mozarteum University Salzburg.
The academic minor in Physio & Mental Coaching is organised and coordinated by the Institute for Coaching and Career at the Mozarteum University Salzburg. The course programme is compiled on a semester-by-semester basis, with additional courses being offered as required.
Which courses take place as part of this academic minor?
The current courses on offer are announced each semester.
How do I register for individual courses?
Registration takes place via MOZonline. If external university courses are taken as part of an academic minor, you must also register with the organising university (e.g. Paris Lodron University Salzburg).
How are academic minors recognised and certified?
Certificates obtained for academic minor programmes can be used twice:
- In the case of a sufficient number of certificates for the basic or advanced module (12 ECTS-Credits each) of the respective academic minor or study focus.
- As credits required to be taken in free electives (provided they are not compulsory subjects of your own degree programme).
How is the certificate issued?
Certificates for academic minors at the Mozarteum University Salzburg:
After completing the required 12 ECTS-Credits for the basic module or advanced module, the courses must be entered in the course list and sent by email, together with individual certificates in PDF format, to the respective head of the academic minor for verification. After the review, the head of the academic minor programme must forward the documents to the Department of Studies & Examinations so that the certificate can be issued. The certificate must be collected from the Servicepoint of Mozarteum University Salzburg, Mirabellplatz 1.