Aesthetic competence - just a buzzword?
Music Education
Michaela Schwarzbauer, Monika Oebelsberger [Hg.]

Documentation of a conference of the School of Music & Art Edication (SOMA) at the University Mozarteum Salzburg.
Einwürfe. Salzburg Texts on Music - Art - Pedagogy Volume 1
LIT Verlag, Vienna 2017
- Wolfgang Welsch: Ästhetische Welterfahrung
- Judith Hechler / Maria Spychiger: Ästhetische Kompetenz
- Gundel Mattenklott: Ästhetisches Erleben und Lernen auf dem Bildungsweg
- Manfred Blohm: Warum es Sinn machen könnte als Kunstpädagoge oder Kunstpädagogin die fachliche 'Comfort Zone' zu verlassen
- Franz Billmayer: Destiny - Aesthetic Competence in the Age of General Consumption
- Martin Losert: Aesthetic Competence - Unaesthetic Competence - Aesthetic Incompetence - Unaesthetic Incompetence
- Wolfgang Mastnak: Aesthetics and artistic transformation: basic principles of interdisciplinary music education
- Christian Rolle: How well can we argue about taste?
- Michaela Schwarzbauer: Scenario of a failure?
- Matthias Handschick: " … even Helene Fischer for all I care!"
- Christine Peham: A scattered light from the conference audience…or - Who knows the fruits that a good conference bears?
- Sonja Stibi: A promise for further work
- Julia Katharina Poscharnig: "Ultimately, however, it is the encounter" - Spotlights from the symposium "Aesthetic Competence. Just a buzzword?"