© Elsa Okazaki
Curriculum Committee
Ulrike Hatzer
Univ.-Prof. for Theatre Pedagogy / Director of Studies Applied Theatre⋅Thomas Bernhard Institute⋅School of Music & Arts Education (SOMA)
Ulrike Hatzer is a theater practitioner and, as a university professor, has been leading the master's program "Applied Theatre. Artistic Theater Practice & Society" at the Mozarteum University since 2019, which she also developed.
Her work focuses on concept, project and piece development, the practical-artistic investigation of the so-called "professional", the performative work at the interfaces of theater and activism, dealing with political art in theory and practice, the investigation of communication via the theater and the connection between urban development and performing arts. Ulrike Hatzer studied Theater Studies, Philosophy and Theater Education at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (Germany) and Drama Studies with a focus on directing, puppetry and theater & Community at Trinity College in Dublin (Ireland). Important theater work was the research theater project "Next door", for which she was nominated for the FAUST in 2017, and the expert theater project "Freedom Equality Upper Limit", both at the Staatstheater Braunschweig. In 2022 she developed a research-based play "If the skirt you wear is older than you" with and about Aussiedler biographies at the Stadttheater Ingolstadt (premier April 30, 2022), and worked on the living installation "UnUniversität für participative Praxis" as part of the Bürgerbühnenfestival 2022. In October 2021 she curated the initiative Together for the Quarter as part of the Festivals "Innomake" the conference urban development performative in the Mannheim Multihalle. Awards that still mean something to her, in addition to a few national and international festival invitations, the German Children's Theater Prize (performance bonus) 2004 from the Children and Youth Theater Center of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Salzburg Prize 2012 from the Kulturfonds of the City of Salzburg together with the directing students of the Thomas Bernhard Institute from the Mozarteum University for “Salt. Explorations of Reality", a performance series of the so-called expert projects.