© Christian Schneider
Curriculum Committee
David Paulig
David Paulig (*Limburg an der Lahn) studied music and geography in Cologne at the Gymnasiumlehramt level. Subsequently, he studied composition with Tilmann Claus, aural education with Friedrich Jaecker, and instrumental pedagogy of the recorder with Ursula Schmidt-Laukamp at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz (HfMT) Cologne. He completed his diploma studies in 2011. Between April 2012 and October 2014, he held teaching positions for composition, aural education, and analysis at the Evangelische Kirchenmusikhochschule Herford and at the music academies in Detmold, Hannover, and Karlsruhe.
In addition, he sang in the RSH vocal ensemble at the Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf under the direction of Anders Eby until 2013. He regularly gives concerts with the recorder in various ensembles and gives lessons and seminars for recorder ensembles and individual students. Since October 2014 he has been a senior lecturer at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg in the areas of music theory, ear training, analysis, improvisation and figured bass.