Our events
All chargeable events at the Mozarteum University can now be attended free of charge by all users of a valid Aktiv:Karte, Aktiv:KartePLUS or Aktiv:KarteKiDS. There is a limited contingent for Aktiv:Karte holders, so please make a reservation by e-mail, telephone or online (ticket category ‘Free ticket with Aktiv:Karte’).
Details about the Aktiv:Karte can be found HERE.
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General ticket pre-sales online at shop.eventjet.at/mozarteum, at +43 676 88122 326 (Mo–Fr from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.) or at karten@moz.ac.at. Depending on availability, tickets are also available at the daytime or evening box office.
April 2025
2.4.202507:30 pmSolitärStudio für Elektronische MusikNeue Werke von Studierenden des Seminars "Medienkomposition"Concert· Free
11.4.—12.4.2025Music theory workshopThis workshop weekend offers an ideal supplement to your own preparation. In a group rotation principle, all important areas of the licensing exam are taken with a focus on ear training and tone setting.Workshop· Free entry (Opens in new tab)
May 2025
16.5.202507:30 pmSolitärEnsemblekonzertmit dem Ensemble für zeitgenössische Musik: 6 Uraufführungen á 10 Minuten von Studierenden des Departments für Komposition (Leitung: Kai Röhrig)Concert· Free
18.5.202506:00 pmSolitärKlavierduo Ernst Surberg & Esther Ropón7 Werke von Studierenden der KompositionsklassenConcert· Free