PhD Programme – Graduate School of Music Education

Doctor of Philosophy

The Graduate School of Music Education is offered in cooperation with several partner universities in Austria and Germany and is a programme for doctoral students of music education who have a strong professional focus and wish to expand their academic career. It offers music education courses at a demanding level, with a focus on academic work and research.

Department of Studies & Examinations
+43 676 88122 492

Length of course
6 semesters / 180 ECTS credits


Registration deadline
from February each year

Admissions examinations
Summer semester each year


The Mozarteum University is a member of the consortium Graduate School of Music Education, a professional community of various universities and colleges for the promotion of doctoral students in music education. Young researchers from the Mozarteum University's Department of Music Education and Department of Music Education (Innsbruck) can access the joint offers of the member institutions within the framework of the Graduate School of Music Education.

The qualification promotes the systematic networking of doctoral students in music education with the academic and professional world, and is committed to improving interdisciplinary exchange. It bundles its activities, among other things, in regular study days and in the European Doctoral Colloquium Music Pedagogy.

General course information

  • Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts - Graduate School of Music Education
  • Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts
  • University of Osnabrück
  • Mozarteum University Salzburg (Department of Music Education Salzburg & Department of Music Education, Innsbruck)
  • Stuttgart University of Music and Performing Arts


Coordination Office:
Dipl. Päd. Jana-Maria Hahn
+ 49 69 154 007 236

Prof. Dr. Maria Spychiger
+ 49 69 154 007 393

Leimenrode 29
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Why participate?

  • The doctorate is integrated into a structure that is supported by a specialist community spanning several colleges and universities.
  • Support is offered in subject-specific and cross-disciplinary exchange and contacts are established with the academic and professional world.
  • Cooperation and collaboration in research and teaching in music education is promoted by the doctoral students.
  • The next generation of music pedagogues and scholars is strengthened.
  • All components of the degree programme offer elective options.
  • The structure of the Graduate School of Music Education as a network of several institutions promotes the mobility of the doctoral students.

Component 1: Modularised study

  • Module 1: Research Methods
  • Module 2: Philosophy of science and research design
  • Module 3: Music pedagogical content
  • 30 credit points

Component 2: Personal study

  • Attendance at academic conferences
  • Courses according to individual needs
  • Publishing
  • Consultation with experts
  • Exchange and presentation
  • 30 credit points

Component 1 Modularised Studies is offered jointly by the participating universities and colleges and is updated every semester. In addition, interdisciplinary exchange and networking opportunities for contacts with the academic and professional world of doctoral researchers are systematically promoted.

Component 3: Professional activity

  • Undertaking of work with musical and pedagogical relevance
  • 30 credit points

Component 4: Doctoral Thesis

  • Doctoral thesis with defence/dissertation or viva voce at the home institution. The academic degree is awarded in accordance with the doctoral regulations of the respective partner institution.
  • 90 credit points

Interested doctoral candidates can register with the coordination office at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt am Main on the recommendation of their supervisor.