Individual ↔ Collectivum

Students of the 7A class of the BORG-Nonntal develop a music-theatrical performance of the improvisational-experimental score Individuum↔Collectivum (1979) by the composer Vinko Globokar. How can experimental-improvisational artistic interactions be described as aesthetic and social phenomena? Which methods prove to be particularly suitable for this purpose and what conclusions can be drawn in order to specifically promote aesthetic competencies in music lessons?
Project Management
Michael Schwarzbauer
Cooperation Partner
BORG-Nonntal, BORG-Straßwalchen, Volksschule Edt Mödlham, Musikum Grödig, Gymnasium St. Ursula Salzburg
01.10.2012 until 30.09.2014
I, you, we… Individual ↔ Collectivum:
This is also everyday school life. What creative forces does contemporary music release in students? How can experimental-improvisational artistic interactions be described as aesthetic and social phenomena and which methods prove to be particularly suitable for this? What conclusions can be drawn in order to specifically promote aesthetic competencies in music lessons?