On 15 June 2025, all members of the University (with the exception of students) are called upon to elect the representatives of their groups to the Senate for the term of office 1.10.2025 - 30.9.2028.
+++ Registration for the entrance examination for pedagogical programmes and Pre-College still possible until 28th March 2025 - all further information on the course pages! +++
In October 2025, the new ‘Music Multis: Next Generation’ funding programme will start at the Mozarteum University. This programme, which is unique in Austria to date, prepares young talents specifically for music education studies.
The increasing demand for qualified young talent in music education presents universities with new challenges. At the same time, the path to a music education degree programme is demanding for many prospective students - not least because of the entrance examination. This is where ‘Musik-Multis: Next Generation’ comes in: The programme aims to close the gap between school and university and make it easier for young people to start their studies, building on the ‘Musik-Multis’ project launched in 2021 - a cooperation between the Mozarteum University and six Salzburg schools, supported by the City and Province of Salzburg. The aim was to intensify cooperation between teachers and students at the Mozarteum as well as teachers and pupils in the upper school. The ‘Next Generation’ now goes one step further: it prepares pupils interested in music specifically for the start of a music education degree programme. ‘There are many German models for the early promotion of those interested in music education, but Austria has yet to offer such a programme. The German MULEM-EX study (‘Musiklehrkräftemangel - eine explorative Studie’, note) shows, among other things, why fewer students start a music education degree programme. Obstacles such as the entrance examination, a job description that is perceived as less attractive or a lack of information about the degree programme all play a role. This is precisely where we want to start and break down these barriers,’ explains Andreas Bernhofer, Professor of Music Education at the Mozarteum University and initiator of the programme.
Studying music education requires a wide range of skills: In addition to the entrance examinations, which require basic knowledge in many areas, knowledge of piano playing is required and another instrument should already be well mastered. Those who decide to study at short notice often face major challenges - even with sound prior knowledge. Even schools specialising in music cannot cover all the necessary preparations. Personal initiative, support from the family and an early start are therefore often crucial. The Musik-Multis want to make this decision easier and break down potential inhibitions: ‘We want to teach the basics in advance so that everyone has the chance to apply - regardless of their family background or previous musical training. It's about encouraging enthusiasm for music and getting young people involved at an early age,’ emphasises Elisabeth Wieland, Senior Scientist at the Department of Music Education and co-initiator of the project. She also emphasises the benefits of early support: ‘The biggest advantage is being as well prepared as possible for the entrance exam. Our programme not only imparts knowledge, but also awakens a passion for music and music education and accompanies young people on their path to music education. It also strengthens self-empowerment, promotes personal responsibility and encourages them to become musically creative.’ The connection between school and university also benefits, adds Andreas Bernhofer: ‘We deal intensively with youth culture and music - areas in which students can find their own position. This aspect is often neglected at school because teachers can't cover everything. In programmes like Musik-Multis, young people can become active, implement their own projects and decide for themselves: ‘I can do that, I want to do that!
Building on the experience gained from the previous project, ‘Musik-Multis: Next Generation’ offers practical, in-depth support through six weekend modules (Friday afternoon to Saturday evening) during the school year. The participants work on content such as music theory, voice training and ensemble conducting and create their own final musical project. A focus is placed on modern music education areas such as songwriting, music production, project management, event organisation and digital music tools. These additions are designed to prepare young people for the diverse demands of contemporary music teaching. ‘The expectations of music teaching and the skills required of teachers are constantly changing - influenced by social developments and technological advances. Our support programme teaches the necessary skills to express themselves musically and lead projects independently,’ explains Elisabeth Wieland. Regular meetings create a community that provides security and motivation - both for the entrance exam and for the future musical path.
The support programme is organised and financed by the Mozarteum University in collaboration with various schools - including some of the previous project partners in the predecessor project. In addition to the weekend modules, it includes an intensive week, the Spring Academy, which takes place in a holiday block. During this week, the young people work intensively on their own projects, which they present at a final concert. ‘The Spring Academy is a central component of the programme. It offers young people the opportunity to develop their skills in practice and realise their own musical ideas,’ explains Andreas Bernhofer and continues: ’We are investing in the future of music here. It's about promoting young talent and enriching the musical education landscape. Music Multis: Next Generation is helping to make music education studies more attractive and accessible - and also to demystify the entrance exam’ (laughs). Low-threshold access to the future degree programme is also created through a buddy system: students accompany the young people as tutors and links to the university - a concept that has already proven its worth in the previous project. ‘I think we have achieved our goal if someone dares to apply to study through the music multinationals, which would not have happened without the support programme. If someone is interested in the programme. Or perhaps, on the contrary, is now sure that it's not a good fit,’ says Elisabeth Wieland.
Musik-Multis: Next Generation, the Mozarteum University's new one-year support programme for music education, starts in October 2025. Interested young people between the ages of 15 and 18 who are already receiving lessons in singing or an instrument and are familiar with the basics of music theory can apply from 16 June.
(First published in the Uni-Nachrichten / Salzburger Nachrichten on 15 March 2025)