ULG Advanced Studies in Music & Dance Education – Orff Approach MA (CE)

University course
© Raphael Mittendorfer
The four-semester university course Advanced Studies in Music and Dance Education - Orff Approach MA (CE) (with English as the language of instruction) deepens pedagogical, artistic and theoretical competences in inter- and transdisciplinary work with music, dance and language. Approaches to planning and evaluating creativity-led teaching processes are discussed in both practical and theoretical terms in the context of current research.

Department of Studies & Examinations
+43 676 88122 492

Length of course
4 semesters / 120 ECTS-AP


by 15.04.2025


Students will expand their range of skills in the areas of teaching and academic research by critically analysing and systematically examining selected topics in elemental music and dance education and related fields. Students will also become more familiar with the work on artistic projects conceived for specific target groups.

The programme aims to develop students’ aesthetic/artistic skills, didactic competences and academic research skills. Students will engage critically with research findings and current practices in cultural education, expanding their knowledge as well as their technical and creative skills. They will become familiar with the range of approaches to music, dance and language that are grounded in the basic ideas of the Orff-Schulwerk, learning to apply them professionally and integrate them into their own educational contexts. They will reflect on their activities in arts education on the basis of current theoretical discourse.

The programme includes artistic and didactic courses, as well as courses in theory and academic research. Students will critically analyse research findings and current practices in cultural education and expand their knowledge and their technical and creative skills. The programme systematically analyses and evaluates various theoretical, artistic and pedagogical aspects of elemental music and dance education.

Applicants to the programme are required to have completed a bachelor's degree as well as the University Course in Advanced Studies in Music and Dance Education – Orff Approach; they must also be able demonstrate several years of relevant professional experience. The course is geared toward teachers of all disciplines as well as musicians and dancers who are interested in the creative use of music and dance in their field of activity - especially in ways that reflect the principles and values of the Orff-Schulwerk. Suitable applicants include people who are drawn to developing artistic/educational projects and gaining experience in scholarly research.

The programme opens up a range of career prospects in schools and extracurricular education: in pre-primary, primary and secondary education, in music/dance education, at music schools, in educator training (e.g. teacher training and continuing education, or in higher education), as well as in inclusive education, cultural activities and media work. In addition, it furthers personal development and promotes cooperation, as well as the acquisition of social, leadership and organisational skills. It also gives participants the opportunity to shape artistic, intercultural and social development processes in a diverse society.

Graduates are able to convey the concept and working methods of the Orff-Schulwerk in a competent and contemporary manner and to work with different target groups. They contribute to the continuing development of the Orff-Schulwerk with exceptional standards. Equipped with newly acquired and seasoned knowledge and skills, they enrich educational and cultural practices and contribute to the cultivation of the creativity-orientated, culturally considerate and diversity-sensitive work that defines Elemental Music and Dance Education. Having broadened their professional prospects, they can expect increased advantages in the labour market. Furthermore, due to the deeply meaningful, creative and artistic nature of the content, the programme can contribute to better overall health – serving to impede burnout, a condition that largely affects teachers, and helping to maintain physical health through active movement and dance.

In particular, the following competencies are acquired during the four-semester university course programme MA (CE):

  • The ability to plan and implement interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teaching practice, taking into account heterogeneous groups, and to evaluate it with regard to theoretical discourse.
  • The ability to understand and apply the theoretical principles and concepts of gender studies, inclusive education, and social/cultural diversity to the context of teaching.
  • The ability to critically analyse theoretical approaches to Elemental Music and Dance Education and related fields of research and to further these in the form of independent academic work.
  • The ability to develop, implement and reflect on artistic concepts and formats in the context of elemental music and dance pedagogy, both individually and collaboratively.

General Information

coming soon!

coming soon!

The prerequisite for admission to the four-semester MA (CE) university course is the completion of a relevant bachelor's degree or another relevant subject-related degree programme with at least the same higher education level at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational. Applicants are also required to have completed the two-semester university course Advanced Studies in Music and Dance Education – Orff Approach (ULG) (or the two-semester postgraduate university course “Advanced Studies in Music and Dance Education – Orff-Schulwerk”) at the Mozarteum University Salzburg and must demonstrate several years of relevant professional experience.

The steps necessary for registration are detailed below. Applicants who have already studied at an Austrian university should start with step 3.
1. Create a basic account in MOZonline
2. Once in the MOZonline account: fill in the mandatory statistics UHstat1 (pre-registration for studies) and make a note of the application number that is sent by email upon submission of this information.
3. Create an application account in Muvac
4. Fill out your own profile in Muvac (minimum requirements: personal data, information on expertise matching the desired degree programme, in the CV: current employment and information on previous training)
During the application period:
5. Select your desired degree programme in Muvac (Browse -> Studies)
6. Fill out the application form in Muvac ("Apply now"), being sure to enter your application number (see step 2) or Austrian matriculation number in the appropriate field
Detailed instructions with screenshots can be found here.
Please take a look at the FAQs about registration in Muvac if you get stuck at any of the steps.
Communication during the application process takes place via Muvac or email, depending on the degree programme. Please ensure that you can be contacted at the email address entered in your profile throughout the entire application process and regularly check whether you have received any new messages in Muvac. You can set your own profile to inform you of any new messages in Muvac by email (Account settings -> Notifications).
If your contact details change, please update your profile yourself.

The following documents must be uploaded with the online application by 15.04.2025:

  • Proof of completion of the two-semester university course Advanced Studies in Music and Dance Education - Orff Approach (ULG) (or the two-semester postgraduate university course ‘Advanced Studies in Music and Dance Education - Orff-Schulwerk’) at the Mozarteum University Salzburg.
  • Proof of several years of relevant professional experience.
  • Bachelor's degree certificate (or certificate of completion of an equivalent degree programme) as well as a complete overview of subjects and grades (Transcript of Records) from the bachelor's degree. In addition, an official confirmation of the main subject/instrument must be enclosed if this is not evident from the degree certificate or the overview of subjects and grades (e.g. ‘Bachelor of Music’ without further details is not sufficient).
  • Applicants whose documents are not in German must enclose an official translation of their documents in German or English in addition to the original.
  • If further previous studies are available, a complete overview of subjects and grades (transcript of records) of all artistic and pedagogical (or academic) bachelor's, master's or diploma programmes must also be uploaded.
  • In the case of non-pedagogical studies, proof of pedagogical activity, professional experience or teaching activity must also be provided.
  • Application portfolio with CV, letter of motivation, academic exposé and written concept/documentation for group teaching

An application video must be uploaded to the application portal by 28th April 2025 at the latest. Applicants will receive an invitation to upload the video after the application documents have been reviewed. It is not possible to upload the video at the same time as the documents listed above.

The entrance examination for the four-semester MA (CE) university course consists of an examination to determine artistic, pedagogical and academic aptitude (= video screening and examination discussion with interview). In addition, proof of English language skills must be provided upon enrolment at the latest.

Video screening and examination discussion with interview

Applicants will present their instrumental, vocal, dance and artistic-pedagogical skills by means of a video, which must be uploaded in advance.

Content of the video:
  • Video showing the applicant's instrumental skills. Two pieces of different periods and characters must be performed. Performing from memory is not required.
  • Video showing the vocal competences of the applicant. A piece for solo voice (e.g. a folk song or children's song) is to be performed from memory and without accompaniment.
  • Video showing the applicant's dance skills. For example, a traditional dance sequence or a self-choreographed phrase can be presented.
  • Video showing the applicant's artistic and pedagogical competences during a lesson with a target group of their choice (duration approx. 30 min). A group lesson with musical-dance content (own composition and/or self-choreographed sequence) in which a didactic structure is clearly recognisable is expected.
    In addition, a written concept/documentation of the group lesson, including the artistic material, must be submitted and uploaded in the application form.
Total duration of the video: approx. 40 minutes. The individual parts must be edited together to form a single video. Only one video upload is permitted.

Applicants are requested to ensure in advance that those captured on video and audio have given their consent for the recordings to be submitted as part of the university application. The Mozarteum University Salzburg accepts no responsibility in cases of dispute.

The interview will take place online between 2nd and 6th June 2025. It consists of the following parts:
  • Discussion with the examination panel about the candidate's videos, motivation, background, previous studies, expectations and career prospects. Presentation and explanation/discussion of questions based on theories of elementary music and dance pedagogy and related topics/disciplines based on the Master's thesis projects planned by the candidate in an interview with the examination panel to determine scholarly aptitude.
  • The interview will take place exclusively online. Candidates must ensure that they can be reached at the specified time of the online interview with a good internet connection; a PC/laptop with camera/microphone is also required.

English language skills

  • Required language level: at least A2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR 2001)
  • Information on the recognised certificates can be found HERE.

On-site courses
29th January - 10th February 2026

Lecturers for on-site courses:

  • Ruth Burmann
  • Ari Glage
  • Laura Humphreys 
  • Andrea Ostertag
  • Karen Schlimp
  • Doris Valtiner
  • Chris Wang
  • Marena Weller

Lecturers for online courses:

  • Werner Beidinger
  • Christa Coogan
  • Erik Esterbauer
  • Charlotte Fröhlich
  • Anna Maria Kalcher
  • Andrea Ostertag 
  • Andrea Sangiorgio
  • Doris Valtiner
  • Astrid Weger
  • Chris Wang

coming soon!



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