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The path to admission

Requirements & Registration

The prerequisite for admission to a bachelor's degree programme (BA) is passing the artistic admission examination. For this, an online application is first required, after which an application video must often also be submitted. If the application video is evaluated positively, an invitation to the admission examination is issued.

Admission to a Master's programme (MA) requires, in addition to passing the artistic admission examination, the completion of a Bachelor's programme (BA) in a relevant subject at a recognized Austrian or foreign post-secondary educational institution (e.g. university, college).

In order to be able to start a teacher training programme in secondary education (general education) in the Central Cluster, students must first pass a pedagogical aptitude test (general admission procedure). By the time of application and registration for the general admission procedure, the online self-assessment must have been completed, the cost contribution paid and the registration for an appointment for the Electronic Admission Test made - details can be found at

For the teaching subjects offered at the Mozarteum University (Fine Arts Education, Design: Technology.Textiles, Music Education and Instrumental Music Education) an artistic admission examination is also required.

Admission to a postgraduate university course (PGL) requires the completion of a subject-related master's degree or diploma programme at a recognized domestic or foreign postsecondary educational institution in the respective central artistic subject. Admission with a pedagogical degree such as teaching or instrumental & vocal pedagogy is NOT possible. In addition, the prerequisite for admission to a course of study is the successful completion of an artistic admission examination.

The examination of the pre-study documents can take up to 4 weeks! Early registration is therefore recommended.

Application for a study programme is only possible if a degree for this study program has not yet been obtained.

Details on the respective admission procedures, the admission-relevant bachelor studies for the registration for master studies and information on the required repertoire can be found at the respective study program.

Registration takes place during the application period via the application portal Muvac.

Necessary documents for online registration for Master's programmes:

  • BA certificate or degree certificate of a relevant study programme if the study programme has already been completed
  • Current confirmation of enrolment, if the study program has not yet been completed (the certificate must be submitted by the time of enrolment!)
  • Overview of subjects and grades (Transcript of Records) of the BA studies
  • Official confirmation of the main subject/instrument, if this is not evident from the other documents (e.g. "Bachelor of Music" is not sufficient!)
  • If further previous studies are available, a complete overview of subjects and grades (Transcript of Records) of all artistic and pedagogical master and diploma studies must also be uploaded.

The documents can be uploaded as PDF in the application form.

If the documents mentioned are not available in German or English, an official translation must be submitted as well.

  • Performance Studies (Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Postgraduate University Course)
    1.2.2025 - 28.2.3025 (Please note: the deadline is in February!)

  • Pre-College Salzburg
    1.2.2025 - 28.3.2025

  • Studies at the Orff Institute (Elemental Music and Dance or Movement Pedagogy)
    1.2.2025 - 28.3.2025

  • Instrumental & Vocal Pedagogy (Salzburg and Innsbruck locations)
    1.2.2025 - 28.3.2025

  • Teacher Training Studies (teaching subjects Art, Design: Technology & Texiles, Music, Instrumental Music)
    Date 1: 1.2.2025 - 10.6.2025 (only Art and Design: Technology & Textiles, Salzburg campus)
    Date 2: 1.7.2025 - 5.8.2025 (only Art and Design: Technology & Textiles, Salzburg campus)
    1.2.2025 - 10.6.2025 (only Art, Innsbruck campus)
    1.2.2025 - 28.3.2025 (only Music and Instrumental Music, Salzburg and Innsbruck campuses)

  • Diploma Programme: Stage design
    Date 1: 1.2.2025 - 28.2.2025
    Date 2: 1.4.2025 - 28.5.2025

  • Diploma Programme: Acting (admission for summer semester 2025!)
    01.8.2024 - 14.11.2024

  • Diploma study Directing (admission for summer semester 2025!)
    01.8.2024 - 14.11.2024

  • MA in Applied Theatre
    1.2.2025 - 28.3.2025

  • PhD in the Arts
    1.2.2025 - 28.3.2025
  • Application period: depending on field of study
  • Deadline for video upload: 20.3.2025 (if relevant)
  • Notification after video review: April & May 2025
  • On-site admission exam: depending on field of study
  • Notification email after admission exam: July 2025 at the latest
  • General admission deadline (enrolment in degree program): 7.7.2025 to September 2025
  • Registration for courses: 1. - 30. September 2025
  • Start of lectures: 1. October 2025

Please note: The dates and deadlines must be approved every year. The new dates are published as soon as they are confirmed. This is usually the case in mid-December. Please be patient if you cannot find the new dates yet. The dates and deadlines for all studies will be published by the beginning of the application period at the latest.

Konzertfach & Orff studies: Exam dates 2024 (Departments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, Pre-College)

Instrumental- & Voice Pedagogy (IGP): Exam dates 2025  (Location Salzburg)

Teacher training, subjects ME & IME: Exam dates 20245 (Location Salzburg)

Teacher training, subjects BE & GTT: Exam dates 2025 (Location Salzburg)

Location Innsbruck (IGP, ME, IME, BE): Exam dates 2025

Acting, Directing, Applied Theatre, Stage Design & PhD in the Arts: Exam dates 2025 (Departments 7 & 8)


Assignment of studies to departments

Department 1: Composition and Music Theory
Composition (BA, MA, PGL), Music Theory (BA, MA, PGL)

Department 2: Keyboard Studies
Piano (BA, MA, PGL), Piano Solo Training (MA), Piano Duo (MA, PGL), New Music Piano (MA), Repetition for musical theatre (MA), Organ (BA, MA, PGL)

Department 3: String & Plucked Instruments
Guitar (BA, MA, PGL), Harp (BA, MA, PGL), Chamber music for piano trio (MA), Chamber music for string quartet (MA), Double bass (BA, MA, PGL), Viola (BA, MA, PGL), Violin (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Violin (MA), Violoncello (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Violoncello (MA)

Department 4: Brass, Wind & Percussion Studies
Bass clarinet (MA), Bass tuba (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Bass tuba (MA), Wind orchestra conducting (MA, ULG), Recorder (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Recorder (MA), Bassoon (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Bassoon (MA), Flute (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Flute (MA), Horn (BA, MA, PGL), Clarinet (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Clarinet (MA), Oboe (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Oboe (MA), Trombone (BA, MA, PGL), Percussion instruments (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Percussion instruments (MA), Trumpet (BA, MA, PGL)

Department 5: Vocal Studies
Voice (BA, MA, PGL), New Music Voice (MA), Song & Oratorio (MA, PGL), Song duo (PGL)

Department 6: Opera & Music Theatre
Opera & Music Theatre (MA, PGL)

Department 7: Acting, Directing & Applied Theatre - Thomas Bernhard Institute
Applied Theatre (MA), Regie (Diplom study), Schauspiel (Diplom study)

Department 8: Scenography
Stage design (Diplom study)

Department 9: Musicology

Department 10: Music Pedagogy, Salzburg & Linz
Instrumental- & Gesangspädagogik (BA, MA)
Lehramt Sekundarstufe (Allgemeinbildung), Unterrichtsfächer Musikerziehung & Instrumentalmusikerziehung (BA, MA)

Department 11: Music Pedagogy, Innsbruck
Instrumental- & Gesangspädagogik (BA, MA)
Lehramt Sekundarstufe (Allgemeinbildung), Unterrichtsfächer Musikerziehung & Instrumentalmusikerziehung (BA, MA)

Department 12: Visual Arts and Design
Lehramt Sekundarstufe (Allgemeinbildung), Unterrichtsfächer:
Bildnerische Erziehung (BA, MA), Standort Innsbruck
Bildnerische Erziehung (BA, MA), Standort Salzburg
Gestaltung: Technik.Textil (BA, MA), Standort Salzburg

Department 13: Conducting/ Choir Conducting / Wind Orchestra Conducting
Wind orchestra conducting (MA, ULG), Choir conducting (BA, MA, PGL), Orchestra conducting (BA, MA, PGL)

Department 14: Elementary Music & Dance Pedagogy - Orff-Institute
Elementare Musik- und Tanzpädagogik (BA, MA), Elementare Musik- und Bewegungspädagogik (MA)

Department 15: Early Music
Baroque cello (MA, PGL), Baroque violin/viola (BA, MA, PGL), Baroque Voice (MA, PGL), Baroque oboe (BA, MA, PGL), Harpsichord (BA, MA, PGL), Fortepiano (MA), Viola da Gamba/Violone (BA, MA, PGL), Historical performance practice (MA, PGL), Traversflute (MA, PGL),

Pre-College Salzburg
Bass tuba, Recorder, Harpsichord, Bassoon, Flute, Voice, Guitar, Harp, Horn, Clarinet, Piano, Composition, Double bass, Oboe, Organ, Trombone, Saxophone, Percussion instruments, Trumpet, Viola, Violin, Violoncello

Specifics of admission procedures

The admission examinations in the Artistic Major (KHF) are held for some instruments together with the admission examination Instrumental Studies. Please note the date information outside the deadline of the admission examinations for the teaching profession Music Education/Instrumental Music Education. All other partial examinations will take place on the announced examination date.

Bachelor's degree in music education (cluster center)

All applicants must register for the General Admission Procedure Cluster Mitte via the registration portal (registration and online self-assessment:

The regulations for the admission procedure are published online in the official gazette of the University Mozarteum Salzburg (MBl 21. Stück, vom 26.1.22: PDF ). In addition to the general university entrance qualification, admission requires a command of the German language (at least level B2 - according to the Common European Framework of Reference CEFR 2001).

The admission examination for the Bachelor's programme Music Education consists of the following partial examinations: 

  • Artistic main subject
  • Artistic subject Piano, if not Artistic main subject
  • Singing for music teachers, if not Artistic main subject
  • Sensitivity of the musical ear (sight-singing)
  • General music theory (music theory and ear training)
  • Participation in a musical-communicative project
  • Mastery of the German language (at least level B2) for all applicants whose first language is not German.

Bachelor's degree programme Teaching Subject Instrumental Music Education (Cluster Mitte)

Applicants  will be tested in the following areas:

  • First Artistic Major
  • Second Artistic Major

Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Education

  • Prerequisite for admission to the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Education (General Education) is the completion of the subject-related Bachelor's Degree in Teacher Education (General Education) in the "Central Cluster" development network or another subject-related Bachelor's Degree or another equivalent degree at a recognized Austrian or foreign post-secondary educational institution.
  • If the equivalence is basically given and only individual supplements to the full equivalence are missing, the competent body of the admitting university is entitled to prescribe additional certificates of achievement for the attainment of the full equivalence, which have to be provided in the course of the Master's program.
  • For the Master's degree programmes in Music Education, Instrumental Music Education, Fine Arts Education and Design: Technology, Textiles, graduates who have not completed their Bachelor's degree in the "Central Cluster" development network must provide proof of their artistic aptitude by passing an admission examination.

Admission requirements for the bachelor's degree programme in teaching in the West Cluster

  • School leaving certificate from a general or vocational secondary school or an equivalent qualification
  • Command of the German language (at least level B2 - Common European Framework of Reference CEFR 2001)
  • Admission procedure prior to admission to teaching studies:

For the studies in music education and instrumental music education, proof of artistic aptitude must also be provided prior to admission.

Bachelor's degree programme in Music Education (Cluster West)

Before admission to the programme, a main artistic subject (KHF) must be indicated. Students can choose between all instruments offered at the Innsbruck location as well as voice, jazz/pop voice and music direction. The following partial examinations must be passed as part of the admission examination:

  • Artistic main subject (KHF): A programme of medium difficulty has to be prepared (duration approx. 10 minutes). 
  • Piano (if piano or jazz/pop piano has not been chosen as artistic main subject)
  • Voice (if voice or jazz/pop voice has not been chosen as an artistic major).
  • Piano practical and rhythmic skills
  • Sensitivity of the musical ear
  • General music theory
  • Artistic group work: Creation of a freely chosen and prepared sequence with a group of 10 to 15 people (duration approx. the artistic group work (sequence) has to include a vocal part in any case.
  • A written concept of the rehearsal (objective, methodical procedure, instrumentation/instruments) in the form of a maximum of one A4 page as well as the required sheet music material have to be submitted to the secretary's office of the Department of Music Education in Innsbruck by May 31st at the latest.

Bachelor's Degree in Teaching Instrumental Music Education (Cluster West)

The Bachelor's Degree in Teaching Instrumental Music Education is only possible in combination with the teaching subject Music Education. Before admission to the study program, a First (1st KHF) and a Second Artistic Main Subject (2nd KHF) from different areas must be indicated. 

The areas are: Keyboard Instruments, String Instruments, Plucked Instruments, Wind Instruments, Vocal/Jazz/Pop Vocal, Music Conducting and Percussion Instruments. All instruments offered at the Innsbruck location as well as voice, jazz/pop voice and music conducting can be chosen. The combination of voice and jazz/pop voice, guitar and jazz/pop guitar as well as piano and jazz/pop piano is possible. The following partial examinations must be completed as part of the admission examination:

  • First Artistic Major (1st KHF): A programme of higher difficulty must be prepared (audition time 10-15 minutes).
  • Second artistic main subject (2nd KHF): A programme of medium difficulty is to be prepared (audition time approx. 10 minutes).

The admission examinations in the Central Artistic Subject (ZKF) are held for some instruments together with the admission examination for instrumental studies. Please note the date information outside the deadline of the IGP admission exams. All other partial exams take place on the announced exam date. 

Bachelor study IGP

The admission exam for the bachelor study Instrumental & Voice Pedagogy consists of partial exams in the following areas:

  • Central artistic subject (respective instrument/vocals)
  • Compulsory subject piano in the profiles wind, percussion and string instruments, vocals, guitar, harp, folk instruments (not for ZKF piano, ZKF harpsichord)
  • Music theory and aural training (written and oral part of the examination)
  • Music pedagogy (communicative music pedagogical aptitude) If applicable. Supplementary examination in German (level B2, Common European Framework of Reference CEFR 2001) for students whose first language is not German by presenting a certificate or other proof or by means of an assessment examination. Please note the implementation regulations for the admission examination (starting on page 3) in the implementation guidelines for the curriculum for the bachelor's program Instrumental & Voice Pedagogy.

Master's Program IGP

The admission examination for the Master's Programme Instrumental & Voice Pedagogy consists of partial examinations in the following areas:

  • Central artistic subject (respective instrument/vocal)
  • Instrumental or vocal pedagogical aptitude in the respective ZKF
  • If applicable, supplementary examination in German (level B2, Common European Framework of Reference CEFR 2001) for students whose first language is not German by presenting a certificate or other proof or by means of a test.

Please observe the implementation regulations for the admission examination in the Implementation Guidelines for the Curricula for the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs Instrumental & Vocal Pedagogy.

Please note that the University Mozarteum Salzburg offers various support options for applicants with disabilities or chronic illnesses during the admission examination and during their studies.

If this applies to applicants and they would like to receive advice, please contact Claudia Haitzmann ( or +43 676 88122 337).

Certification & translation of foreign language documents

Certification of a document serves to confirm the authenticity of affixed seals and signatures. Whether the documents with which the application for admission to studies is submitted must be certified and translated depends on the country in which the school/study was completed. Diplomatic certification must be done before translation and must be affixed to the original documents. Only then can the application for admission to studies be submitted.

All documents required for the admission procedure must be translated (after certification) if they are not issued in German or English. This translation must be done by a court-certified translator. The translation may only be made after the certification, as the certification stamps must also be translated. The translation and the certified document must be inseparably linked!

Documents from those countries with which Austria has concluded a bilateral certification agreement are exempt from any certification (documents must, however, be submitted in the original or as a certified copy).

  • Belgium
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Liechtenstein
  • Montenegro
  • Netherlands
  • North Macedonia
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Sweden

By directive of the Rectorate, documents from all EU/EEA countries and Switzerland are also exempt from any certification.

  • Cyprus
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Greece
  • Ireland
  • Iceland
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Portugal
  • Switzerland
  • Spain

Documents from the contracting states of the so-called "Hague Authentication Convention" must be certified with an apostille. To have a document certified by an apostille, contact the foreign ministry of the issuing country. In some countries, the Ministry of Justice or the Ministry of Education is responsible for this. The apostille must always be presented in the original and must certify the signature on the original document, not the signature of the notary.

The Contracting States to the Hague Authentication Convention are (as of January 2024):


Full diplomatic certification is required for documents from all those countries with which there is no bilateral certification agreement and which are also not contracting states to the Hague Authentication Convention.

For a full diplomatic authentication of your documents, first the domestic authentication notes of

  • the Ministry of Education and
  • the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (or in some countries the Ministry of Justice)

of the issuing country are required.

Finally, the Austrian representative authority (embassy or consulate) responsible for the country in which the documents are issued must certify these endorsements. Only original documents can be certified.

For some countries the authentication by the Austrian representative authority is suspended. In this case, you need the domestic authentication notes of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

German & English skills

Depending on the study programme or course, various German language skills (or, rarely, English language skills) are required for admission. All those whose first language is not German must either present an appropriate certificate by a defined date or pass a German language test as part of the admission examination.

All details about required language skills

Application video

For some studies it is necessary to submit an application video by the application deadline. You can find out whether an application video is necessary for your desired degree programme on the respective study page under the information on the admission procedure.
A pre-selection will be made by the examination committee on the basis of the videos submitted.
The video files are to be created by the applicants themselves and uploaded to the application platform Muvac.
The following guidelines must be observed:
  • Please ensure that your face and body are visible in the video.
  • The video should have the best possible quality in picture and sound. Videos with insufficient sound and/or image quality will not be considered.
  • The sound recording in the video must not be electronically amplified or altered.
  • Video editing is not permitted* - the recording must not be edited/cut and must run from beginning to end. Exactly one video must be submitted per application.
  • Information on the content and duration of the video per instrument is given on the study pages.
  • If possible, the names of the pieces should be given in the video description (title of the video in Muvac).
*Exceptions: For the instrumental studies (concert subject) of all string and plucked instruments the following applies: The video may be edited between the pieces. Exactly one video must be submitted per application.
Piano accompaniment in the video
For the following instruments, accompaniment in the video is recommended but not obligatory:
  • String instruments (except for solo pieces).
  • Wind instruments (exception for recorder: harpsichord accompaniment; for oboe and bassoon: piano or harpsichord accompaniment)
After your application has been processes, you will receive an invitation to the video pre-selection in Muvac. Your participation must be confirmed by 20.03.2025.
The video must be uploaded when you confirm your participation.
If you do not confirm your participation in the video pre-selection in Muvac in time and therefore do not upload a video, your application will not be considered and will lead to the status "not applied". In this case, the application process would end for you at this point.

The applicants create a video of themselves and post it on a video platform of their choice, whereby the general terms and conditions of the platform as well as any other legal provisions must be complied with. The applicants shall indemnify and hold harmless the University Mozarteum Salzburg in this respect.  

Note for underage applicants

The applicants create a video of themselves and post it on a video platform of their choice, whereby this can only take place if the legal guardian has fully agreed to this procedure in advance. The general terms and conditions of the respective platform (in particular the age restrictions and the requirements for the protection of children and young people as well as for copyrighted content) and any other legal provisions must be complied with. The legal guardian shall indemnify and hold harmless the University Mozarteum Salzburg in this respect.  

Data protection information

For the purpose of processing the admission procedure, the link provided by the applicant to the University will be processed internally at the University. This includes, in particular, merging the link with other personal data provided by you in the admission tool and forwarding it to the members of the examination board. The processing of the disclosed personal data is necessary for the performance of a task that is in the public interest [Art 6 para. 1 lit. e DSGVO in conjunction with §§ 1-3, 51 ff UG, §§ 57-61, 63-67 StudFG, UniStEV 2004, Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz, HSG, HSWO, FOG with the associated laws and ordinances and the statutes of the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg (statute part study law provisions)]. The audio and video data (link) disclosed by the applicants are accessible to the university staff entrusted with the processing of the admission procedure for the duration of the activation of the link submitted by you. You therefore determine the time of deletion of your audio and video files uploaded via link yourself. However, for the processing of the admission procedure, it is necessary that the link is accessible for (at least) 12 weeks from the time it is sent to the University. For further data protection information, in particular regarding your data subject rights, please refer to the data protection statement of the University Mozarteum Salzburg at In the event of discrepancies between the German and English language versions of the information text, the data protection information and the other legal notices, only the German language version shall be binding. 

Video link

For the purpose of processing the admission procedure, the link provided by the applicants to the University is processed internally at the University. This includes, in particular, merging the link with further personal data provided by you in the admission tool and forwarding it to the members of the examination board.
The processing of the disclosed personal data is necessary for the performance of a task that is in the public interest [Art 6 para. 1 lit. e DSGVO in conjunction with §§ 1-3, 51 ff UG, §§ 57-61, 63-67 StudFG, UniStEV 2004, Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz, HSG, HSWO, FOG with the associated laws and ordinances and the statutes of the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg (statute part study law provisions)].

The audio and video data (link) disclosed by the applicants are accessible to the university staff entrusted with the processing of the admission procedure for the duration of the activation of the link submitted by you. You therefore determine the time of deletion of your audio and video files uploaded via link yourself. However, in order to process the admission procedure, the link must be accessible for (at least) 12 weeks from the time it is sent to the university.

Online interview/conferencing

In order to be able to handle admission procedures virtually in particular, the University conducts interviews and meetings etc. online; for this purpose, the University Mozarteum Salzburg uses a cloud-based video conferencing system. In the context of the Covid 19 epidemic form:

  • the fulfilment of a task that is in the public interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit e in conjunction with the 2nd Covid-19 Higher Education Act in conjunction with the measures for the prevention and containment of COVID-19 issued within the framework of the Rectorate's directive competence in conjunction with the exercise of house rules (House Rules, MBl of 12.10.2021, 2nd edition);
  • legal obligations pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit c or e in connection with ordinances of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection and ordinances of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research;
  • the protection of vital interests of the data subject or other natural persons (Art. 6 para. 1 lit d DSGVO) while maintaining the teaching and examination operations and the university administration, as well as
  • the fulfilment of the University's duty of care as an employer pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit b DSGVO in conjunction with § 1157 ABGB/§ 18 AngG are the lawful grounds for data processing.

Further legal grounds for data processing are, in particular, the implementation of the University's guiding principles and tasks in the public interest, Art. 6 para. 1 lit e DSGVO in conjunction with §§ 2 Z 8, Z 13, Z 14 UG as well as § 3 Z 6, Z 7 UG, § 13 para. 2 lit f UG, § 59 para. 1 Z 12 UG and § 76 para. 3 UG. When using Zoom, it cannot be ruled out that data (see Privacy Data Sheet/Data Protection Information of the provider) will be transmitted to recipients in the United States of America, whereby these recipients are contractually obliged to comply with data protection regulations, to take appropriate technical and organisational protection measures and possibly to take "supplementary measures". 

More detailed information on the collection and processing of your data when using the video conferencing system, e.g. on the data categories processed, can be found in the provider's terms of use/privacy data sheets (see Please note that recording images, sound and video recordings (e.g. of a meeting) may constitute a criminal offence or an infringement of the law and is generally not permitted.

Data protection information when submitting an application portfolio (portfolio of works/portfolio)

Applicants create their own works in the form of a portfolio and upload them as a PDF file to the ACOnet FileSender platform, proceeding in the manner described above. The general terms and conditions of the platform as well as any other legal regulations must be observed. The applicants shall indemnify and hold harmless the University Mozarteum Salzburg in this respect. The applicants warrant that they are the sole authors of the uploaded works; in the event of co-authorship of (individual) uploaded works, these co-authors must be named in full and their consent must be obtained for the specific use. The applicants shall indemnify and hold harmless the University Mozarteum Salzburg in this regard. For the purpose of processing the admission procedure, the applicants' own works made accessible to the university via the ACOnet FileSender platform shall be processed internally by the university. This includes, in particular, that these are merged with further personal data provided by you in the context of the admission tool and forwarded to the members of the examination board. The processing of the disclosed personal data is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest [Art. 6 para.1 lit. e DSGVO iVm §§ 1-3, 51 ff UG, §§ 57 - 61, 63 - 67 StudFG, UniStEV 2004, Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz, HSG, HSWO, FOG with the associated laws and regulations and the statutes of the University Mozarteum Salzburg (Satzungsteil Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen)].the uploaded works of the applicants are accessible to the university staff members in charge of the admission procedure until the completion of the admission procedure, after which they will be deleted.

Applicants must create photos/PDFs of their works and upload them to the ACOnet FileSender platform in the manner described above. The general terms and conditions of the platform and any other legal regulations must be observed. Applicants shall indemnify and hold the Mozarteum University Salzburg harmless in this respect.

The student applicants guarantee that they are the sole authors of the uploaded works; in the event of co-authorship of (individual) uploaded works, these co-authors must be named in full and their consent must be obtained for the specific use. Applicants shall indemnify and hold the Mozarteum University Salzburg harmless in this respect.

Data protection information

A. Portfolio of works/portfolio

For the purpose of handling the admission procedure, the photos/PDFs of the works (work portfolio/portfolio or examination tasks) of the applicants made accessible by the applicants via the university's ACOnet FileSender platform are processed within the university. This includes in particular that these photos/PDFs are merged with other personal data provided by you in the admission tool and forwarded to the members of the examination board.

The processing of the disclosed personal data is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest [Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e GDPR in conjunction with §§ 1-3, 51 ff UG, §§ 57 - 61, 63 - 67 StudFG, UniStEV 2004, Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz, HSG, HSWO, FOG with the associated laws and regulations and the statutes of the Mozarteum University Salzburg (statute part study law provisions)].

 The photos/PDFs of the works/portfolio of works or examination tasks uploaded by the applicants are accessible to the university staff responsible for handling the admission procedure until the admission procedure has been completed, after which they will be deleted.

B. Online interview/conferencing

In order to be able to handle admission procedures virtually in particular, the university conducts interviews and meetings etc. online; the Mozarteum University Salzburg uses a cloud-based video conferencing system for this purpose.

In connection with the Covid-19 epidemic:

the fulfilment of a task that is in the public interest in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit e in conjunction with the 2nd Covid-19 Higher Education Act in conjunction with the measures issued within the framework of the Rectorate's authority to issue guidelines for the prevention and containment of COVID-19 in conjunction with the exercise of domiciliary rights (House Rules, MBl of 12.10.2021, 2nd edition);
legal obligations pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit c or e in conjunction with ordinances of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection and ordinances of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research; the protection of vital interests of the data subject or other natural persons (Art. 6 para. 1 lit d GDPR) while maintaining teaching and examination operations and university administration as well as the fulfilment of the university's duty of care as an employer in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit b GDPR in conjunction with § 1157 ABGB/§ 18 AngG are the legal grounds for data processing.

Further legal bases for data processing are, in particular, the implementation of the University's guiding principles and tasks in the public interest, Art. 6 para. 1 lit e GDPR in conjunction with §§ 2 Z 8, Z 13, Z 14 UG as well as § 3 Z 6, Z 7 UG, § 13 para. 2 lit f UG, § 59 para. 1 Z 12 UG and § 76 para. 3 UG.

When using Zoom, it cannot be ruled out that your data (see privacy data sheet/data protection information of the provider) will be transmitted to recipients in the United States of America, whereby these recipients are contractually obliged to comply with data protection regulations, to take appropriate technical and organisational protective measures and, if necessary, to take "supplementary measures".

More detailed information on the collection and processing of your data when using the video conferencing system, e.g. on the categories of data processed, can be found in the provider's terms of use/privacy data sheets.
See also: Zoom Video Communications Inc.:

Please note that the recording of images, audio and video recordings (e.g. of a meeting) may constitute a criminal offence or an infringement of the law and is generally not permitted. For further information, please contact the data protection officer.

C. Further data protection information

Further data protection information, in particular on your rights as a data subject, can be found in the data protection declaration of the Mozarteum University Salzburg at


All students must pay the ÖH fee and, if applicable, the tuition fee every semester. The ÖH fee for the academic year 2024/25 is € 24.70. You can find the payment information for the ÖH fee in MOZonline under Tuition Fee Status.

ATTENTION: Be sure to enter the correct payment reference when making your payment! The payment reference is different every semester. You will find your payment reference for this semester in MOZonline under Tuition Fee Status.
New students will get the exact payment information at the enrolment. There is no possibility to pay earlier. 

Regular students with EU/EEA/CH citizenship and students of equal status must pay the tuition fee of € 363.36 (+ ÖH contribution) per semester after the end of the non-contributory period (planned duration of studies + two tolerance semesters).

Regular students from third countries who do not fall under the regulation on groups of persons and who have a residence permit "student" according to § 64 NAG have to pay a tuition fee of € 726.72 (+ ÖH contribution) from the first semester on.

Regular students from third countries who have a permanent residence title can apply for equal treatment in terms of tuition fees and will thus be treated equally to EU/EEA/CH citizens for the duration of their residence title.

Regular students from the least developed countries can apply for a waiver of tuition fees.
These include: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Comoros, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Yemen, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, East Timor, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, Chad, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Central African Republic, Zambia.

Extraordinary students have to pay the ÖH-fee and the tuition fee of € 363,36 every semester.

The payment information for the ÖH and tuition fee can be found in MOZonline under Tuition Fee Status.

For a course at the University Mozarteum Salzburg, the ÖH fee and the course fee must be paid. The payment information for the ÖH fee can be found in MOZonline under Tuition Fee Status.

Bank details for the payment of the course fee:

  • University Mozarteum Salzburg
  • BIC: BKAUATWW (Bank Austria)
  • IBAN: AT38 1100 0099 5325 8200

Please state your name, matriculation number and the course in question in the reference field!

Course fees

  • Postgrad. Course Composition:
    € 960 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course Music Theory:
    € 960 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course Choir Conducting:
    € 960 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course Orchestra Conducting:
    € 960 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course Keyboard Instruments:
    € 960 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course String Instruments:
    € 960 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course Wind Instruments:
    € 960 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course Piano Duo:
    € 720 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course Song Duo:
    € 720 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course Opera & Musical Theatre:
    € 1.320 / semester
  • Postgrad. Course Voice:
    € 1080/ semester
  • Postgrad. Course Lied:
    € 1080/ semester
  • Postgrad. Course Early Music:
    € 960 / semester


  • University course Wind Band Conducting:
    € 400 / semester
  • University Course Children's and Youth Choir Conducting:
    € 580 / semester
  • University course Advanced studies in music and dance education 'Orff Schulwerk':
    € 5400 / semester
  • University course Elementary music and movement education:
    € 1800 once
  • University course Music and Dance in Social Work and Integrative Pedagogy:
    € 2200 once
  • University course Music Theatre Mediation:
    € 1100 / semester
  • University course New Media in Music Education:
    € 600 / semester
  • University course Chamber Music for String Quartet (former Hagen Quartet):
    € 960 / semester


  • Course Pre-College:
    € 700 / semester


Please note: There is NO course fee for regular Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. This only applies to university courses.

Exam preparation

Examination examples for the entrance examination

Links for self-study in music theory and aural training

Workshop-Weekend Music Theory (only for IGP, ME and IME)

The workshop weekend offers an ideal supplement to your own preparation. In a group rotation all important areas of the entrance examination will be taken (focus on ear training and harmony as well as communicative competences).

Date: 11. & 12.04.2025

Registration until 25.03.2025 HERE

Please note: limited places available! If all places are taken before the registration deadline, we can unfortunately only put you on the waiting list.

The detailed programme will be sent to all registered fixed participants by email after the registration deadline. If you have any organisational questions, please contact (Department for music pedagogy)

If you have any questions regarding the content of the entrance examination in music theory, please contact or (Department for composition and music theory)

Prüfungsbeispiel für die Zulassungsprüfung

Übungsaufgaben zur Vorbereitung sind HIER zu finden.


Inhalte der Zulassungsprüfung im Teilbereich Musiktheorie/Gehörbildung

Klausur (ca. 60min): 

Teil 1: Gehörbildung

  • Rhythmus
  • Intervalle (bis zur Oktave) 
  • tonale Melodie 
  • Einzelakkorde (Drei- und Vierklänge) 
  • Kadenz 

Teil 2: Allgemeine Musiklehre / Musiktheorie: 

  • Intervalle bestimmen und bilden (bis zur Dezime) 
  • Skalennotation in verschiedenen Notenschlüsseln 
  • Akkordbestimmung und -notation (Drei- und Vierklänge) 
  • Auflösung eines Strebeklanges 
  • Melodietransposition 
  • Choralharmonisation

mündliche Prüfung (ca. 10min): 

  • Darstellung eines Rhythmus 
  • Singen von Intervallen 
  • Nachsingen und improvisatorisches Ergänzen eines vorgespielten Vordersatzes 
  • Blattsingen einer tonalen Melodie 
  • Kadenzspiel am Klavier (Grundkadenzen bis zu drei Vorzeichen; ggf. Kadenzerweiterungen)


Probezulassungsprüfung ME/IME

  • Dienstag, 19.03.2024
  • Department für Musikpädagogik (Haus der Musik), 5. Stock, Universitätsstraße 1, 6020 Innsbruck
  • Anmeldeformular (abzusenden bis 08.03.2024)

Data protection -  entrance exam

Last updated: March 2021

Name and contact details of the data protection authority:
University Mozarteum Salzburg
Mirabellplatz 1, phone: +43 662-6198-0
A-5020 Salzburg, E-Mail

Name and contact details of the external data protection officer:
Univ.-Ass. Mag. Dr. Johannes Warter
University Salzburg
Faculty of employment and commercial law
Kurfürstenstraße 1
A-5020 Salzburg

The data submitted by you when you enrol to study are processed by the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Mirabellplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg (responsible institution according to Article 4, line 7 of the relevant EU regulation on data protection (EU-GDPR)). The purpose of data processing is to check your registration and where applicable the organization of the study courses offered by the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, the fulfilment of regulations related to university law, legal aspects of study courses, grants for courses, educational documentation and regulations concerning student unions. Moreover, in the case of registration, you will thus be allowed to use library and IT services.
In this context please take note that although your statements are made voluntarily, enrolment for a course or the organization of your course of study can only occur if you provide the personally relevant data as required on the application form.
The processing of the personally relevant data as provided is necessary for the exercise of a duty which is in the public interest [art 6 paragraph 1 e GDPR iVm §§ 1-3, 51 ff UL, §§ 57 – 61, 63 – 67 StudFG, UniStEV 2004, law on educational documentation, HSG, HSWO, FOG with the related laws and regulations and the statutes of the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg (statute section legal requirements of study courses)].
Storage occurs in the case of your registration for the duration of your course of study and afterwards for the duration of possible existing legal claims or on the basis of legal obligations, in particular in connection with data related to study courses and examinations for up to 80 years. The possible longer or shorter duration of data storage is adjusted according to the relevant legal or statutory periods of time. Data which contain archive material, according to the federal law on archives, will be stored for an unlimited period.
The data provided by you when enrolling to study are processed within the university by the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg. The further passing-on of data to third parties occurs only in such cases in which the university is legally obliged to such passing-on of data (in particular in the context of teacher training NEW/Cluster middle or west) or because of programme regulations (in particular by the participation in Erasmus+).
Article 21, paragraph 1 of the GDPR regulates that every person concerned has the right, due to reasons resulting from their particular situation, to make an objection under For further information on data protection, for instance concerning your rights as a person affected, please refer to the declaration on data protection by the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg at, which is available in the Department of Study Courses and Examination Management.
You can contact the external data protection commissioner of the university (Univ.-Ass. Mag. Dr. Johannes Warter) at Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Churfürststraße 1, A-5020 Salzburg, E-Mail:


Public information events

  • 18.3.—19.3.2025
    Open House 2025
    Exhibition, presentation, tour, performances & workshops: Over two days, the Department of Fine Arts & Design offers insights into the artistic, creative and educational processes.
    Open Days
    · Free
  • 20.3.2025
    08:30 am
    Universität Mozarteum
    Open House: Music Education Salzburg
    Information sessions, presentations, small performances, exhibitions & classroom visits
    Open Days
    · Free
  • 23.5.2025
    01:00 pm
    Check Up Piano & Check Up Voice
    with Gereon Kleiner (piano in IGP / ME / IME for major or compulsory subject) & Regina Prasser (voice in IGP / ME / IME for major or compulsory subject). An audition will be organised in one or both subjects as a final check-up before the entrance exam.
  • 4.6.2025
    06:00 pm
    Music theory Q&A session
    You can ask your individual questions about the procedure and content of the entrance examination in music theory and aural training. Online registration:
  • 18.6.2025
    06:00 pm
    Music theory Q&A session
    You can ask your individual questions about the procedure and content of the entrance examination in music theory and aural training. Online registration:
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