
Assoz. Prof. Mag.phil. Dr.rer.nat.
Erik Esterbauer
Erik Esterbauer is an associate professor in the field of elemental music and dance education with a focus on inclusion and diversity. After many years of working as a clinical psychologist, research assistant, and music educator, his focus is now on research, specifically on inclusive education, music and dance in diversity contexts, as well as psychological and artistic issues in the field of music and movement education.
Erik Esterbauer (*1969) studied psychology at the Universities of Salzburg and Vienna with further specialist training as a clinical, health and neuropsychologist. At the same time, he completed studies in music theory and composition at the Vienna Conservatory (now the Music and Art Private University of the City of Vienna). He did his doctorate in natural sciences (psychology) at the University of Salzburg with an investigation into the connection between stress management and physiological risk factors for stroke, for which he received a research award from the Austrian Social Forum. In 2009 he expanded his artistic and pedagogical skills by completing a master's degree in elemental music and movement pedagogy at the Orff Institute of the Mozarteum University in Salzburg.
Erik Esterbauer worked for 20 years as a clinical psychologist at the Center for Socially Integrative Development and Learning Support (Zentrum ELF) in Salzburg and as a clinical psychologist and assistant to the head of the department in the "Outpatient Psychosocial Rehabilitation" department at the Mobile Aid Service GmbH, Salzburg (now Volkshilfe Salzburg ). He also worked as a clinical psychologist and research assistant with a focus on neuropsychology at the Christian Doppler Clinic in Salzburg.
In 2016, he began working as a university assistant (post-doc) at the Department of Music Education. From 2017 to 2023, he was an assistant professor in the Department of Music and Dance in Inclusion and Diversity (MTID) at the Department of Elementary Music and Dance Education - Orff Institute. In 2023, he habilitated with an observation method for assessing the quality of relationships in inclusive music and dance lessons (EBQ-P instrument) and qualified as Associate Professor of Elementary Music and Dance/Movement Pedagogy. His teaching and research activities focus on processes of inclusion and diversity in the context of music and dance and other artistic disciplines as well as additional areas such as psychology, transdisciplinarity and new music.
Status: 1.10.2023
- Esterbauer, E. (2011). Eine Zone des Klangs und der Stille. Luigi Nonos Orchesterstück 2°) No hay caminos, hay que caminar...Andrej Tarkowskij. Salzburger Stier Bd. 3, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. ISBN 978-3-8260-4368-0.
- Esterbauer, E. (2003). Streß und Schlaganfallrisiko. Eine Untersuchung bezüglich Geschlecht und verschiedener Altersgruppen. Hamburg: Kovač. ISSN 1435-6805; ISBN 3-8300-1078-8.
- Esterbauer, E. & Bernhofer, A. (Hg.) (2020): Ist Kunst ein Sonderfall? Qualitative Forschungsansätze in den künstlerisch-pädagogischen Fächern. Wien/Berlin: LIT Verlag. ISBN 978-3-643-51031-0.
- VanWeelden, K., Breaden, M. & Esterbauer, E. (eds.) (2022): Sound of Possibility: Hear our voices. Proceedings of the Special Music Education and Music Therapy Commission’s Online Pre-Conference Seminar. o.O: ISME. ISBN 978-1-922303-13-4 (ebook)
Book contributions in reference books
- Esterbauer, E., Salmon, S. & Schumacher, K. (zur Veröff. angenommen): Assessing the ability to relate in inclusive group music teaching. In C. Colwell, D. VanderLinde & K. McCord (eds.), Oxford Handbook on Special Music Education and Music Therapy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Esterbauer, E. (2022). Elemental music and dance for inclusive mixed-abled settings. In K. VanWeelden, M. Breaden & E. Esterbauer (eds.), Sound of Possibility: Hear our voices. Proceedings of the Special Music Education and Music Therapy Commission’s Online Pre-Conference Seminar (S. 57–67). o.O: ISME.
- Esterbauer, E. (2021). Inklusive küünstlerische Bildung – ein besonderes Feld füür Kooperation, Kollaboration und Networking. In A. Bernhofer, M. Losert & H. Schaumberger (Hg.), Kooperation, Kollaboration und Netzwerke. Zusammenarbeit in musikpädagogischen Kontexten. Festschrift für Monika Oebelsberger (S. 154–168). Wien/Berlin: LIT Verlag.
- Esterbauer, E. (2020a). Einschätzung von Beziehungsqualität als Grundpfeiler inklusiven Arbeitens. Das EBQ-Instrument in der Praxis. In H. Henning (Hg.), All Inclusive?! Aspekte einer inklusiven Musik- und Tanzpädagogik (S. 67–78). Münster: Waxmann.
- Esterbauer, E. (2020b): Seeing is believing? Qualitative Videoanalyse im küünstlerisch-pädagogischen Feld. In E. Esterbauer & A. Bernhofer (Hg.), Ist Kunst ein Sonderfall? Qualitative Forschungsansätze in den künstlerisch-pädagogischen Fächern (S. 147–174). Wien/Berlin: LIT Verlag.
- Esterbauer, E. & Bernhofer, A. (2020): Künstlerische Pädagogik – ein Sonderfall im Forschungsfeld? In E. Esterbauer & A. Bernhofer (Hg.), Ist Kunst ein Sonderfall? Qualitative Forschungsansätze in den künstlerisch-pädagogischen Fächern (S. 7–14). Wien/Berlin: LIT Verlag.
- Bernhofer, A. & Esterbauer, E. (2020): Schnittstelle Kunst – künstlerisch-pädagogische Disziplinen im Diskurs. In E. Esterbauer & A. Bernhofer (Hg.), Ist Kunst ein Sonderfall? Qualitative Forschungsansätze in den künstlerisch-pädagogischen Fächern (S. 221–233). Wien/Berlin: LIT Verlag.
- Esterbauer, E. (2019). Assessment of the quality of relationship in music lessons – a new approach. Joint (ad)venture of music therapy and music pedagogy. In M. Oebelsberger, A. Bernhofer & G. Sammer (eds.), Joint (Ad)Venture Music. Networking as a Challenge for Music Teachers. (European Perspectives on Music Education, 8). Proceedings from the 25th Conference of European Association for Music in Schools (EAS) and 6th European ISME Regional Conference (S. 123–134). Innsbruck: Helbling.
- Esterbauer, E. (2018). Relationship in special music education – a new form of assessment. The AQR-Tool in inclusive music lessons. In G. Tsiris & K. VanWeelden (eds.), Music Across the Lifespan: The Role of Special Music Education and Music Therapy. Proceedings of the 22nd International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Special Music Education and Music Therapy (S. 52–64). o.O.: ISME. (Hier verfügbar)
- Esterbauer, E. (2017). „Musik fängt im Menschen an“. Die Bedeutung von Elementarer Musik- und Tanzpädagogik als erster Unterricht. In M. Losert (Hg.), Quellen des Musizierens. Das wechselseitige Verhältnis von Musik und Pädagogik (S. 129–137). Mainz: Schott.
- Esterbauer, E. (2003). Evaluation im Zentrum ELF. In R. Loidl-Keil & K. Viechtbaur (Hg.), Evaluation in der außerschulischen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Österreich. Berichte aus der Praxis (S. 109–123). Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner.
- Esterbauer, E., Anders, I., Ladurner, G. & Wranek, U. (2001). Age and its influence on the stroke risk factors blood pressure and stress coping. In K. W. Kallus, N. Posthumus & P. Jiménez (eds.), Current psychological research in Austria. Proceedings of the 4th scientific conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (ÖGP) (pp. 45–48). Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt.
- Anders, I., Esterbauer, E., Ladurner, G. & Wranek, U. (2001). Stress coping styles and their influence on the stroke risk factor blood coagulation. In K. W. Kallus, N. Posthumus & P. Jiménez (eds.), Current psychological research in Austria. Proceedings of the 4th scientific conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (ÖGP) (pp. 49–52). Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt.
Articles in trade journals
- Jordan, A.-K., Esterbauer, E. & Schumacher, K. (in Vorbereitung). Einschätzung der Beziehungsqualität (EBQ) mit dem Fokus auf Sprache – die Sprachskala des EBQ-Instrumentes
- Esterbauer, E. (in Druck, 2023). The Significance of Relationships in Inclusive Music and Dance Lessons. Orff-Schulwerk International, 2 (2), S. 41-47.
- Esterbauer, E., Salmon, S. & Schumacher, K. (2018). Einschätzung der Beziehungsfähigkeit mit Hilfe des „EBQ-Instruments“ im inklusiven Musikunterricht. Diskussion Musikpädagogik, 79, S. 18–23.
- Esterbauer, E. (2016). Erfassung von Beziehungsaspekten im (Musik- und Tanz-) Unterricht. Orff-Schulwerk heute, 95, S. 22–27.
- Esterbauer, E., Anders, I., Ladurner, G. & Wranek, U. (2005). Kombinierte Biofeedbackbehandlung bei Migräne. Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin, 26, 70–78.
- Esterbauer, E., Anders, I., Ladurner, G., Huemer, M. & Wranek, U. (2001). Streßverarbeitung bei Herzkrankheiten, Übergewicht, Nikotin- und Alkoholkonsum. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 113, 947–953.
- Anders, I., Esterbauer, E., Ladurner, G. & Wranek, U. (2001a). Streßverarbeitung und Blutviskosität bei Schlaganfallvorsorgepatienten. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 113, 378–383.
- Anders, I., Esterbauer, E., Ladurner, G. & Wranek, U. (2001b). Persönlichkeits-spezifische Muster bei Migränekranken. Psychologie in Österreich, 21, 405–409.
- Anders, I., Esterbauer, E., Fink, A., Ladurner, G., Huemer, M. & Wranek, U. (2000). Blutfette und Streßbewältigung als Risikofaktoren in der Schlaganfallvorsorge. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift, 150, 25–31.
Reviews and conference reports
- Widmer, M. & Esterbauer, E. (2019). Inklusion in Kunst und Pädagogik. Inklusionstag der Universität Mozarteum. In: Salzburger Uni-Nachrichten (Beilage der Salzburger Nachrichten), Nr. 3, 5. Oktober 2019, S. 10.
- Esterbauer, E. & Salmon, S. (2019). Intensiv Inklusiv – Vielfalt (er)leben. Jubiläum 30 Jahre Studienschwerpunkt „Musik und Tanz in Sozialer Arbeit und Integrativer Pädagogik“. In: Salzburger Uni-Nachrichten (Beilage der Salzburger Nachrichten), Nr. 1, 9. März 2019, S. 12.
- Salmon, S. & Esterbauer, E. (2019). Tagungsbericht: Intensiv inklusiv – Vielfalt (er)leben. 30 Jahre Studienschwerpunkt „Musik und Tanz in Sozialer Arbeit und Integrativer Pädagogik“. In: üben & musizieren, 36 (1), S. 17.
- Salmon, S. & Esterbauer, E. (2018). Tagungsbericht: 30 Jahre Studienschwerpunkt „Musik und Tanz in Sozialer Arbeit und Integrativer Pädagogik“. In: Orff-Schulwerk heute, 99, S. 81–82.
- Esterbauer, E. (2018). Rezension zu: Verband deutscher Musikschulen e.V. (VdM) (Hg.) (2017). Spektrum Inklusion. Wir sind dabei! Bonn: VdM Verlag. In: Orff-Schulwerk heute, 99, S. 90–91.
Unpublished habilitation thesis
- Esterbauer, E. (2022). Elementare Beziehungen. Die Anwendung des EBQ-P-Instruments im musikpädagogischen Kontext. Eine umfangreiche Erweiterung und Adaption des Instruments zur Einschätzung der Beziehungsqualität (EBQ-Instrument) für den musik- und tanzpädagogischen Gebrauch im inklusiven Unterricht. Unveröffentlichte Habilitationsschrift, Universität Mozarteum Salzburg.
- Psychological issues in the field of music and movement education
- Inclusive education
- Creative processes in social work
- Music and dance in diversity contexts
- since 2016 Research project for habilitation at Department 14 (Orff Institute): "The application of the EBQ instrument in the music education context"
- Study focus "Music and Dance in Inclusion and Diversity
- University course "Music and Dance in Social Work and Integrative Pedagogy".
- Project Play Space Music
- Profile on Research Gate
- Educational department, Orff Institute
- Music and Dance in Inclusion and Diversity (MTID) specialist group, Orff Institute
- Theory specialist group, Orff Institute
- Inclusion and Diversity working group (AGID)
- Digitization working group
- Curricular commission for elemental music and dance pedagogy
- Expert committee student selection process teaching position Cluster Mitte
- Works council (substitute member)
- Fondazione Archivio Luigi Nono
- International Society of Music Education, ISME (Commissioner for Special Music Education and Music Therapy)
- European Association for Music in Schools, EAS
- Working Group on Music Educational Research Germany, AMPF
- Music Educational Research Austria, MFÖ
- International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg, IOSFS
- Interest Group Music Inclusive Austria, IGMI
- Founding member of the Interest Group Music Inclusive Austria, IGMI
- Broadcaster at Radiofabrik Salzburg - Tuning Up, the Musicbox with Reflektors
- Chairman of the association Zentrum ELF - Zentrum für sozialintegrative Entwicklungs- und LernFörderung (Center for Socially Integrative Development and Learning)
Präsentation, Vernissage und LP-Vorstellung des Projektes „Young Art“
Kooperation von Uniklinikum Salzburg, reKiZ, Paracelsus Medizinische Universität und Universität Mozarteum
5. April 2024, Universität Mozarteum
Spiel Raum Musik 2024
Werkstattwoche in Schloss Goldegg, 22.-26. April 2024
Luigi Nono & Friends – A Luigi Nono's 100-year Celebration
Vortrag: “das Suchen ist unendlich wichtiger als das Finden“
8. Mai 2024, 16 Uhr, Solitär, Universität Mozarteum Salzburg
Nono’s world seen by Giovanni Morelli: Utopian nostalgia and current perspectives
Vortrag: Hay algun camino? Morelli’s ideas on No hay caminos hay que caminar…Andrej Tarkowskij in recent reflections
17. Mai 2024, Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, Venedig, Italien
ISME Pre-conference seminar 2024 on Special Music Education and Music Therapy
Vortrag: The significance of assessing the ability to relate
26. Juli 2024, The University of Helsinki, Finnland
INDI Day - Day of Inclusion and Diversity
Keynote address
November 22, 2023, Mozarteum University
14th Meeting of the EBQ Alumni
Presentation: The adapted EBQ-P instrument for the music education field. An overview.
March 25, 2023, Berlin
Convention of the International Orff-Schulwerk Forum
Lecture: The significance of relationship in inclusive music and dance lessons.
July 17, 2023, Salzburg, Austria
StudEMP-A 23
Lecture: Capturing relationship qualities in elemental music and dance lessons.
March 24, 2023, Video-Online (Salzburg)
ISME Pre conference seminar 2022: Special Music Education and Music Therapy
Lecture: Elemental music and dance for inclusive mixed-abled settings
July 15, 2022, ONLINE
Brisbane, Australia
Play Space Music 2022
Workshop week in Goldegg, April 25-29, 2022
INDI - Inclusion and Diversity Day at the Mozarteum University
Wednesday, April 6, 2022. 9 a.m.-6 p.m., online.
13th Meeting of the EBQ Alumni
Presentation: The SBQ scale for assessing linguistic relationship quality with Dr.in Anne-Kathrin Jordan.
10-12.3.2021, Berlin - ONLINE
SYMPOSION Art Meets Pedagogy - Symposium on the 125th Birthday of Carl Orff and on the 100th Birthday of Wilhelm Keller and 60 Years of the Orff-Institut
Lecture: History and development of the focus "Music and Dance in Social Work and Inclusive Pedagogy#2 at the Orff Institute
with Mag.a Barbara Tischitz-Winklhofer, Mag.a Shirley Salmon, Mirjam Leitner, MA
July 4, 2021, Salzburg
12th International Research in Music Education Conference (RiME 2021)
Poster: Relationship is the core - matching the needs of the individual in inclusive music making
April 8, 2021, London - online
12th Meeting of EBQ Alumni
Presentation: The development of a new language scale for the EBQ instrument
with Dr.in Anne-Kathrin Jordan
Lecture: Play Space Music - an artistic inclusion project
with Shirley Salmon
11-13.3.2021, Berlin - ONLINE
ISME Pre conference seminar 2020: Special Music Education and Music Therapy
Lecture: Preconditions of inclusive music making in heterogeneous groups
July 28, 2020, ONLINE, Helsinki University Porthania, Helsinki, Finland
SOMA conference 2019 at the Mozarteum University Salzburg.
Is art a special case?
Concept: Erik Esterbauer and Andreas Bernhofer
"Creative-innovative" approaches to qualitative research in the artistic-pedagogical subjects in an interdisciplinary discourse
Lecture: Seeing is believing? - Qualitative video analysis in the artistic-pedagogical field.
November 29, 2019
Oö. Landesmusikschulwerk: Theme Day Music & Inclusion - Making Music without Barriers
Workshop and lecture: The quality of relationships as the basis of inclusive music making - The EBQ instrument in practice
with Petra Linecker
November 5, 2019, Linz, Anton Bruckner University.
Inclusion Day of the Mozarteum University Salzburg
Oct. 28, 2019, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
2nd European Music School Symposium 2019: "Masters of Collaboration2.
Lecture: Joint Attention in inclusive music education
October 11, 2019, Vienna, mdw
MTSI Symposium 2018: Intensively Inclusive - Living Diversity.
In 2018, the Orff Institute of the Mozarteum University Salzburg celebrated the 30th anniversary of the study focus 'Music and Dance in Social Work and Inclusive Education' (MTSI) with a symposium from 16-18 Nov. 2018.
Conception: Shirley Salmon and Erik Esterbauer
Presentation: capturing relationship quality in music and dance teaching - the EBQ instrument.
November 17, 2018, Orff Institute, Salzburg.