Micaela Grüner-Hönnemann
Micaela Grüner-Hönnemann is a music and movement educator and contract teacher at the Orff Institute and in a freelance capacity. From 1981 to 1985 and 1990 to 1993 she studied music and movement education at the Orff -Institute (Mag.art.), from 1985 to 1993 she taught at various music schools and at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, from 1994 she worked as a university assistant at the Orff-Institute (chair of music didactics), in 1998 she completed the master's degree in cultural and media management at the ICCM Salzburg/Johannes-Kepler-University Linz.
Micaela Grüner-Hönnemann is a music and movement educator and contract teacher at the Orff Institute and in freelance work. From 1981-1985 and 1990-1993 she studied music and movement education at the Orff -Institute (Mag.art.), from 1985-1993 she taught at various music schools and at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, from 1994 she worked as a university assistant at the Orff-Institute (chair of music didactics), in 1998 she completed the master's degree in cultural and media management at the ICCM Salzburg/Johannes-Kepler-University Linz.
From 1999-2006 she was head of the department of instrumental and vocal pedagogy at the Music School of the City of Ulm, and since 2003 she has been a lecturer at the Orff Institute, among others, in the subjects "Fundamentals of Elemental Music Pedagogy", "Didactics of Music and Dance", "Didactic Practicum" and "Professional Field Analysis". She has held teaching positions at universities and colleges in Graz, Vorarlberg and Hamburg and was co-director at the International Orff Schulwerk Symposia from 1995-2016.
Further qualifications:
- Many years of experience in further education and training of different pedagogical target groups in Germany and abroad, especially for the field of music and dance for children.
- Author and co-editor activities (books, textbooks, professional articles).
- Board member of the International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg.
- Since 2019 chairwoman of emp-a, the inter-university working group of training centers EMP/EMTP/Rhythmics in Austria.
- Grüner, Micaela; Nykrin, Rudolf; Widmer, Manuela (Hg.) (2007): Musik und Tanz für Kinder – Unterrichtwerk zur Früherziehung. 1. Unterrichtjahrs. Mainz: Schott
- Grüner, Micaela; Nykrin, Rudolf; Widmer, Manuela (Hg.) (2008): Musik und Tanz für Kinder – Unterrichtwerk zur Früherziehung. 2. Unterrichtjahrs. Mainz: Schott
- Grüner, Micaela; Haselbach, Barbara; Salmon, Shirley (Hg.) (2007): Im Dialog / In Dialogue. Elementare Musik-und Tanzpädagogik im Interdisziplinären Kontext. Elemental Music- and Dance Education in Interdisciplinary Contexts. Mainz: Schott
- Frohm, Margit; Grüner, Micaela (2011): Elementar – Erste Grundlagen Musik. Braunschweig: Westermann
- Braun-Rehm/Grüner/Greipl/Hellmann/Zigldrum (2013ff): Fidelio -Musik in der Grundschule 1-2. Braunschweig: Westermann
- Grüner, Micaela (2011): Orff-Instrumente und wie man sie spielt. Mainz: Schott
- Grüner, Micaela (2016): Orff-Instruments and woh to play them“. London/ New York: Schott
- Grüner, Micaela (2018): Orff-Instrumente und wie man sie spielt. Ausgabe in chinesischer Sprache. Beijing: Central Conservatory of Music Press
- Grüner, Micaela (2019): Fidelio Mini-Liederbücher. Braunschweig: Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage Westermann
- Grüner/Ostertag/Tischitz-Winklhofer/Valtiner-Pühringer (Hg.) (2022ff): KunstStückWerk – Malerei, Musik, Sprache, Tanz, Salzburg, Edition Tandem
- Grüner,Micaela (2011): Elementares Instrumentalspiel. In: Jeki elementar – Grundlagen Materialien Ideen“ (Hg: Stiftung Jedem Kind sein Instrument) Mainz: Schott, S. 11-23
- Grüner, Micaela (2014): Elementare Musikpädagogik. Musik mit und aus der Bewegung“ In: PaMina 27/2014, Innsbruck/Esslingen: Helbling Verlag, S. 5 -9
- Grüner, Micaela (2016): Orff-Schulwerk. Elementare Musik- und Bewegungserziehung. In: Kinderzeit 4/2016, Köln: Family Media, S. 8-14
- Grüner, Micaela (2016): Bewegungsspiel – Spielbewegung, In: Schneidewind/Widmer (Hg.) Die Kunst der Verbindung, Innsbruck: Helbling, S. 53-60
- Grüner, Micaela/ Stibi, Sonja (2012): READY FOR TAKE O(R)FF - Hör, schau, komm und mach mit! In: Musikerziehung, 65, 3, Wien S. 29-30
Zahlreiche Beiträge in Orff-Schulwerk-Informationen /Orff-Schulwerk HEUTE =>download unter www.orff-schulwerk-forum-salzburg.org, u.a.
- Sonderband 85 (2011): 50 Jahre Orff-Institut. Elementare Musik- und Tanzpädagogik 1961 – 2011. Edited by Micaela Grüner /Barbara Haselbach. Salzburg: Universität Mozarteum / Internationales Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg
- Heft 83, 2010: Improvisieren in der Musikalisch-tänzerischen Früherziehung,
- Heft 92, 2015: Die Vielfalt der Berufswelten in der EMTP
- Heft 94, 2016: Interkulturalität
- Heft 100, 2019: Eltern