Ruth Burmann
As a dancer she was a member of the Susan Quinn Dance Company, Robert Wechsler (Palindrom), Beda Percht (Cateracts) Hubert Lepka (Lawine Torren) and the Donna Jewell Company.
Her choreographic work is characterised by her collaboration with artists such as Frey Faust, Bert Gstettner, Donna Jewell, Susan Quinn and Helmi Vent. Artistic and artistic-educational projects have taken her to the USA, Cyprus, Malta and Turkey as well as to Germany, the Czech Republic and Taiwan.
She has worked together with musicians, composers and visual artists such as Benjamin Schmid, André Ruschkowski, Arabella Lorenz, Pericles Douvitsas, Michael Mautner, Walther Derschmidt, Josef Ramsauer, Alexander von Pfeil, Vivian Simburger, Andreas Kuhnlein Simburger, Andreas Kuhnlein, Paul Raas, Cecilio Pereira, Marina Razumovskaja, Cora Krötz, Ari Glage & Dieter Huber.