Teacher Training for Art Education - Innsbruck


The master's programme in the subject of art education broadens and deepens students competences in the areas of didactic, subject knowledge and practical artistic skills. It thus forms the basis for qualification as a teacher at the secondary level. The focus is on acquiring practical teaching experience (with mentoring and reflection), the further development of independent artistic practice and the exploration of productive, receptive and didactic approaches to art, images and media.


Career paths

The master's degree programme in Secondary Education is designed to be completed within 4 semesters. Two teaching subjects must be chosen, in addition to which students are required to complete free elective subjects, a general grounding in educational science, and integrated teaching placements. The  subject Art Education can be combined with any other subject.

Teacher employment law stipulates that new teachers must complete a Master's degree within five years of obtaining their Bachelor's degree in order to be able to enter into permanent employment. In addition, students must also complete a one-year induction phase in which they teach regularly and receive mentoring. The induction phase can be completed directly after the Bachelor's programme and recognised as a practical placement within the Master's programme in accordance with the respective curricular requirements and the current legislation (University Act and Higher Education Act).

The Master's degree programme in Secondary Education entitles the holder to full employment as a teacher of grades 5 - 13 in:

  • Special needs schools
  • Middle schools
  • Polytechnic schools (PTS)
  • Grammar schools (AHS)
  • Vocational schools and colleges (BMHS)

In addition, the combination of pedagogical, artistic/practical and academic courses in the curriculum enables students to pursue a number of other careers. The close interaction between different subject areas means that students will gain a particular insight into knowledge and skills relating to the tension between theory and practice. These are of interest for many professional fields insofar as they help to develop one's own artistic, research and pedagogical practice.

General course information

The teacher training programme at secondary level is carried out in cooperation with the following partner institutions (Western Region Partnership):

  • Edith Stein University of Teacher Training
  • Tyrol University of Teacher Training
  • Vorarlberg University of Teacher Training
  • University of Innsbruck
  • Mozarteum University (Innsbruck campus)

In the master's programme, the knowledge and skills acquired in the bachelor's programme are broadened and deepened. Graduates are able to solve problems of teaching in secondary schools innovatively and creatively. They are able to deal with academic or artistic topics independently and competently in terms of content and methodology. They are able to participate in the subject discourse, independently acquire further subject-specific, subject-didactic and pedagogical knowledge and implement it in their teaching activities.

Link to the curriculum

The Master's programme in Secondary Education (General Education) comprises 120 ECTS points (ECTS-AP). Of these, 20 ECTS-AP must be taken in the area "Educational Science Fundamentals", and 25 ECTS-AP in each teaching subject. Of these, at least 5 ECTS-AP are assigned to the respective subject didactics in each teaching subject. The 120 ECTS-AP also include 6.5 ECTS-AP of pedagogical-practical study components.

The module "Conception of the Master's Thesis" comprises 5 ECTS-AP, the Master's Thesis itself 22.5 ECTS-AP and the defence of the Master's Thesis 2.5 ECTS-AP. A further 20 ECTS-AP must be completed in the module "Interdisciplinary Competences".

The prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree programme Teacher Training at Secondary Level is the completion of the relevant Bachelor's degree programme Teacher Training (General Education) in the Western Region Partnership (e.g. BA Teaching Training in Art Education at the Mozarteum University) or another relevant Bachelor's degree programme or another equivalent degree programme at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution.

If the undergraduate qualification is deemed in essence to be equivalent with the BA Teaching Training in Art Education, with the exception of only individual elements, the Mozarteum University is entitled to admit the candidate to the MA programme on the basis that they work towards fulfilling additional requirements prescribed by the university in order to achieve full equivalence; proof that these requirements have been fulfilled must be provided in the course of the Master's degree programme.

Applicants whose undergraduate degree was not awarded by an institution in the Western Region Partnership are required to pass an entrance examination to determine their artistic and pedagogical aptitude. 

Applicants whose first language is not German must also provide proof of German language skills at B2 level.

The  subject Art Education  must be combined with a second subject. An overview of the possible subjects can be found on the Cluster West website .

The combination with the teaching subject Technical and Textile Work is possible. The second subject is then studied at the Tyrol University of Teacher Training. Information on the associated artistic entrance exam can be found HERE.

Contact person: Sebastian Goreth
Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
Pastorstraße 7
6010 Innsbruck
+43 664 88752214

Several steps are necessary for registration for the artistic entrance examination. Applicants for teacher training programmes should start with step 3.
1. Create a basic account in MOZonline
2. Once in the MOZonline account: fill in the mandatory statistics UHstat1 (pre-registration for studies) and make a note of the application number that is sent by email upon submission of this information.
3. Create an application account in Muvac
4. Fill out your own profile in Muvac (minimum requirements: personal data, information on expertise matching the desired degree programme, in the CV: current employment and information on previous training)
During the application period:
5. Select your desired degree programme in Muvac (Browse -> Studies)
6. Fill out the application form in Muvac ("Apply now")
Detailed instructions with screenshots can be found here.
Please take a look at the FAQs about registration in Muvac if you get stuck at any of the steps.
Communication during the application process takes place via Muvac or email, depending on the degree programme. Please ensure that you can be contacted at the email address entered in your profile throughout the entire application process and regularly check whether you have received any new messages in Muvac. You can set your own profile to inform you of any new messages in Muvac by email (Account settings -> Notifications).
If your contact details change, please update your profile yourself.
Admissions procedure
  • Online registration during the general admission procedure to teaching degrees: registration and completion of the general admission procedure
  • Online registration during the application period via the application portal Muvac (Please note: Registration is only possible if all required information and documents have been submitted!)
  • Once the online application has been processed: invitation to on-site entrance examination. The invitation will be sent via Muvac.
  • The invitation to the on-site entrance examination must be accepted or rejected in Muvac
  • Participation in the on-site entrance examination
  • Upon passing the entrance examination and being offered a place: invitation to enrol in the degree programme
  • Enrolment (in person) during the general admission period
The repetition of composite parts of the audition in case of failure is not permitted; the entrance examination can only be repeated in its entirety and only in the next academic year. The audition can be repeated an unlimited number of times.

Registration for the entrance examination takes place via the application portal Muvac - for information, see 'Registration for the entrance examination' (above).

Link to the examination dates

Registration may only be made for one location, either Central Region (for Salzburg and Linz) or Western Region (for Innsbruck). Multiple registrations at different locations are not permitted and will be cancelled.

Necessary documents for online registration

  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with photo and current contact details
  • Letter of motivation (approx. one DIN A4 page)
  • School leaving certificate or (if not yet available) last school report - the original and a copy of the school leaving certificate must be submitted at the latest at the time of enrolment.
  • (final) certificates as well as examinations and transcripts of records from the relevant BA degree, and any other previous artistic and/or pedagogical studies
  • Proof of German language proficiency
  • Application portfolio

Form of the documents

  • The documents can be uploaded as PDF files in the application form.
  • If the required documents are not available in German or English, an official translation must be submitted.
  • The application portfolio must be submitted by the application deadline on 10.6.2025, preferably in person.
    Address: University Mozarteum, Fine Arts Education Innsbruck
    Amraser Straße 4, 6020 Innsbruck

    Telephone number for appointments: +43 676 88122 441
    Please allow time for possible delays in delivery if you send your application by post!

Artistic entrance examination

The artistic entrance examination consists of a practical examination and an oral examination.

Practical examination on 7.7.2025 from 8:30 a.m., to last all day.

  • You will receive the exam papers and a link with an invitation to the video meeting at 9:00 am and the link for the ACOnet FileSender by email on 7.7.2025 at 8:30 am. 
  • Click on the link so that we can discuss the tasks and any questions with all candidates via video at 9:00 am.
  • If no invitation appears in your e-mail account, please contact the office immediately on +43 676 88122 441
  • Ensure that your internet connection is stable and that your computer's microphone and camera are working properly.
  • You will then have the entire day to work on the assignments at home or at your preferred location. There is no restriction as to the choice of working materials.
  • For each assignment, you choose three works.
  • Digitise your selection and combine them to create ONE PDF document. Save this document with your surname.
  • Maximum storage capacity: 30 MB
  • Upload your PDF to the ACOnet FileSender by the end of the day.

Examination interview:

  • You will receive your individual interview date by email.
  • In the period from 8.–9.7.2025, you will meet the examination board online for about 10-15 minutes to discuss your portfolio and the work you submitted from the practical examination. This meeting gives the examination board the opportunity to learn more about your motivation, visual activities and interests.

Candidates will be informed of the results of the entrance examination by email around 2-3 weeks later. Applicants who have registered for the entrance examination and are subsequently unable to attend must deregister in good time.

The works included in the portfolio should showcase the applicant's interests, abilities and potential. When choosing which works to include, candidates should bear in mind that the examation panel wishes to see their skills across a range of themes and techniques.

Please note:

  • Your portfolio should contain 20 to 30 artworks: drawings, paintings, pictures, photographs, work drawings, studies ... sketchbooks.
  • Originals should be included as far as possible; digital media should be enclosed as printouts (e.g. screenshots of videos).
  • Label all individual works with your name on the back.
  • Do not include mounts or frames.
  • Large-format pictures, sculptural works etc. should be presented in the form of photos.
  • Enclose a separate DIN A4 sheet with your name, telephone number and e-mail address in block letters.
  • Mark the outside of your portfolio legibly with your name.
  • Max. Max. folder size: 120 x 85 cm
  • Folders submitted by post must be packed in such a way that they can be returned without difficulty.

The application portfolio must be submitted by the application deadline (10.6.2025)!

Link to data protection information (in German)

We also offer (non-mandatory) portfolio consultations. Contact us to arrange an online appointment if you wish - we are happy to help you!

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Elisabeth Schmirl | © Elsa Okazaki
Elisabeth Schmirl

Univ.-Prof. for Graphic Arts & Painting / Visual Education / Representative for the study of Art and Craft Education in Innsbruck

Deputy Department Head
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