© Elsa Okazaki
Department Head
BR 1
Mag.art. Dr.phil.
Patrick Schaudy
Senior Lecturer for Studio Photography / Design: Technology.Textile⋅Department Fine Arts & Design⋅[Fine Arts] Innsbruck⋅Institute for Open Arts⋅Department Scenography
Since 2002 Patrick Schaudy has been a lecturer at the University Mozarteum, 2006-2013 also at the University of Salzburg (at the cooperation focus Science & Art). Besides his teaching activities he passes on his knowledge in workshops on camera construction and alternative photography.
Alpenstraße 75
Raum: LEG005
Di–Do von 9:30–17:00 Uhr
Patrick Schaudy studied at the Institute for Fine Arts, Art and Handicraft Education at the Mozarteum University in Handicraft Education and Fine Art Education as a teacher and completed his doctorate in 2009 with distinction. During his studies, he worked in camera construction at Lotus View Camera (Austria) and as a student assistant in the field of studio photography. After his studies, he worked in the school until 2006. The focus of his work is in the area of artistic photography, product and fashion photography as well as furniture construction and camera design, whereby he likes to work in the field of tension between photographic low-tech and digital high-tech. Since 1996 he has shown his photographic work in exhibitions at home and abroad. Travel and studio stays with various cameras, some of which he made himself, took him to many European countries (from Spain and France to Bulgaria, from Norway to Turkey) as well as to Asia (China, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal), Australia and Central America (Mexico , Guatemala).