© Elsa Okazaki
Deputy Department Head
Univ.-Prof. Mag.art.
Elisabeth Schmirl
Univ.-Prof. for Graphic Arts & Painting / Visual Education / Representative for the study of Art and Craft Education in Innsbruck⋅[Fine Arts] Innsbruck⋅Inter-university institution Science & Art⋅Institute for Open Arts
Elisabeth Schmirl (*1980) studied philosophy and Russian at the University of Salzburg and painting, graphic arts and new media at the Mozarteum University. Stays abroad and scholarships have taken her to Hungary, Germany, France, Great Britain and the U.S. She has been running her own print workshop since 2002 and has been the chairwoman of periscope since 2006. She is a board member of the Dachverband Salzburger Kulturstätten and has been a member of the Landeskulturbeirat Salzburg (representative of the visual arts section) since 2017. She has been a professor of graphic arts and painting at the Mozarteum University since 2015.
exhibition projects
2015: Future Recollections, curat. v. J. Chanton, ÖBV, Vienna; Goldilocks Effect, curat. v. A. Thanhofer, Salzburg; NN, Maxxx project:space, in cooperation with Ecole cantonale d'art du Valais - Sierre, Switzerland; 2014: Komorebi / Gallery Trapp; Paper 1 / Salzamt Linz; Traklhaus Salzburg / paper 1; Flags / Parallel Vienna / Vienna; Georg Trakl 1914/2014, gallery in the Traklhaus, Salzburg; Art Austria / Leopold Museum, Vienna; 2013: Younger than Yesterday. 30 years MdM Salzburg / MdM Rupertinum / Salzburg; High dose / Fotohof - Atterseehalle / Salzburg; SAFIR / Columned Hall City Hall Gallery / Salzburg; About Failure / enter: Raum für Kunst / Salzburg / curated by Florian Bettel and Günther Friesinger; Hypermart / Gallery Trapp / Salzburg; Coaching a Collective / Glockengasse / Vienna; 2012: Parallel World Circus / Kunsthalle Wien; ... The Context of Uncertainty / Kunstverein Salzburg; wide awake / Gallery Weihergut / Salzburg; Happy for no reason / Gallery Schloß Puchheim / Attnang-Puchheim [duo] 2011: The daily uprising / / Graz; I am a work in progress / periscope / Salzburg; 2nd floor periods / 2nd floor / Salzburg [duo]; How Do I Look at the World / Gallery 5020 / Salzburg [solo]; camouflage and deception / Flat1 / Vienna; JCE / Tecla Sala/ Barcelona ES; JCE / Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce / Genoa I; Ensemble / Gallery Peithner-Lichtenfels / Vienna [duo]; Nominee exhibition Grand Art Prize of the State / Traklhaus / Salzburg 2010: Sweet Anticipation / Kunstverein Salzburg; Hands off my paranoia / Deutschvilla / Strobl [duo]; Some like it / Galerie Freihausgasse / Villach [duo]; (dis)play / Upper Austrian Art Association / Linz; Women 010 / Gallery Exner / Vienna; JCE / Bratislava City Gallery / Bratislava SLO; Live Love Lighthouse / OpenArt / Borken D [duo]; Recorded Painting II / AtelierFrankfurt / Frankfurt D; Wallpaper only / Stellwerk / Kassel D 2009: than you think//… / Gallery Eboran / Salzburg [solo]; Is that so / Kunstraum planD. / Düsseldorf D [duo]; Room with a View / Art on the Fortress / Salzburg [solo]; Enface - Stefan Heizinger & Elisabeth Schmirl / art space proarte / Hallein [duo]; finmalx / d-52. space for contemporary art / Düsseldorf D; Review / Kunstraum St. Virgil / Salzburg; Recorded Painting / periscope:project:space / Salzburg; Nominees for the item painting prize 2009 / item Gmbh / Ulm D; Art purchases by the State of Salzburg / Gallery in the Traklhaus / Salzburg; Display: object / space / viewer? / Gallery IG Bildende Kunst / Vienna 2008: Watching Art / Kunstverein café cult / Salzburg [solo]; Can You Keep a Secret? / Kunstforum Raumacht / Vienna [solo]; Mira had a mobile phone and two grand pianos / Gallery 5020 / Salzburg; New Talents / Gallery Noah / Augsburg D; The briefing / ESC Graz / Graz; DrawIn / 00130 Gallery / Helsinki FIN; Group Show International / Gallery A. Brüning / Düsseldorf D; Dark Matter / version <8 / Chicago USA; Afternoon of a Düsseldorf Faun / Galerie A. Brüning / Düsseldorf D; soccer arts art promotion prize 08 / city gallery Klagenfurt 2007: one_step_closer / open art gallery / Borken D [solo]; Die Wand / Kunstverein Salzburg (curated by B. Clausen); rush hour / show:room / periscope / Salzburg; Anonymous draftsman 8/Blossom White Gallery/Berlin D; doorstop / periscope / Salzburg; Discounta / Gallery IG Fine Arts / Vienna
Curatorial projects and activities
since 2015: operator and chairwoman of SUPER - initiative for the interim use of vacancies as cultural spaces for action since 2006: voluntary commitment as founding member and chairwoman of the art initiative periscope 2001: operation of an experimental printing workshop in Salzburg
Elisabeth Schmirl Youer than You, HG: Traklhaus Salzburg, Text: Mag. Bärbel Hartje, 1st edition 2014. ISBN 978-3-9503727-7-9 Elisabeth Schmirl Younger than Yesterday 30 Years Museum der Moderne Salzburg, HG: Museum der Moderne Salzburg, text: Mag. Tina Teufel, 1st edition 2013 Verena Konrad in: Parallel World Circus, Kunsthalle Wien (ed.) Verlag für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg. 2012. Pages 248-251. ISBN 978-3-86984-317-9 Elisabeth Schmirl Behind the Mirrors, hardcover, format 240/165 mm, 136 pages, 115 color illustrations, 1st edition 2011 ISBN 978-3-9503206-0-2 magazin [15], annual report 2010 of the Salzburger Kunstverein, page 8, p .18-19 SALZ magazine for literature, [15] close-up shots 3/4 2009, (ed.) Salzburg Literature Forum reading lamp, title picture and blurb as well as pages 27-30 K like art, Cardinal König Art Prize Salzburg 2009, Müry Salzmann, 2009, page 50-51 Dietgard Grimmer in: JCE, Jeune Création Europeene, e[co]print, 2009, Page 80-81, page 90 Agnes Hannes in: periscope magazin - recorded painting, Stefan Heizinger, Elisabeth Schmirl for periscope (ed.), Salzburg, Kirchberg near Mattighofen, Artbook Verlag, 2009, page 37-39 magazin [13], annual report 2008 Salzburger Kunstverein, page 30-31, 34 Leonardo 2007-2008, Galerie Noah, self-published, Augsburg, 2008, page 214-215 exhibition catalog NordArt 08, Kunst in der Carlshütte, self-published, Bödelsdorf, 2008, page 75 exhibition catalog Annette Südbeck in : magazin [12], annual report 2007 of the Salzburger Kunstverein, Die Wand, annual exhibition 2007/08, page 20-21 art purchases by the state of Salzburg 2001-2003, gallery in the Traklhaus, 2003, unpaginated art purchases by the state of Salzburg 2007-2009, gallery in the Traklhaus, 2003, unpaginated art showplace Salzburg. Lexicon on painting, sculpture, graphics and photography since 1945. Anton Gugg, Verlag Anton Pustet, 2002, page 222
2019: State scholarship for visual arts from the Federal Chancellery 2015: Annual scholarship from the State of Salzburg 2012: Promotional award from the State of Salzburg 2011: Nominated for the Great Art Prize of the State of Salzburg 2009: Nominated for the Cardinal König Art Prize for the conception of / as a periscope 2009: Start scholarship for Fine arts of the BMUKK 2008: Participants for Austria at the JCE − Young European Artist Network —> www.jceforum.eu 2002: Scholarship for the International Summer Academy for Fine Arts / Class G. Damisch 2001: Scholarship for the International Summer Academy for Fine Arts / Class K. Winter, Slavi-Soucek scholarship for printmaking, working scholarship in the lithographic workshop in the Traklhaus Salzburg
Since 2015 at the Mozarteum University Salzburg / Department of Fine Arts, Art and Craft Education / Graphics Lectureship at the International Summer Academy for Fine Arts, 2015 - Head of the class "Printing Strategies - the Voice of the Medium" Lectureship at the cooperation focus IE Science & Art, Head of the course "Artist Talks - Analysis of artistic production" SS 2015 Lectureship at the International Summer Academy for Fine Arts, 2014 - Head of the class "Afterimages, varieties of print graphics" Lectureship "Artist Talk and Workshop", cooperation focus IE Science & Art, WS 2013; Assistant at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in classes of LM Brander, D. Miklosi, W. Oorebeek, K. Piotrowska and K. Winter, 2008-2013; Research workshop culture audience, cooperation focus IE Science & art, collaboration, 2013; Workshop Museum der Moderne Salzburg / work with deaf young people / June 2013;