
Mag. art.
© Thorben Schumüller

The directing programme combines theatre practice, theoretical reflection and social context. It prepares students for the various challenges of practical theatre work. During the eight-semester diploma programme, students learn about central forms of theatrical performance and how to understand them in a social context. Students are encouraged to develop an independent stance and will acquire the essential skills to express themselves artistically. As well as offering opportunities to carry out practical work, the course includes intensive study of historical and contemporary theatre texts, philosophy, sociology, politics, literature and art history.


© Thorben Schumüller

Study programme & career paths

In addition to attending a wide range of classes (directing, dramaturgy, space, lighting, stage technology, costume design, etc.), students develop their own scenes and projects with the acting students and in cooperation with other Salzburg cultural institutions. The curriculum is complemented and enriched by workshops.

Dealing with social issues in connection with contemporary aesthetic and methodological approaches is an integral part of the directing course. In addition to the classic techniques of role development, the course also explores ways of acting that, for example, do not require a literary model and take an image, a space or a biography as the starting point for a scenic event.

General course information

Aesthetic, philosophical and social questions are worked through practically and theoretically on the basis of given texts as well as free scenic exercises. Trying out new ideas and reflecting on them must always go hand in hand. During this process, students will develop their skills of perception and their mental agility, as well as the ability to structure working processes and encourage activity on stage. The examination of texts does not take place in a purely abstract and theoretical way, it is related to space, body and movement as the basic elements of acting .

Rehearsal work with acting students plays a huge role in teaching upcoming directors about the problems actors can encounter when working on a role, how intentions are conveyed, and what can be done to acquire leadership, conflict and dialogue skills. Likewise, they will learn independence, patience and perseverance - indispensable qualities that no director can succeed without. In addition, the focus on dialogue will lead to intensive and enjoyable discussions of contemporary issues.

Theatre practice at the Thomas Bernhard Institute is characterised by the close collaboration between acting and directing students. After completing a foundation year together, joint theatre work forms the core of the curriculum. The projects which take place each semester cover a broad spectrum of contemporary theatre forms. In addition to staging dramatic texts, students learn working methods from the fields of theatre for young audiences, as well as research-based and documentary project work. The programme is completed by additional workshops, in e.g.  radio play directing, songwriting and music theatre. Artistic projects are supervised by faculty members of the Thomas Bernhard Institute as well as experienced guest lecturers from various areas of theatre practice. Students have access to the institute's own theatre in the Kunstquartier (TIKQ) as well as other rehearsal and work spaces. In addition, there are regular collaborations with Austrian and international cultural institutions, such as the Salzburg Festival, ARGE Kultur, the State Theatre in Oldenburg and the Ruhrtriennale in Bochum.

The course is divided into a preliminary section (fundamentals) and a main study. In the preliminary classes (1st semester), acting and directing students learn the basics of acting and improvisation together. The focus is on exploration and development of individual possibilities as performers.

In the main course of study, future directors receive comprehensive training in theatre theory and stage work. This includes intensive study of historical and contemporary theatre texts, philosophy, sociology, politics, literature and art history, as well as the development of practical skills to creatively manage rehearsal processes. In addition to a wide range of classes (directing, dramaturgy, space, lighting, stagecraft, costuming, etc.), they develop their own scenes and study projects with the acting students. Workshops complement and deepen the work. The studies are concluded with a diploma production.

Link to the curriculum (1st semester)

The Department of Acting, Directing & Applied Theatre is always interested in further developing the study programme through constant dialogue with current stage and performance practice.

NOTE: It is only possible to begin your studies in the summer semester.

The prerequisite for the diploma course is passing the entrance examination. Registration for this takes place online in Muvac.

The minimum age at the time of application is 19. Matura/Abitur is not a mandatory requirement for admission.
Applicants are expected to demonstrate a special talent in terms of individual perception and interest in social issues combined with a strong scenic imagination.

The entrance exam for the directing programme consists of several parts. For the first part of the entrance exam, several written papers on given topics must be submitted.

First round of the entrance exam (updated schedule for 2024/2025)

  • Development of a directing concept, either for one of two plays or a free concept, including a description of the conceptual approach (preferably also a stage design idea, max. 2 DIN A4 pages):
    1. "Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe" by Bertolt Brecht OR
    2. "Jeeps" by Nora Abdel Maksoud OR 
    3. Free concept development with the topic "More Democracy!"
  • Description of an event from the applicant's own immediate past that had a strong emotional effect on them (max. 1 DIN A4 page)
  • Report of a theatre performance recently attended (whether perceived positively or negatively, ½ DIN A4 page)
  • Short text about the personal motivation to study directing (½ DIN A4 page)
  • Tabular curriculum vitae 

The written work is to be uploaded as a PDF file in the application form by 14.11.2024.

Second round of the entrance exam

After the submitted documents have been evaluated, selected applicants will be invited to the second round of the entrance examination. This will take place on 18.12.2024 as a Zoom conversation. The invitation will be sent by email.

Third and forth round of the entrance exam

Those applicants who are shortlisted after the Zoom conversation will be invited to the 3rd round, in which they will participate in discussions and practical exercises. A committee will decide whether to admit them to the 4th round (final round) and subsequently whether to accept them into the directing course.
The third and fourth rounds of the entrance examination will take place on 7th and 8th January 2025.

For applicants whose first language is not German, proof of German language skills must be provided.

  • Our examination rooms are barrier-free. The department has an elevator to the upper floors and a stair lift to the basement.
  • On examination days, our students are available to assist you if necessary.
  • If you have any questions regarding the entrance examination and your studies, please contact our secretary's office: +43 676 88122 445. You will then be put in touch with a person from our department with whom you can discuss your specific needs.


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Andreas Greiml | © Christian Schneider
Andreas Greiml

Department management / overall technical management / Lecturer for stage technology

Service department management
Stephan Pfister | © Christian Schneider
Stephan Pfister

Dispatcher / Assistant to the Head of Department / Lecturer for Cultural Management & Organisation of Work Processes

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