The Department of Musicology deals primarily with European music history from the Middle Ages to the present; additionally, courses are offered in musical analysis, European folk music and non-European music, as well as cultural studies questions about music.
The research fields of the department lie predominantly in the history of music from the 18th to the 20th century: analytical and interpretative aspects, changes in reception over the years, philology, and cultural, sociological and aesthetic questions are all examined. Further areas for study include popular music, baroque music, Viennese classical music and new music of the 20th century.
Other focal points of research are folk music of the alpine region and questions about music as a cultural phenomenon. Numerous interdepartmental projects as well as cooperation with national and international partners provide space for the exploration of a wide range of topics: questions of reception, treatises on composers, forms of cultural perception (European and American music in comparison) and much more.
In the field of teaching, the Department of Musicology offers a PhD programme as well as musicological courses for students of all music degrees Mozarteum and preparatory courses for academic practice. The teaching staff at the department supervise numerous academic theses (BA, MA, PhD) and cooperate on different levels with the artistic and pedagogical departments in order to emphasise the relevance of musicological competences for interpretation in the vocal, instrumental and conducting fields as well as for music pedagogy.
27.1.202507:30 pmKleines StudioErinnerungsorte IIKonzert mit Lesungen und Moderationen: Anlässlich des Internationalen Holocaust- Gedenktages erklingen Musik und Stimmen, die im nationalsozialistischen Regime verfemt und verdrängt wurden, bis sie verstummten. In & durch Musik soll die Erinnerung daran lebendig bleiben.Concert· Free
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