German for studying

Depending on the study program or course, various German language skills (or, rarely, English language skills) are required for admission. All those whose first language is not the language of instruction must submit a corresponding certificate by a defined date.

Info about language skills

German language level

  • Pre-College Salzburg, up to 11 years (October 1 counts as the cut-off date for age) Postgraduate university courses (all ZKF)
    → no language level required
  •   Pre-College Salzburg, 12-14 years (October 1 counts as the cut-off date for age). October)
    → A1 language level (at the time of admission*)
  • Pre-College Salzburg, from the age of 15
    BA Instrumental Studies (all ZKF)
    BA & MA Composition
    BA & MA Choral Conducting or Orchestra Conducting
    BA & MA Singing, MA Baroque Vocal
    MA Lied
    MA Opera & Music Theatre
    MA Historical Performance Practice
    MA Harpsichord, Fortepiano, Piano solo, Piano duo, Piano chamber music, Correpetition for music theatre, Organ
    MA Recorder, Baroque oboe, transverse flute, Baroque violin/viola, Baroque cello, viola da gamba/violone
    MA New Music (all ZKF)
    MA Open Arts
    ULG Wind Band Conducting
    → A2 language level (at the time of admission*)
  • Diploma programme Performing Arts (Acting/Directing)
    → A2 language level (within the framework of the admission examination**)

  • MA Bass Clarinet, Bass tuba, Bassoon, Flute, Horn, Clarinet, Oboe, Trombone, Percussion, Trumpet, Guitar, Harp, Double bass, Viola, Violin, Violoncello
    MA Chamber Music for Piano Trio or String Quartet
    MA Wind Band Conducting
    → A2 language level (until the end of the 2nd semester***)
  • BA Music Theory 
    → B1 language level (at the time of admission*)

  • MA Music Theory
    BA & MA Teacher Training Cluster Central and Cluster West
    BA & MA Instrumental & Vocal Pedagogy (IGP)
    BA & MA Elementary Music & Dance Pedagogy
    MA Elementary Music & Movement Pedagogy
    → B2 language level (at the time of admission*)
  • Diploma programme Stage Design
    → B2 language level (within the framework of the admission examination**)
  • Doctoral studies Doctor of Philosophy
    Doctoral studies in Science & Art
    → C1 language level (at the time of admission*)

English language level

  • MA Applied Theatre 
    University Course Advanced Studies in Music and Dance Education - Orff Approach ULG and MA (CE)
    → A2 language level (at the time of admission*)
  • Doctoral Programme Artistic (PhD in the Arts)
    → B2 Language level (at the time of admission*)

Please note: For the Postgraduate University Courses (PGL) no proof of German language skills is required.

Deadlines for proof - Explanation

*At the time of admission: Proof of required language skills must be provided at the time of enrolment at the latest. If valid proof (see overview below) is already available at the time of the application, it can be uploaded in the application form. It is also possible to hand it in later until the time of enrolment.
If no corresponding original proof is provided by the end of the enrolment period, an enrolment for the degree programme is not possible.

**Within the framework of the admission examination: The required language level will be checked during the entrance examination. The submission of certificates as proof is not necessary.
applies for the diploma studies in stage design, acting and directing

***Until the end of the 2nd semester: The required language skills can be proven by presenting a certificate (see overview below) or by means of a positively completed German language course at the Mozarteum University Salzburg.
The proof must be provided by the end of the 2nd semester at the latest and must be submitted in the original, otherwise it is not possible to continue the studies.

The information on language levels refers to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR 2001) of the Council of Europe

The following certificates of German are accepted:

  1. Austrian Language Diploma in German (ÖSD)
  2. Goethe Certificate
  3. German Language Examination for University Admission (DSH)
  4. German Language Diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (DSD)
  5. telc Language Certificate
  6. Language certificate of the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF)
  7. German test for immigrants (DTZ)
  8. Test DaF with at least level TDN3 in all parts (B2)

as well as the following evidence

    9. passed German exam as part of the entrance exam at the Mozarteum University Salzburg (if offered)
   10. passed final exam of a German language course at an Austrian, German or Swiss university at the required level
   11. certificate of completion of at least 4 semesters of study with German as the language of instruction at a recognized post-secondary educational institution (A2)
   12. completion of 2 (A2) or 4 (B2) school years ar a German-speaking school (secondary level)
   13. completion of 4 years of German lessons in secondary level II and school leaving examination in German (B2)
   14. completion of the complete school-leaving examination in German language (B2)
   15. certificate of the bilingualism test from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (South Tyrol) B2/C1
   16. successful completion of the supplementary German test as part of a preparatory course at Austrian universities at level B2 or C1

Note: The proof according to 1-10 must not be older than two years as of October 1st (if you start your studies in the winter semester) or March 1st (if you start your studies in the summer semester) of the respective year. All other certificates are valid for an unlimited period of time.

The original proof must be presented at the time of enrolment. The examination result must be clearly stated. Certificates of participation in language courses without a final examination will not be accepted in any case.
The following applies to certificates for language tests: The proof is valid if all four parts of the test (listening, reading, writing, speaking) were passed at the same test provider at least at the corresponding level and all individual certificates are not older than 2 years as of the above mentioned deadline. 

The following English certificates are accepted:

  1. TOEFL internet based test (scale 0-120; B1: 57-86, B2: 87-109)
  2. IELTS test (scale 0-9; A2: 3, B1: 4, B2: 5, C1: 7)
  3. Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English
  4. Cambridge Proficiency English
  5. telc certificate English

as well as the following evidence

    6. passed final examination of an English language course at an English, German, Austrian or Swiss university at the required level
    7. certificate of completion of at least 4 semesters of study in english at a recognized post-secondary educational institution (A2)
    8. completion of 2 (A2) or 4 (B2) school years ar an English-speaking school (secondary level)
    9. completion of 4 years of English lessons in secondary level II and school leaving examination in English (B2)
   10. completion of the complete school-leaving examination in English language (B2)

Note: The proof according to 1-6 must not be older than two years as of October 1st (if you start your studies in the winter semester) or March 1st (if you start your studies in the summer semester) of the respective year. All other certificates are valid for an unlimited period of time.

The original proof must be presented at the time of enrolment. The examination result must be clearly stated. Certificates of participation in language courses without a final examination will not be accepted in any case.
The following applies to certificates for language tests: The proof is valid if all four parts of the test (listening, reading, writing, speaking) were passed at the same test provider at least at the corresponding level and all individual certificates are not older than 2 years as of the above mentioned deadline. 

Information on the German courses

The fees for a course are Euro 50,- for regular students per semester.
Textbooks have to be paid by the student.

You can find more information about the individual courses in MOZonline (Department of Musicology): under Courses "German as a Foreign Language".

Attention: You must attend the course on the first date, otherwise you will be removed from the list of participants. If you cannot attend the first date, please contact the instructors.

The course times are tentatively planned. Please check them in MOZonline at the beginning of the semester.

Registration for the summer semester from February 1 and for the winter semester from September 1.

All German courses take place at Hubert-Sattler-Gasse 1, 3rd floor, room 3.006.

  • German as a foreign language level A1 (Lisa Hainzl)
    Course fee: € 50,00
    Monday, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Wednesday, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Course start: October 7th 2024

    This course leads to level A1. No knowledge is assumed. The course meets twice a week. There is a compulsory attendance of 80%.

  • German as a foreign language level A2+ (Florian Bauer)
    Course fee: € 50,00

    Group A
    Monday, 11:00-12:30 a.m.
    Thursday, 11:00-12:30 a.m.
    Course start with placement test: October 7th 2024

    Group B (if necessary):
    Monday, 13:00-14:30
    Thursday, 13:00-14:30
    Course start with placement test: October 7th 2024

    This course leads from level A2 to level A2+. You need German language skills at level A2 for this course or you pass the placement test in the first course unit. This course takes place twice a week. There is a compulsory attendance of 80%.

  • German as a Foreign Language Level B1+ (Florian Bauer)
    Course fee: € 50,00
    Tuesday, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Friday, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Course start with placement test: October 4th 2024

    Prerequisite for attending this course is previous knowledge at level B1 or positive completion of the placement test in the first course unit. This course leads from level B1 to level B1+ and prepares for level B2 offered in the summer semester. Classes are held twice a week. There is an attendance requirement of 80%.

  • German as a foreign language level A2 (Lisa Hainzl)
    Course fee € 50,00 (Course includes 6 lessons!)
    Monday, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Wednesday, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Thursday 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Course start with placement test: Monday, March 3rd, 9 a.m.
  • German as a foreign language level B1 (Florian Bauer)
    Course fee € 50,00
    (please state "B1 Group A" OR "B1 Group B" when transferring)

    Group A:
    Monday, 11:00-12:30 a.m.
    Wednesday, 11:00-12:30 a.m.
    Course start with placement test: Monday, March 3rd, 11 a.m.

    Group B:
    Monday, 13:00-14:30 
    Wednesday, 13:00-14:30
    Course start with placement test: Monday, March 3rd, 1 p.m.
  • German as a foreign language level B2 (Florian Bauer)
    Course fee € 50,00
    Tuesday, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Friday, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Course start with placement test: Tuesday, March 4th, 9 a.m.

Information about registration


For regular students:

  • Transfer the course fee of Euro 50,- to the account of the Mozarteum University.
  • Be sure to indicate the course level (A1, A2, A2+, B1, B1+ or B2) and your name on the transfer.
  • Once the payment has been received, this will be considered as registration for the course. Please transfer early enough, the courses are booked up quickly.

Account details:
UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Rainerstr. 2, 5020 Salzburg, Austria.
IBAN: AT38 1100009953258200

Reference number/payment purpose:
German course "Semester xxx", "Niveau xxx", name and matriculation number.

For Erasmus students and students from Ukraine:

Important notes

  • Please register in time, the courses are often fully booked at short notice.
  • Registration for the summer semester from February 1 and for the winter semester from September 1.
  • In principle, registration is not possible after February 28 or September 30. If you want to register later, please contact the course instructor.
  • If you have not participated in the course by the second week of the course, or if you have not notified us of your late arrival by e-mail, you will be removed from the list of participants.
  • In the first lesson there will be a placement test (except course A1). Be sure to come to this test. This is to find out if this course is right for you.

Glossaries for musikalis:

  • Basic vocabulary
  • Advanced vocabulary
  • special vocabulary

General course rules

With your registration you have bindingly reserved a course place. The following rules apply to the German courses:

  • You are allowed to be absent a maximum of 6 times during the semester (A2 in the summer semester 8 times), but are obliged to make up the missed lessons yourself.
  • If you are absent more than 6 times, you will receive a negative overall grade for the course (and thus no ECTS points).
  • If you arrive later than 15 minutes after class begins or leave earlier than 15 minutes before class ends, you will be considered to have missed the entire class.
  • To continue a course in the next semester, the following rule applies: You must have positively completed the previous course or positively pass the placement test.

Why learn German?

It is important that you learn German if you study at the Mozarteum University, even if your studies do not require the course. Because learning German means:

  • help you study at the Mozarteum
  • finding a job more easily
  • help in everyday life (shopping, doctor, office, restaurant)
  • understanding important news and information
  • learning about history and culture
  • make new friends and have fun!
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