mozart research and no end in sight … The latest volume in the publication series "klang-reden" by the Institute for the History of Musical Reception and Interpretation is a plea for empirical repertoire research - and opens up new perspectives on Mozart.
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The Helmut Lachenmann moment A portrait of the legendary composer Helmut Lachenmann and a conversation with Johannes Maria Staud about the planned Helmut Lachenmann Days at the Mozarteum University.
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Park visions St. Virgil is a center for education, conference and hotel. The Wilhelm Holzbauer building (1976) is surrounded by a spacious park, which in the future will be used as a place for learning and teaching, communication, action and contemplation under the open sky.
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1.11.2021LOOM - Salzburg souvenir
Every souvenir (memory) has a narrative core. it is based on an invisible story. at the latest, when every trash can be a souvenir, it becomes obvious that the souvenir does not speak for itself. it needs a context, a story. souvenirs are transmitters of stories, experienced stories, they are souvenirs.
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Oscar Jockel wins assistant position with the Berliner Philharmoniker Oscar Jockel, a master's student in orchestral conducting at the Mozarteum University, has won first prize in the competition for the assistant conducting position with the Berliner Philharmoniker. Jockel will serve as assistant conductor to the Berliner Philharmoniker and principal conductor Kyrill Petrenko for one year beginning in the fall of 2022. In addition, he will spend two years as an academician at the Karajan Academy and present his own portrait concert.
Awards & Successes -
UMAK: Visionary building project of the Mozarteum University at the Salzburg spa garden Press release
First diplomas for students in the "Emergency Exit" cooperation program A historic moment: On October 12, the first eight Hungarian acting students received their graduation diplomas as part of the "Emergency Exit" cooperation program between Freeszfe Budapest and the University Mozarteum Salzburg!
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Emancipation of the arts The publication "Auf dem Weg zur Kunstuniversität: das Kunsthochschul-Organisationsgesetz von 1970" ("On the Way to the Art University: the Art University Organization Act of 1970"), which appeared in August, documents for the first time comprehensively the historical course of the development of higher education in Austria's art universities.
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Overground Resistance: free_space for students In collaboration with the artist and curator Oliver Ressler, Magdalena Hofer, a student at the University Mozarteum Salzburg, has developed an exhibition design for "Overground Resistance" at frei_raum Q21 in Vienna's MuseumsQuartier that opens up spaces.
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Ars Docendi recognition award for cross-university seminar concept Award for the cooperation project of the Mozarteum University and the University of Vechta
Awards & Successes -
Menner You know who nobody wants to work with right now? With white old men. We've stepped out of comfort zones, questioned images of masculinity and dissected vulnerabilities, owned wide leather chairs, discussed talk shows, speech share, mansplaining, manspreading and clichés in them. And ... how do white old men actually smell? A collage-like scenic work about the attempt at a dialogue - Master's project from the Applied Theatre degree course.
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17.9.2021Measure for MeasureDrama production