Illustration einer Trompete


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  • Zwischen(t)räume I I Marlene König I Hannah Lechner I Eva Lechner I Mira Ruhmannseder I Anna Hilzensauer | © Doris Wild

    Zwischen(t)räume is a project by students and teachers of the study program 'Design: Technology.Textile' of the Mozarteum University, residents of the Strubergassensiedlung and the residents' service Lehen & Taxham.

    Student project
  • 1.7.2019

    The Knowledge Transfer Centre West has set itself the goal of sustainably intensifying and professionalising knowledge transfer through joint actions and measures, tapping into exploitation potential, deepening and broadening cooperation with the economy but also with society as a whole, pursuing transdisciplinary and innovative approaches and using possible synergies to achieve these goals. The Kommunikations.Hub draws on the results of the first call for proposals "Awareness and Accompanying Measures" of the first funding period of the STC. In addition to already established measures within the terms "networking", "knowledge and technology transfer", especially the work package "innovation space" offers new projects. The further training offers - "Transfer Hubs" - designed in cooperation with the WTZ Ost offer spaces of opportunity in the thematic fields of "Post-Grad Life" and "Innovation Matters".

    Research project
  • Projekt GTT - Farbwelten

    Colours take on a variety of functions in our everyday lives. The perception of the world, nature, things and all artefacts "in colour" seems self-evident to us. Colours are systematised, catalogued and traded as material means.

    Student project