Chancellor's Office

The highest governing bodies of the Mozarteum University Salzburg are the University Council, the Rectorate, the Rector and the Senate. The Rectorate is composed as follows: Rector, Vice-Rector for Teaching, Vice-Rector for Arts, Vice-Rector for Resources. The tasks and distribution of the Rectorate's agendas are set out in the Universities Act and the Rectorate's rules of procedure.

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Hannfried Lucke | © Nikolaj Lund
Hannfried Lucke

Vice Rector for Art / Univ.-Prof. for Organ / Artistic Director International Summer Academy & International Mozart Competition

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Representatives of the Rectorate
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Maximilian Bauer

Senior Lecturer for clarinet / Representative for the cooperation with Land Tirol - Landeskonservatorium Innsbruck

Lecturer at Tyrolean State Conservatory
Martin Losert | © Elsa Okazaki
Martin Losert

Univ.-Prof. of Instrumental & Vocal Pedagogy / Coordinator of the Cooperation with the Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium GmbH

Department Head
Curriculum Committee
Elisabeth Schmirl | © Elsa Okazaki
Elisabeth Schmirl

Univ.-Prof. for Graphic Arts & Painting / Visual Education / Representative for the study of Art and Craft Education in Innsbruck

Deputy Department Head
Andreas Weber

A.o. Univ. Prof. for Piano / Representative for encouraging talented students

Head of Institute
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