© Irina Gavrich

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Paul Feigelfeld


Professor of Digitality and Cultural Mediation (Media Studies) / Representative for Good Scientific PracticeInstitute for Open ArtsData-Arts-Forum
Paul Feigelfeld is a cultural and media scientist. After studying cultural studies and computer science in Berlin, he held various positions at the Centre for Digital Cultures Lüneburg, the Art University and the University of Basel, the Strelka Institute Moscow, the University of Applied Arts and the University of Vienna. In 2021-2024, he held the professorship for Knowledge Cultures in the Digital Age at the Institute for Design Research at HBK Braunschweig and is a visiting professor at the Chair of Media Theories at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

His work explores transcultural approaches to media and knowledge history, critical perspectives on technologies and their interfaces with art and design. He advises and works for art institutions such as the HKW Berlin, Vitra Design Museum and the MAK Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, where he was guest curator of the Vienna Biennale 2019 with ‘Uncanny Values. Artificial Intelligence & You’.