Illustration einer Trompete


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  • 1.1.2014
    European Network of Visual Literacy 

    ENViL is creating the prototype of a "Common European Framework of Reference on Visual Literacy" (CEFR_VL). This reference framework describes competences that European citizens must have in the field of visual arts and applied arts (architecture and design) as well as in everyday visual culture if they are to participate in culture and society as responsible citizens.

    Research project
  • Titelblatt des Librettos Extemporanea Theatri [...] | © UB Salzburg Rara 3988 I

    The libretti of cantatas, oratorios and operas in Salzburg's archives and libraries were listed.

    Research project
  • 1.10.2013
    Instrument collections in Salzburg and Innsbruck 

    Artistic-scientific exchange in research and teaching between the two important instrument collections of the Salzburg Museum and the Ferdinandeum Innsbruck with the students and teachers of the MOZ, the PLUS and the PMU. Instruments of national importance are refurbished by specialists / restorers and reconstructed on the basis of CTs from the Division of Neoradiology (PMU). Students are encouraged to undertake university research. Establishment of a concert series using original instruments in the museums.

    Research project
  • 1.10.2013
    Workshop Academy for New Music 

    Within the Mozarteum, the Werkstatt-Akademie addresses students of composition, conducting and interpretation (instrument, voice). Through intensive cooperation with the Austrian Ensemble for New Music (oenm), competences and experiences are brought into the teaching which are not (yet) available in this concentration at the Mozarteum. We expect a strengthening of competences in the field of New Music for the composers, conductors and interpreters studying at the Mozarteum.

    Research project
  • Petersfrauen | © Bibliothek der Erzabtei St. Peter
    Salzburg Music Sources before 1600: Manuscripts & Prints (2013) 

    In the present data collection, manuscripts and prints with music were recorded that were produced in or for Salzburg in older times. Salzburg" is understood to mean the medieval archdiocese of Salzburg, which extended over the present-day province of Salzburg including the Bavarian Rupertiwinkel and also included parts of Carinthia, Styria and Lower Austria. Included are the proper bishoprics of Chiemsee, Gurk, Seckau and Lavant. Independent institutions, such as the monastery of St. Lambrecht, have not been included in the survey, since they went their own liturgical ways, nor has the monastery of Mattsee, which belonged to the diocese of Passau from 907. On the other hand, the music sources of the Benedictine monastery of Michaelbeuern were included, which, despite its ecclesiastical independence, was liturgically oriented to St. Peter and maintained close exchange with Salzburg. The abundance of material - information on about 270 sources was collected - was first divided into music manuscripts, music prints, and music theoretical representations according to the type of source, and then recorded in a chronological order according to centuries. Work contractors: Veronika Obermeier and Karina Zybina. Project management: Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl.

    Research project
  • Illustration eines Auges
    Individual ↔ Collectivum 

    Students of the 7A class of the BORG-Nonntal will create a music-theatrical performance of the improvisational-experimental score Individuum↔Collectivum (1979) by the composer Vinko Globokar. How can experimental-improvisational artistic interactions be described as aesthetic and social phenomena? Which methods prove to be particularly suitable for this purpose and what conclusions can be drawn in order to specifically promote aesthetic competences in music lessons?

    Research project
  • Scherenschnitt

    In a first phase of work, 47 short profiles of a selection of personalities from Salzburg's music history of the 20th and 21st centuries were compiled within the framework of three work contracts. In each case, the curriculum vitae, achievements, awards/prizes, a bibliography, and a concise photo documentation are included. Work contractors: Julia Hinterberger (2012), Sarah Haslinger (2013, 2014). Project management: Thomas Hochradner.

    Research project
  • Palais Mollard | © Österreichische Nationalbibliothek/Pichler

    A work contract was used to record the holdings (especially sheet music) of Salzburg's music history in the archives of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, the manuscript and music collection of the Vienna Library, and the collection of manuscripts and old prints of the Austrian National Library, which cannot be searched online until further notice. Work contractor: Alison Dunlop.

    Research project
  • Johann Michael Sattler, Ansicht der Dreifaltigkeitsgasse [Kosmorama] 1827/28 | © Salzburg Museum

    With the aim of comprehensively documenting the history of the house at Mirabellplatz 1, surveys were conducted of the relevant archival records in the Provincial and City Archives of Salzburg, the Archives of the Archdiocese of Salzburg, and the Archives of the University Mozarteum. In addition to an overview of the holdings relevant to the history of the house, important passages of text were excerpted from the records, and a documentation of the available photographs was prepared. Work contractor: Roger Michael Allmannsberger. Project management: Thomas Hochradner.

    Research project
  • 1.1.2011
    Processing of the scientific and musical estate of Bernhard Paumgartner (2011/12) 

    Im Zuge der Aufarbeitung konnte die über 20.000 Briefe umfassende Korrespondenz erfasst werden. Ferner wurden alle vorhandenen Autographen des Komponisten sowie seine gesamte wissenschaftliche Bibliothek katalogisiert. Darüber hinaus wurden Aufbauarbeiten an einer digitalen Mediendatenbank zur Salzburger Musik gestartet. Im Zuge dieser Arbeiten konnte die systematische Digitalisierung aller relevanten Bestände des Tonbandarchivs vollendet werden. Die aktuellen Aufgaben zielen einerseits auf den physischen Erhalt der Jahrzehnte alten Bestände ab und andererseits auf die Aufarbeitung von rund 40 Regalmetern an bislang nur grob indizierten diversen Restbeständen, die vorrangig Arbeitsmaterial Paumgartners, aber auch vereinzelt Briefe, Kompositionen, Autographe, Notendrucke, Tonträger und Bücher enthalten. Ferner soll der Aufbau der digitalen Mediendatenbank fortgesetzt werden. Werkvertragsnehmerinnen: Anja Arend und Sonja Majkowsky. Projektleitung: Dominik Šedivý.