Ulli Gollesch - visual artist & art educator

Alumnae & Alumni Stories
Ulli Gollesch | © Privat

"A collection of experiences and adventures"

— Ulli Gollesch: visual artist & art educator, Austria

How did you experience the Corona period as an artist?

Artistically, not much has changed for me. I am in an intensive preparation phase for a solo exhibition that is planned for the fall. I feel the same as always, because the fact that I retreat to work is nothing new. Neither are the issues that come up because of the crisis. For example, I have often dealt with isolation in my art. Maybe because I am a melancholic person. So pure loneliness has not yet overtaken me, but neither has overcreativity. I work always and everywhere - even in public spaces or in my small print workshop. Mostly a bit unstructured and yes, I would say I don't feel the crisis at all from that point of view. Of course, my exhibitions could be canceled in September, but then the world won't collapse for me either. I am also an art teacher and therefore not so dependent. In homeschooling (visual education), great discussions arose with my students about contemporary art, about the understanding of art and the interpretation of works of art. A project with artists from the Forum Stadtpark could also be implemented online, including an online exhibition. From a pedagogical point of view, homeschooling was already a burden. I have a certain demand as an art teacher, the personal contact in the school was very missing and the compensation in nature or in the studio became all the more important for me. My own gallery, the "Kunst off-space Narrenkastl" continues as normal. It is a shop window and the concept is based on the fact that people can look at the art as they pass by or sit down for a moment around the clock. So that's not a problem, the distance can be maintained optimally, and I don't hold any vernissages. In addition, I am engaged in a meeting zone in my home community Frohnleiten. Since Easter, there are 2 advertising columns on which passers-by can leave artwork, news, sundries - this will be a temporary story until the end of May. The action is well received, a special Grätzel has emerged - a neighborhood creativity - and I hope that the project will continue to develop. Planned are game meetings from the end of June with table tennis or other joint actions.

When and where will you show your work? Will there be a vernissage and an artist talk?

From September 12 to October 24, 2020, I will be showing my work at the Galerie Marenzi in Leibnitz with the exhibition "Geschichten aus der Schublade" (Stories from the Drawer). The opening will take place on September 11 at 7 pm. With mask and spacing rules of course. The gallery has about 150 square meters, so it will not be too crowded. The exhibition opening will make Heidrun Primas (Forum Stadtpark). Text about the exhibition: "Doesn't everyone have that drawer full of old things from the past, a small fantastic archive of memories and quotes that can't simply be cleared out without diving into it and intensively connecting even the smallest or most bizarre object with images of thoughts?" A conglomerate of stories - an accumulation full of inspirati¬ons, found or explored, captured moments. Remnants brought to light again - an archaeology of one's own biography - staged and reflected.

What is the importance of interacting with the audience for you?

I am a passionate networker and love to interact with people. Here and there stories are also inspirations for me - I am a collector. Everyone carries stories, memories or experiences around with them - isn't it the most beautiful thing to reflect or philosophize about them together?

Is there anything else you would like to share with us from an artist's point of view?

I think it is important to always believe in yourself and your own projects and to stand behind them. To create is something so meaningful - to have an expression and turn it into something. Art and culture is an important essence of life.


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