Illustration einer Trompete


Department / Institute
Show 502 of 502 news
  • Menner | © Mayrhofer / Hofer / Nowak

    You know who nobody wants to work with right now? With white old men. We've stepped out of comfort zones, questioned images of masculinity and dissected vulnerabilities, owned wide leather chairs, discussed talk shows, speech share, mansplaining, manspreading and clichés in them. And ... how do white old men actually smell? A collage-like scenic work about the attempt at a dialogue - Master's project from the Applied Theatre degree course.

    Student project
  • Schauspiel - Regie: Maß für Maß | © Jannik Görger

    Drama production
  • Sirens of Babylon | © Miriam Palma
    Sirens of Babylon 

    A woman and her istrument share their performative expolrations ans examine the possibilities of lament. What can they archieve, given that every sound refracts the sctructural suffering of an inhuman border regime? Do we find something like hope ans even resistance in musical action?

    Student project
  • Sperrig | © Magdalena Hofer

    "SPERRIG" revolves around questions of isolation in prisons, accessibility to the justice system, alternative forms of justice delivery and the rapprochement of victims and perpetrators of violence.

    Student project
  • Chorkonzert | © Sam Beklik

    On 25 and 26 June 2021, the SZENE Salzburg will be the setting for one of the most popular choral works of the 20th century: Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana".

  • Mehrere junge Menschen auf einer Böschung, lauschen rohrförmigen Installationen
    When all ears could hear 

    The students of the master's program Applied Theater at the Thomas Bernhard Institute, together with Ulrike Hatzer and Trace Müller, deal with Salzburg's "shadow stories" and with the forced labor camp in Maxglan/Leopoldskroner Moos in a participatory documentary theater project. Whether, when and why are painful pasts and shadow stories remembered?

    Student project