Awards of the Research Competition Mozarteum 2023
And the winner is... The university's internal Research Competition Mozarteum (RCM) took place for the 5th time in 2023 and has established itself as a fixed part of the university's annual schedule. On December 6, the best submissions were honored at the Award Ceremony with the involvement of the international RCM jury.
Picture f.l.t.r.: Maria Herz, Elisabeth Wieland, Andreas Bernhofer, Barbara Pölzleithner, Katharina Anzengruber, Michael Worton (Jury), Dame Janet Ritterman (Jury), Bettina Egger, Eugen Banauch, Rektorin Elisabeth Gutjahr
This year's Research Competition Mozarteum Awards for particularly successful scientific/artistic research proposals go to:
- Prize: Bettina Egger (IE Wissenschaft & Kunst) for her project "Graphic Spaces of eco-memory" in which she combines theoretical and practical research approaches to graphic novels and comics in an innovative way that goes beyond conventional research methods.
- Prize: Andreas Bernhofer and his team for their proposal "Bridging the Music Map - connecting places of youth and school music", which aims to open up music lessons to contemporary musical practices in youth culture using contemporary pedagogical practices.
- Prize: Nina Maria Perauer (music education student, Innsbruck), whose project empirically examines the competence-oriented curricula for music lessons.
A novelty of this year's RCM was that the applications - which had already been submitted before the summer - could be sharpened and revised in an internal university quality circle with advice and feedback from a "critical friend". Many of these critical friends were present at the award ceremony; a strong sign that research is increasingly perceived as a collaborative and unifying element.
We warmly congratulate the award winners and everyone who took part in RCM 2023!