Illustration einer Trompete


Department / Institute
Show 22 of 591 news
  • © Elsa Okazaki
    We warmly welcome! 

    On October 1, six new university professors, mezzo-soprano Zoryana Kushpler, pianist Ya-Fei Chuang, guitarist Andrea De Vitis, innovation researcher and computer scientist Christopher Lindinger, violist Muriel Razavi and violist Sào Soulez Larivière, began their work at the Mozarteum University. We warmly welcome them!

  • 21.8.2023
    International Summer Academy selects 12 award winners 

    After four intensive weeks with 520 participants from 51 nations, 51 master classes and 16 additional courses with a focus on musicians' health as well as around 60 public events, the International Summer Academy 2023 came to an end last week with much positive feedback. Twelve young artists were also awarded prizes of 1,000 euros each, sponsored by the Cultural Fund of the City of Salzburg.

  • Karneval der Tiere - Marionettentheater | © Bernhard Müller

    The production of an "animal trilogy" including Camille Saint-Saëns' "Carnival of the Animals" is already the second major cooperation between the Mozarteum University and the Marionette Theatre. On the violin: Benjamin Schmid.
