Prize of the Ruhr Piano Festival 2022 for Yaara Tal & Andreas Groethuysen
Awards & Successes

© Gustav Eckart
On July 8, the duo played what is already their 17th concert at the Ruhr Piano Festival since their debut in 1997. They say that the "pleasure of sounding together" characterizes each of their performances, for which they often put together special programs for the Piano Festival. The prize is linked to a scholarship, which the prize winners can award to a*n up-and-coming pianist. Previous prize winners include Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Alfred Brendel, Martha Argerich and Hélène Grimaud. Congratulations!
Der Preis ist mit einem Stipendium verknüpft, das der*die Preisträger*in an eine*n Nachwuchspianist*in vergeben kann. Bisherige Preisträger*innen waren u.a. Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Alfred Brendel, Martha Argerich und Hélène Grimaud.