On the future of Music Education

Press release
© Michael Klimt

On April 4 and 5, 2024, the 24th "Music Didactics Austria" conference took place at Frohnburg Castle of the Mozarteum University in cooperation with the Salzburg Education Directorate and the Salzburg University of Teacher Education. After an opening by Vice-Rector Mario Kostal and Daniela Gutschi, State Councillor for Education, a video message from Vice-Rector Matteo Carmignola of the Salzburg University of Teacher Education and a keynote speech by Martina Müller (BMBWF), the conference focused on the future of music education.



Pic f.l.: Andreas Bernhofer, Katharina Anzengruber, Daniela Gutschi, Fritz Höfer, Elisabeth Wieland und Christoph Matl

Subject didacticians, professors of music education from all three Austrian universities of the arts and almost all Austrian teacher training colleges as well as representatives from several education directorates discussed topics ranging from student acquisition to curriculum shortening and new curricula: "Highly exciting topics that are dealt with by Austria's concentrated expertise over two days. I am particularly pleased that the conference can take place at the Mozarteum University," said Vice-Rector Mario Kostal in his welcoming address.

In addition to various technical discussions, the Austrian specialist community agreed that, despite cuts in teacher training programmes, a sound artistic and music education education must be maintained in order to provide future teachers with the foundations for artistic and educational work with children and young people. Another key topic at the conference was the new primary and secondary school curricula. There is a consensus here that sustainable cooperation between the Ministry of Education, schools and training institutions with universities and teacher training colleges is necessary for implementation.

"Salzburg favours creative learning. Unlike in neighbouring states such as Bavaria, where artistic subjects are being pushed back, in Salzburg we are not only making a clear commitment to creative teaching, but have also appointed a dedicated state coordinator in the education directorate to bundle the numerous activities," says state councillor Daniela Gutschi, confirming Salzburg's approach.

"The importance of music and music didactics cannot be overestimated. For the education system, but also socially. In these times, I have to think in particular of the numerous peace initiatives with and through music. First and foremost the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra under the direction of Daniel Barenboim. An orchestra with musicians of Palestinian, Arab and Jewish-Israeli origin, which loudly appeals for peace in the Middle East through music," recalled Vice-Rector of the PH Salzburg Matteo Carmignola in his video message.

In addition to a comprehensive conference programme, the supporting programme was not neglected either: the two conference days were opened with music by the youth choir of the BORG Nonntal "Susi's Delight" (conductor: Susanne Rindberger) and the children's choir of the Franziskanerinnen primary school (conductor Christoph Sebald). In the evening, the youth choir (conducted by Gerrit Stadlbauer) gave a moving concert in Salzburg Cathedral.

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