Institute for Equality & Gender Studies

Details: Holzmarionette an Fäden | © Christian Schneider

The Institute for Equality and Gender Studies is dedicated to imparting academically sound knowledge on gender-queer-feminist topics and on topics relating to diversity within the arts. It aims to reach university members in the areas of research, teaching, and the advancement and appreciation of the arts, and provides its professional expertise in advising all management and organisational units, committees and individuals at the university.

The institute's tasks include planning, coordinating and implementing various measures relating to equality, the advancement of women, gender mainstreaming and diversity management. By working together with various departments, divisions and task forces, it is able to exert a lasting influence on the organisational culture of the university and contributes to the fulfilment of the Austrian government's "Third Mission" and the social dimension of university responsibility.

This is realised through the creation and implementation of guidelines and steering instruments (Strategy for the Advancement of Women, Equality Plan, Diversity Profile, Code of Conduct, etc.), through the conception of topic-specific artistic and academic events as well as a schedule of events for further education and awareness raising (cf. Social Justice series). Advancement and appreciation of the arts, research and teaching in the fields of Gender & Queer Studies and Advanced Feminism are shaped by approaches that question the status quo and as well as approaches situated at the intersection between art and academia. In addition, the members of the institute assume responsibility in inter-university collaborations to advance discourses in the gender-queer-feminist and diversity fields.

The Institute's diverse range of tasks with in the Mozarteum is complemented by its participation in topic-relevant monitoring of the Austrian Conference of Higher Education Institutions and the BMBWF (Ministry of Education, Science and Research) as well as national and European initiatives dedicated to issues of social responsibility, gender equality and gender research.

Gender & Queer Studies, Advanced Feminism, and Diversity Studies are inter- and transdisciplinary fields that focus on a critical reflection of power processes in society, art, and science that produce inequalities.

In the sense of a critical art practice, it is not only necessary to question and challenge (traditional) norms (e.g. in the respective canon of disciplines or repertoire), but also to critically counteract/transform/overcome/confront in particular the forms of practice of musicians, actors, directors and artists with regard to power and domination relations, (traditionally handed down) role assignments or gender-semanticized attributions and expectations in a historically researching and artistically active way.

In this regard, Gender & Queer Studies, Advanced Feminism as well as Diversity Studies as an interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary cross-sectional perspective in each discipline offer diverse, local as well as global, critical access/connection points that are of fundamental importance for the understanding of science, art and visual, auditory and also media cultures as well as for their practice/execution/design.

The methods and content of these disciplines should become integrated components of research and teaching, development and access to the arts, and the Third Mission.

Research understanding

Scientific as well as artistic research in the field of Gender & Queer and Diversity Sudies and/or Advanced Feminism at the Mozarteum University follow this understanding:

  • One's own artistic and/or scientific practice is understood as research in a defined research context,
  • theoretical concepts and terms are reflected upon against the background of structural and historical change,
  • The research questions addressed are contoured by a critique of normativity and/or recognize intersectional contexts.
  • Reflection of gender-specific power and domination relations, gender roles, forms of desire, etc., and/or
  • Analyzing the construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of aspects of identification (gender, desire, race, class, religion/worldview, age, disability, etc.) in visual, scenic, performative, music-related, and/or pedagogical forms/artistic processes.

Research Grants for Students & Faculty

Completed outstanding student theses and qualification projects that correspond to this understanding can be awarded the GenDivers Prize by the Institute for Equality and Gender Studies. In addition, the Institute for Equality and Gender Studies supports students' project ideas on issues in the fields of Gender & Queer Studies, Advanced Feminism as well as Diversity Studies with a grant for artistic/scientific projects. In order to facilitate the publication of finished manuscripts, articles, etc. on relevant topics, the Institute for Equality and Gender Studies also offers support for printing and publication costs (cf. Current Calls)


In addition to the regular course "Introduction to Gender Studies", teaching focuses on biographical research, taking into account the conditions of socialization from the perspective of gender (role) research. In order to support individual profile building, the IGGS also offers the study supplement GENDER | DIVERSITY | ARTS (see below). Evidence of one's own gender competencies can be considered an important factor in terms of employability.

The integration of questions, scientific/artistic approaches and findings of gender-queer-feminist and/or diversity-sensitive research into university teaching can/should be done by all teachers themselves, but is gladly supported by the Institute for Equality and Gender Studies through the following offers, among others:

  • The members of the IGGS are always available for consultation regarding possible contents as well as their conceptual implementation in courses and can also be invited as speakers.
  • The IGGS offers the possibility to invite external scientists, artists or experts working in the field for guest lectures/workshops/presentations for the thematic expansion of own courses. For this purpose, the usual costs for fees, travel and accommodation - according to the regulations applicable at the Mozarteum University - can be covered or partially financed (cf. Current Calls)

Study supplement: Arts | Genders | Research
(Basic module 12 ECTS + advanced module 12 ECTS)

The Institute for Equality and Gender Studies supervises the supplementary arts program Genders | Research whose aim is to acquire sound theoretical and methodological knowledge of Gender & Queer Studies, Diversity Studies and Advanced Feminism from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective with particular attention to the arts.

The focus is on knowledge about social and socio-political phenomena in the tension between art production, reception and mediation, taking into account identity aspects such as gender, sexual orientation, race, class, etc., as well as the promotion of skills for critical analysis, writing or artistic presentation of thematically relevant basic and application-related questions. In addition, students' ability to act and their repertoire of alternative courses of action should be increased by providing educational opportunities in the areas of anti-discrimination and (organizational) gender and diversity competence or gender equality management. University study supplements enable individual profile development during the course of your studies. In the labor market, evidence of gender and diversity skills are in demand as skills that can increase employability.

PLEASE NOTE: All study supplements - including this one - are currently being revised.

Social Justice

Under this title, the Institute for Equality and Gender Studies bundles its events, which essentially take into account three different missions of an art university:

  • development and shooting of the arts (concerts, performances, etc.)
  • scientific-artistic research (lectures, symposia, screenings, etc.)
  • educational and awareness programs (seminars and workshops)

In terms of content, these different formats are united/connected by the basis on the principles of (radical) intersectionality as well as the effort to take up debates on current feminist movements, while at the same time using the historical legacy of Advanced Feminism, Gender Studies and Queer Theory to address sexuality and gender relations again, from an ethical perspective. With a critical stance toward all relations of production, the events aim to contribute to the dismantling of discrimination within the university and beyond, promoting social justice through access to democratic participation and the equal distribution of wealth and privilege for all.

Social Justice offers suggestions on how gender/queer studies can be expanded specifically in the arts. At the center of aesthetic reflection, the events focus on emancipatory changes in form that are constitutive of all social processes based on equality. They aim to raise awareness of processes of listening, performing and narrating as well as of analyzing, researching and differentiating. In addition to people from the University Mozarteum Salzburg, transnational experts* are invited to enrich the discourse location Salzburg with new perspectives and critical positions and to deal with ideological hierarchies, elitism and social exclusion.


  • 3.4.2025
    06:00 pm
    In 9 units, the online lecture series is dedicated to various aspects of Gender & Queer Studies, Diversity Studies and Advanced Feminism, with particular attention to the arts.
    Lecture series
    · Free
  • 10.4.2025
    06:00 pm
    In 9 units, the online lecture series is dedicated to various aspects of Gender & Queer Studies, Diversity Studies and Advanced Feminism, with particular attention to the arts.
    Lecture series
    · Free
  • 4.5.2025
    07:00 pm
    Women's Voices
    Zum dritten Mal widmet sich die neue Konzertreihe Women's Voices Solo- und Kammermusik für klassische Gitarre von herausragenden zeitgenössischen und historischen Komponistinnen.
  • 8.5.2025
    06:00 pm
    In 9 units, the online lecture series is dedicated to various aspects of Gender & Queer Studies, Diversity Studies and Advanced Feminism, with particular attention to the arts.
    Lecture series
    · Free
  • 15.5.2025
    06:00 pm
    In 9 units, the online lecture series is dedicated to various aspects of Gender & Queer Studies, Diversity Studies and Advanced Feminism, with particular attention to the arts.
    Lecture series
    · Free

News & Reviews

  • 25.11.2024

    Violence against women (and minorities) is omnipresent, firmly anchored in our patriarchal structures and is one of the most widespread human rights violations. In order to increase the visibility of the numerous initiatives of the United Nations and other organisations in relation to this topic, the UN campaign ‘Orange the World’ (OTW) introduced a uniform, strong subject colour. In keeping with its mission as an educational institution with social responsibility, the Mozarteum University is also taking part in ‘Orange the World’ during the ‘16 days against gender-based violence’ (25 November - 10 December).

  • © Annemone Taake
    FAiR - the name says it all 

    FAiR stands for Female Artist in Residence and is a funding programme for young female artists on their way to becoming university professors. It was recently launched at the Mozarteum University and is committed to greater fairness and equal opportunities in the professional lives of women at music and art universities.

  • Illustration einer Trompete

    The Institute for Equality & Gender Studies honours outstanding student theses and qualification projects that correspond to the understanding of a scientific/artistic examination in the fields of Gender & Queer Studies, Advanced Feminism and/or Diversity Studies with the GenDivers prizes. On 8 May 2024, the GenDivers Awards 2023 were presented as part of the exhibition opening "(UN)GESEHEN: des Blicks Verlernen" - the winners are Cat Jugravu, Johanna Mayerhofer and Dustin Waskow. Congratulations to them!

    Awards & Successes
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Sarah Haslinger | © Elsa Okazaki
Sarah Haslinger

Senior Scientist for Salzburg Music History / Employee in the Department for Quality Management & Development Planning

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A Chance to Provide SafeR Spaces
A Chance to Provide SafeR Spaces
What can art do against gender-based violence?