After Crisis

Do. 4.7.2024—Fr. 5.7.2024
Applied Theatre
After Crisis
Do. 4.7.2024 — Fr. 5.7.2024

Masterprojekt von Abel Kotorman. Gemeinsam mit Co-Researchern setzt sich Abel Kotorman mit Fragen von Ästhetiken soziopolitischer und persönlicher Krisen auseinander. Interaktive, szenische Archivarbeit bietet hier Einblicke und die Möglichkeit des Fragenstellens.

AFTER CRISIS is the apocalypse of a Master Project of Applied Theatre - artistic theatre practice and society MA, Mozarteum University.

"So strong is the belief in life, in what is most fragile in life – real life, I mean – that in the end this belief is lost. Man, that inveterate dreamer, daily more discontent with his destiny, has trouble assessing the objects he has been led to use, objects that his nonchalance has brought his way, or that he has earned through his own efforts, almost always through his own efforts, for he has agreed to work, at least he has not refused to try his luck (or what he calls his luck!)." 
André Breton - Surrealist manifesto

Can you see me? Can you let me in? My story? 
Putting these parts together, can you imagine the way the pain took through me?

What you see are traces of the past. The tears dried. The wounds healed. What seems to be over, is still part of my way of moving, my way of looking at others, at myself. There were people who supported me - can you imagine how? 
This past is my present and it affects my future day by day. The way I look at you. Letting it go. But where to?
I am the shelter for my own harmed parts - some are overgiven to others, some found there peace in images, words and sounds. Breath in and out.

Disappearing. I put my love and effort, it all of a sudden it was gone. How painful it is to let go. Someone. A belief. Trust.