Institute for the History of Musical Reception & Interpretation

The Institute for the History of Musical Reception and Interpretation (IMRI) was founded in May 2006. Its aim is to combine relevant research activities in the field of the history of reception and interpretation with tasks in the field of teaching at art universities. The institute's projects are based around fundamental questions and case studies, with lectures, symposia and studies on the multifaceted examination of W.A. Mozart's musical oeuvre forming a focal point of the institute's work.

Institute for the History of Musical Reception & Interpretation
+ 43 676 88122 617

Mirabellplatz 1
5020 Salzburg


The institute, founded in June 2006 by Joachim Brügge, Wolfgang Gratzer and Thomas Hochradner, is dedicated to the reception and interpretation of music of various genres. The work of the institute, which is based on music-historical, interdisciplinary methodological concepts, can be divided into four areas:

  • teaching of courses required by the various degree curricula
  • supervision (by members of the institute) of academic theses (BA, MA, PhD)
  • research projects 
  • lectures, symposia and publications

The Institute's publications appear in the series "klang-reden" (2008-) published by Rombach Verlag, as well as in individual essays and book projects by staff members. One focus of the institute's work is the examination of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's musical oeuvre. This is documented, among other things, in

  • publications that include articles on the history of reception in the "Mozart-Lexikon" (2005), the two handbooks on Mozart's "Kirchenmusik - Lieder - Chormusik" (2006) and "Orchesterwerke und Konzerten Mozarts" (2007) as well as Joachim Brügge's study "Intertextualität und Rezeptionsgeschichte. W.A. Mozart, Divertimento in E-flat Major KV 563" (2014).
  • three PostDoc projects on the history of interpretation of Mozart's works (Bernadetta Czapraga / Alexander Drcar / Rainer Schwob, 2014-2017),
  • work on a handbook of musical interpretation research (Bernadetta Czapraga / Alexander Drčar / Rainer Schwob, scheduled for publication in 2023).




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