The Mozarteum: History and Development of a Cultural Institution
History and development of a cultural institution
University Documentation Mozarteum Salzburg
Edited by
Karl Wagner
Edition Helbling, Innsbruck
ISBN 3-900590-27-3

Based on comprehensive source material, the author attempts to trace the tension between local frugality and utopian visions of the future, which proved to be a central driving force in the development of the Mozarteum. Alongside this is a description of everyday life at the school. He pays special attention to the fault lines that appeared when the school was transferred from one sponsorship to the next. Side glances are directed at the musical environment up to trivial music and the biographies of all employed teachers up to 1938, which are included in the appendix, show their origin, education and socail status. An index of persons and a list of sources complete the publication, which, with all the necessary local references, should appeal to anyone interested in the development of institutionalized music education in Central Europe. (From the blurb)