Almanac of the Mozarteum University - Academic Year 2015/16
Publications on the History of the Mozarteum University
Volume 8
Hollitzer Vienna, 2017
ISSN 26-17 2550
ISBN 978-3-99012-410-9
175 years ago, in 1841, the Salzburg Cathedral Music Society founded "for the preservation of music an institution under the short name of 'Mozarteum' […], in which pupils of the male sex are to be trained in singing, declamation, on instruments, in practical general bass, and in musical composition." In the meantime, the small ambitious music school has developed into an international art university with the best reputation. In order to educate students to become mature artistic personalities the range of studies at the Mozarteum University is constantly renewed and supplemented.
The Mozarteum University is extensively networked and works out joint projects with other Austrian and international educational institutions the foundations for forward-looking studies in all areas of the arts as well as related science and research. Every year, faculty and students present their skills in over 600 concerts, opera evenings, theater performances, vernissages / exhibitions, symposia, workshops, guest courses, lectures and other events, thus enriching the cultural life of the Mozart city Salzburg. We are pleased to visually summarize and document all these activities in this almanac published by the Kunst-ARCHIV-Raum . Here we also report on the organizational structure of our university and on the people who work here and enable us to educate and prepare our students for successful Educate and prepare them for successful careers. As we look back into the past on the occasion of our anniversary, the fortunes of the Mozarteum reveal themselves to us through the previous annual reports that have been available since the school was founded. We hope that future generations who hold this booklet in their hands will read with pride the number of rich activities and events "of our" Mozarteum University.
- Brigitte Hütter, Vice Rector for Resources & Interim Rector
Almanac 2015/16 (PDF)
As a continuation of the annual reports published since 1881, the Almanac has been published by Hollitzer Verlag since the 2010/11 academic year on the initiative of the then Vice-Rector Wolfgang Gratzer. Since 2014/15, the director of the Art ARCHIVE Room, Susanne Prucher, has acted as editori. Between 2000 and 2010, no annual reports were published, as the Mozarteum University reported directly to the Ministry during this period.